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Welcome to the Gothic Romance Web Ring page. This ring is for sites with romantic, love themed, dark virtue, poetic, dark apreciation and Victorian/Midevil pages. This is a new web ring and there are not many pages yet, so tell others whom you think would be interested and make our ring grow strong.

There are RP character pages on this web ring aswell. They are of gothic, vampiric, or midevil content and are dedicated to something these people love very much. So please to do not e-mail me complaining about them.

Venus October (Ring Master)

PLEASE DO NOT SUBMIT YOUR SITE UNTIL IT IS FINISHED!!!We have been getting way too many 404 sites latley. Venus 02/04/00

Please feel free to submit (true)love stories to Thou Art Sick.

Join the Gothic Romance Web Ring
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Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.

Download either picture and replace the address with the one you choose.
Go HERE for the HTML Fragment to post on your page.

This Gothic Romance Web Ring site is owned by
Venus (Ring Master).

Want to join the Gothic Romance Web Ring ?

If your page pertains to gothic romance, dark virtue, Victorianism, Midevilism, love of dark things, apreciation, vampirism, or anything similar join this ring!
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This Gothic Romance Web Ring site is owned by
Venus (Ring Master).

Want to join the Gothic Romance Web Ring ?

If your page pertains to gothic romance, dark virtue, Victorianism, Midevilism, love of dark things, apreciation, vampirism, or anything similar join this ring!
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