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Dear Danny, Have you ever asked a question that a guest refused to answer? Donna Margaret New Jersey, NY

I'm sorry, but isn't that a little personal?

Danny! What's your most annoying habit? Sheila Ross Houston, TX

I have a habit that actually annoys my friends a lot: I like to stay and read the credits at the end of a movie, or watch the ending from the top of the theatre, then bolt to avoid crowds.

Hey Dan, Are you single, and if so, what kind of women do you like? Jessica Freedman Missisuaga, ONT

Yes, I'm single. Generally I tend not to date women in show business because I'm absorbed in it five days a week, and had a bad experience with a magician named The Amazing Wanda. I took her out to dinner, then when the check came, she dissappeared. To be honest, like any other guy, I tend to be interested in women that are different. I'm so totally bored with show business parties, and am drawn to women that have 9-5 lifestyles, because they seem more down to earth to me, and we can offer each other something. I hope nobody thinks this answer is longer than the others...

ATTENTION: DANNY GAYLE This is the 8th letter I've sent! Did you read the last seven Am I ever going to get a reply?!!!

Pat Chen San Diego, CA

Dear Danny Gayle Show, I'm a juggler that sings, are you guys looking for someone like that for your show?Joey Brickman Montreal, QC

As a matter of fact, I love jugglers that sing! Unfortunately, due to strict new federal communication laws, the following will not be allowed to perform on national television:

  • Ventriloquists
  • Comedians with acoustic guitars
  • Magicians with rings, hankerchiefs, birds, or named Wanda
  • People that can make truck sounds with their mouth
  • Gary Clark
  • Impersonators that specialize in mall shows
  • Karaoke singers
  • Jugglers that sing

Dear Danny, I have no experience, and no training, and would like to know if I can host the show one night Douglas Jackson Boston, MA

I have to admit, I'm a bit hesitant about giving my show to a totally unknown person. We have standard procedures we use to choose most applicants for the show, but I'd be more than happy to give you one or more of the following positions: head writer, cue card holder, or executive producer. All you have to do is show up tomorrow.

Do U need any help like me 2 work on your show? It's bitchin'! Chris Taren Richmond Hill, ONT

Pleeze see the above letter, and i fergot, were Also lookin' 2 hire some1 to spell chek and correct th' gramma on our web site. P.S., I think you mispelled your name.

Danny How would your close personal friends describe you? Dale Mizhara Brooklyn, NY

They would say I'm a man of few words

Dear Danny, Were you funny in high school? Felicia Timmins Toronto, ONT

As a matter of fact I was funny before high school. In grade five I was so funny that my class had a cover charge and a two drink minimum. Seriously though, when I was in high school I was usually sitting in class, lost in a daydream hosting my own show. Now that I've achieved what I have, I sometimes get lost in a daydream sitting in that class again.

Please send your questions to the attention of Danny Gayle, and he'll do his best to have his secretary answer them all! Just Kidding! Danny sees every E-mail sent to him, except the ones that smell funny. Just direct them to the E-mail address below. Please mention what city and country you're writing from, not because we need that to post them, but it helps the police find the stalkers a bit easier, thanks!