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What's up with that?

Do you ever find yourself in a situation, have witnessed, heard, or experienced something that makes you just say: "What's up with that?" Well that's what this page is all about. Shit that just, well, makes you say that.

Ok, here is such a common situation both sexes experience with relationships and love, so to speak.

Well, isn't it great when you get over someone? Or is it? Well, when you are crying over someone, all you keep saying is how much you want to be over that person.

You think about how much better when you will feel when you don't care about the person anymore...and how much you want them out of your life. But what you don't relize is, when you are over your boyfriend/girlfriend, you start to get all these thoughts about why you even went out with that person. Occasionally the person's name will come up, and you just think, "damn, what the f*ck was I thinking going out with that person?," and just get this discusted, disapionted feeling.The ugly part comes out, and you can finally see all the bad shit that you've gone through. But that is a part of the whole break up recovery, although it sucks, because you feel like a dumb ass for being so blinded to all the bad things about that person.

The great thing about it, even though you feel like a dumb ass for a couple of minutes, you feel like you've come out on top. Like you are the better person who has survived out of the relationship. It's the best feeling to know, well that you don't like that person anymore, and honestly could really care less about them. This has happened to me in all relationships, and its the final ending to everything. You go get all your rebounds, and feel like the shit, cause you got someone after the relationship,...and then you start all over...and the process goes on and on. It's kinda funny, how the ending of a relationship, and the beginning of one, can make you feel like the shit. NOW .... WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?

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