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KoroBrown Software- Choppy the Porkchop 2!!

Choppy the Porkchop 2!! That's right! You heard it! Stop smackin' your self up side the head and have a look! Choppy the Porkchop 2, the sequel to the famous Choppy the Porkchop, is out!

This is not something any one expected. This is a game that Ian had started in 1996, worked on for 2 days, and remained forgotten until 1998!! And now it's available for your downloading pleasure!!

In this unexpected sequel, Choppy the Porkchop is vacationing with his girlfriend Chopina when all of a sudden she is snatched away by the Evil Mop! Well, Choppy doesn't take kindly to this, and decides to get even.

It's up to you to pilot Choppy's plane through the sky, blasting away at various enemies until the final confrontation with the Evil Mop. Then, you must rescue Chopina!

So what are you waiting for?! Download this game!


To pilot Choppy's plane, use the directional keys. Fire beer bottles using the space bar. Collect 4000 points to get to the boss!

To control Choppy, use the directional keys. Jump using the shift key.

Click here to download Choppy the Porkchop 2. (1.34 mb)

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