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Here it is, the links to everything a growing person needs...

If you want to link my page, please use the banner below. Then let me know so I can return the favor.

Rant Related Links:, this is a great site and shares plenty of views in common with the Pit.
Jester Vicar's Black Hole of Human Hatred is the original inspiration for my creating this page. Like Rant City, he hates and rants about a number of thingsextremely well. If you like what you see here, you'll like it there. Note: Jesse hasn't updated in over two years... so now he sucks.
The Hall of Evil Geniuses. Some day I hope to see my name here as well. Go there and try to find my nomination for Luke Skywalker as an evil genius.
The Anti-Smurf Page. Finally, the truth is out. Now if only there were one for Barney...
The Anti-Pschutt Page. Ever feel the desire to nuke a celebrety? Feed Kate Moss? Dress the SPICE Girls? Go for it.
Night of the Living Drunk Subversive or sober? You decide.
Goth Links

Grungy the Vampire Slayer The Screenplay written by me and Lady Jira!
Theda has some very interesting views, and I happen to agree with almost all of them. She also has created some wonderfully subversive art revolving around her perversion of old dolls.
Tenebrous Kate. I really liked this site. Loved the sponsors (the color black and the number 13). I'm pretty sure she's dedicated to outing all of the goth-vamp poser wannabees, and I think she's really great at doing it. She also hosts the niftiest award: The Vampire Hunting Bastard of the Week. Because I don't want to be self-aggrandizing, please visit her, check out her site and nominate me for Vampire Hunting Bastard of the Week. I really think it would be neat to get this award. And I know I deserve it.

The Unofficial Robin Homepage
Quickstart Enterprises the Homepage of Jesse Quick
Power Pack Attack
The Karate Kid Dojo
Solid! The Apparition Homepage
The DC Teens Play by email RPG
Mister Happy's Guide to Comics.
Savage This is Erik Larsen's page for his comic creation the Savage Dragon. It's great, you get lots of spoilers if you're into that, and there's a decent bulletin board/forum. Enjoy.
Horror Related Sites

Grungy the Vampire Slayer The Screenplay written by me and Lady Jira!
Dr. Casey's House of Horror
How To Survive a Horror Movie. Hundreds of tips on the requirements for making it out alive.
The Clive Barker Official Website
Mister Happy's Dark and Scary Place. Devoted to bringing you true to life ghost stories, and scaring the bejeezus out of you.
Wicca Related Links

Lady Jira's Lair. My friend Jira's Narcissistic Wiccan site on the web. Go and tell her hi.
Literature, Literature Reviews, Movie Reviews, etc.

Go here for great poetry, great slam poetry, and if you have the nerve, submit your own.
The Sanctum Sanctorum. No, it's not a page dedicated to Dr. Strange, or belonging to some cheesy, goth-vamp wannabee. It is the home page of performance artist R. Eirik Ott. His writing/performance pieces are the absolute best, and he happens to be an acquaintance of mine, so check out his stuff- I guarantee it will change the whole way you look at things.
Hioni's Heterodox Homepage. She reviews almost everything. Her review of Doom Generation is top notch, check it out.
Amazon.Com, where I shop for all of my books when I feel like forking over cash to big companies for my reading pleasure.
Pretty Places none of these sites are pornographic, sorry if that's what you're expecting. If I find out any have become porno, I'll be dropping them too. :)

Ultimate Navel Adventures Dedicated to helping you folks in Australia/New Zealand find love.
Naked Volleyball The latest, and greatest, extreme sport to hit the beaches
Flash Mountain
The Sherlock Home Page. Ever wonder if those nude pics of Gillian Anderson on the net are really her? These guys uncover the truth...and shatter all of our hopes.

My friend Dan's Page. I don't know where else to put this one. It has movie stuff, comic stuff, happy stuff, etc. Dan's my buddy, and he's smart like me. He's nicer too, if you like that kind of stuff.
Evil Fish need a Jesus, Darwin or Stan fish? Come on in...
Brunching Shuttlecocks
Alanis Morissette Lyric Generator
APB Online. Serial Killers working your city? Come here and find out.
You deserve A Break Today. Learn how to make your own Big Macs!
Gayscape The home for all my gay viewers to go find anything, and everything they're looking for.
Safe Sex Infocenter.
The I Love Dave (Mister Happy) Homepage. and no I didn't create it myself.
Marvin The Martian!!
The Smoking Gun. Conspiracy Theory Types--eat your heart out.
the Surfrider Foundation go here, support them, and save our oceans.
Absolutely the BEST site on the web!

Email: Mister Happy