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    The BIBLE is my ROAD MAP

the bible is my road map

Which guides me night and day;

It keeps me from a wrong turn

when i start to go astray


If directions are confusing

or a caution sign appears

i search the bible scriptures

for the rightful way to steer


it directs me through dry valleys

over bridges high and low

by the fields of fresh

green meadows

towards the plains of

harvest gold


as i reach my destination

i thank the lord above

for my mountaintop

and road map

and his everlasting love


midi: The bible stands


The Bible stands like a rock undaunted
'Mid the raging storms of time;
Its pages burn with the truth eternal,
And they glow with a light sublime.


The Bible stands though the hills may tumble,
It will firmly stand when the earth shall crumble;
I will plant my feet on its firm foundation,
For the Bible stands.

The Bible stands like a mountain towering
Far above the works of men;
Its truth by none ever was refuted,
And destroy it they never can.


The Bible stands and it will forever,
When the world has passed away;
By inspiration it has been given,
All its precepts I will obey.


The Bible stands every test we give it,
For its Author is divine;
By grace alone I expect to live it,
And to prove and make it mine.




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