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  Last updated on 02-01-2007
Remembering Pepsi, the AOL proggie by cpride and dc

Special Thanks To: aeiou, amaf, bacterio (Jay), blud, blulight-g, blump, bose, bw21, cea, cirik, dair, disc, drain, dust, epic, eq, exist, flava, fone, gangii, glue, gruid, gumby, henry, ice, iz (Andy), inxil, iz-smack, junta (Tim), kazzy, kid-sins (Hubert), kione, kn, kz, legacy, lol, loom, lumpy, medi, mlo, mokey, ness, niik, nike, nite, omen, recez, reeko, reel, retro, return, rl-ones (Russel), shaggy, sk8, skillz, sobe (Alex), sone, spun, tewn, trac, trik, triped, twiggy, twist, vayne, west, whsu, woo, x99, xkurdtx

e-mail: "" -|- aim: "aim dc"
Home About Pepsi Macros of Pepsi Macros of DC Macros

The Begin of "Pepsi - The AOL Proggie"
DC and CpRiDe were first met on AOL private room in early 1997. Both person had some experience with programming, in particular with Visual Basic. They both hoped to create an AOL proggie project that will significantly impact the AOL scene, so they teamed up. At that time, DC and CpRiDe were having a difficult time to select a name for this AOL proggie project. The name "Pepsi" was then suggested by DC for this project because he saw a Pepsi can next to him.

Pepsi 1.0 by CpRiDe and DC - June of 1997
Pepsi 1.0 was released in June of 1997. Pepsi became relatively popular within a few weeks. Pepsi (The AOL proggie) itself was no different than a lot of other AOL proggies available at that time (ex Exorcist, Fate-X, Fire Toolz, HaVoK Final, Hellraiser). In fact, it doesn't have a lot of advanced features that some other AOL proggies offered (ex. mass mailer). People were attracted by Pepsi (The AOL proggie) because of the large amount of bots that were available (ex. Lucky number bot, Love bot and etc.)

Picture of Pepsi 1.0 and Pepsi 2.3 splash screen

Pepsi 2.0 - August of 1997
Pepsi 2.0 was never released due to instability.

Pepsi 2.3 - September of 1997
Pepsi 2.3 was build on-top of Pepsi 2.0 with additional features (ex. bots, macro drawer and etc.)

Pepsi 3.0 - October of 1997
Pepsi 3.0 was build on-top of Pepsi 2.3 with additional features (ex. mass mailer, punter and etc.)

Picture of Pepsi 3.0 splash screen

Pepsi 4.0 - January of 1998
Pepsi 4.0 was a new project started from scratch. All code and graphic had been redone.

Picture Pepsi 4.0 interface

Picture of Pepsi 4.0 splash screen

Pictures of Pepsi 4.0 Artwork

Pepsi 5 and Pepsi Alpha
These 2 projects were never finish.

Picture of Pepsi Alpha Interfaces