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Thursday, 1 July 2004

Mah. Why do I have such difficulty talking around ros and char? Why do I feel so self-conscious?

Yay starbucks with Vicko tomorrow. Am looking forward to it lots and lots, as we havent been for ages. I'm going to try and convince her to go and see the Killers on Tuesday. They're at Colchester Arts Centre! Negociating work could be a problem, as Vic wouldn't be able to cover me. Yeah...

Couldn't go to Brunel Open day cos of smelly tube strikes. Honest to God, these union people are so selfish.

"I think you should shave off your beard. Then wash it, nail it to a frisbee, and fling it over a rainbow."

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 8:03 PM BST
Updated: Thursday, 1 July 2004 8:06 PM BST
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Thursday, 17 June 2004
MAFFS: part 2
Took day off today to revise maths. Actually did lots of revision. Started to understand logs about half an hour ago. Yay. Everyone is at Oxbridge meeting, so i have no one to phone :(.

"I think we should lose the axe"
"I like the axe"
"I like my face"
"I like your face"
"Keep the axe"

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 7:37 PM BST
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Wednesday, 16 June 2004
Last minute
Aaaah press release! Am reluctant to use party as a verb.

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 11:49 AM BST
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Tuesday, 15 June 2004
Only had maths today first thing, then a general studies lesson with no teacher where we were set "discussion" tasks about politics. So I left after this, planning to go home and revise some P2. Naturally, I've procrastinated heavily. I've even started reading Pride and Prejudice. I will do some though, and I'm taking Thursday off prob as well.

Such a nice day. And NO BUGS! Hooray!

MTV Movie Awards were surreal. Watched them on Sunday afternoon. Involved a lot of cheesy American celebrities (and Kate Beckinsale) trying to be funny but failing miserably, to my amusement.

Why oh why hasn't Will Ferrell been drowned in a pond yet? Most jokes were milked over the rainbow, especially by Lindsay Lohan (ginger annoying actress, possibly my evil twin). Fair do's to Lord of the Rings actors for accepting their awards very randomly and awkwardly: "Er...see you next year??", showing that you don't have to be cheesy at award ceremonies. You can be slightly ill at ease with the whole situation.

"You nine-sided whore!"

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 1:52 PM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 15 June 2004 1:55 PM BST
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Friday, 11 June 2004 as a board
OK, posted that last one twice. Random.

Right, today I've been pondering: Sean Bean. Why can't he be anyone other than Sean Bean in films? eg.In Lord of the Rings he is Sean Bean of Gondor, in Troy he is Sean Bean the Greek, in Patriot Games he's Sean Bean the Irish terrorist. Seeing a pattern emerging? And he always looks a bit grubby.

Sean Bean playing the pivotal role of...Sean Bean.

Ow. my back hurts.

That infernal budgie *picks up nearby rifle*

"I've eaten crinkle cut chips from a silver bowl"

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 2:55 PM BST
Updated: Friday, 11 June 2004 2:57 PM BST
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born for the stage

Off to see Susan acting her little socks off in Hired Man tonight. We have strict instructions to cheer really loudly for her, as we didn't last time and she was cross. Me and Vic bought her a rather quaint thespian mug for luck, which she received in a v. melodramatic way (ie. Oooooh! Daaaaahhlings!). We were debating whether to get it or not for a while as we found ourselves drifting towards Millies:

F: Wow lets get that mug for Sooz!
V: OMG yeah
F: (has rapid change of heart) Actually, shall we?
V: Dunno what do you think?
F: (stupidly. pulls bintish face) Dunno. 'S Up to you.
V: (slightly bewildered) Well, shall we?

*buys cookies*

F: Yeah lets get the mug

My indecisionness is appalling. Today I couldn't even decide whether to get a lift to the theater or not. That's how bad it is.

ONE EXAM LEFT! WOO! Statistics today was ok, but I was in a dream like state for most of it. Can't do pure 2 for cookies. Doom is imminent.

"Just off to Threshers to do the weekly shop!"

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 2:26 PM BST
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born for the stage

Off to see Susan acting her little socks off in Hired Man tonight. We have strict instructions to cheer really loudly for her, as we didn't last time and she was cross. Me and Vic bought her a rather quaint thespian mug for luck, which she received in a v. melodramatic way (ie. Oooooh! Daaaaahhlings!). We were debating whether to get it or not for a while as we found ourselves drifting towards Millies:

F: Wow lets get that mug for Sooz!
V: OMG yeah
F: (has rapid change of heart) Actually, shall we?
V: Dunno what do you think?
F: (stupidly. pulls bintish face) Dunno. 'S Up to you.
V: (slightly bewildered) Well, shall we?

*buys cookies*

F: Yeah lets get the mug

My indecisionness is appalling. Today I couldn't even decide whether to get a lift to the theater or not. That's how bad it is.

ONE EXAM LEFT! WOO! Statistics today was ok, but I was in a dream like state for most of it. Can't do pure 2 for cookies. Doom is imminent.

"Just off to Threshers to do the weekly shop!"

Posted by bug2/clinically_deranged at 2:25 PM BST
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