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-The BIG Boom-
Welcome! =D
To Cayter's website. Yep..
It's good. It's GOOOD!
-Bruce Almighty

[By The Way, My Boob Still Hurts, AMY ;D]

100 Question survey
Name:Cayter Jones
Birthdate:December 17, 1990
School:Akimel a-Al Middle School
Hobbies:Draw, Internet, Basketball, Volleyball, Running, Swim, Hike, ect.
Color Eyes:Deep Greyish Blue
Shoe Size:Can't remember =P
Favorite Color:Cerulean
Favorite Song:Shake Ya Tailfeatha [Nelly, Murphy and Diddy]
Favorite Vacation Spot:Las Vegas, Baby!
Absolute Best Friend(s) & Why:Amy and Alex-Because I said so..
Best Friend(s) of Opposite Sex:Eric!
Boyfriend or Girlfriend?:Nope
Things you look for in the opposite sex:Looks ,Personality and humor, mainly
Have you ever kissed anyone:Yep
Most romantic thing a person has ever said to you:"I love you so much, baby. I promise to keep in contact with you. You're always in my heart, and I'll never forget you.." :p
Funniest or most desperate thing you've done to get the attention of the opposite sex:Made out with a straw =]
Tall or Short:Kinda..both for now o_o
Best quality in a friend:Humor
Funniest thing you have ever done with your friends:"I'm Penelope Spatula! I grew up on a Pistasio farm!"
Scariest thing that's ever happened while with friends:I don't get scared nothing yet
Favorite computer font:Century Gothic =]
Favorite food:Oreos
Favorite place to eat:Applebee's =P
Food you hate:Stuff I think is grosse..
Weirdest food you like:Dunno
Dumbest thing you've done:Isn't EVERYTHING I do dumb? ;]
Most fun thing you've ever done:Tons of stuff at this camp
Favorite movie:Not Sure
Last movie you saw at the movies:How To Loose A Guy In 10 Days
What's your favorite position to sleep in:On my right side..Oh yeah ;]
Best advice ever given to you?:"Just shut up.." ;D
Favorite quote #1:"Men are such idiots.."
Favorite quote #2:"Hakuna Matata!"
One thing you wish you could ask the whole world: Do you like Pistasios?
One thing you hope you do before you die:Get my tongue peirced =P
Thing you want to be remembered for:My spunk, and how you can come to for advice on anything
Your personality type:Spunky =D
Favorite music artists:Not sure
Favorite holiday:X-Mas
Favorite summer activity:Hangin out with friends
Favorite winter activity:Hangin out
What do you wanna be when you grow up:Not sure yet..
Funniest person you know:Annable
Favorite conversation:The one with 'Bill Clinton' =D
Favorite sport:Track or Basketball
Favorite magazine:I don't read ;]
Favorite toothpaste:Crest?
Favorite gum:Winter Fresh
Favorite candy:Bit-O-Honey
Favorite store:Windsor
Favorite thing to wear to school:Jeans and a shirt o_o
Favorite thing to wear at home:Pajamas
Biggest fear:Nothing
Favorite inside joke:The Penelope Spatula one ;D
Favorite girl's name:Kyle
Favorite guy's name:Canon or Caleb
Thing you get picked on most about:My boobs and butt -_-
Favorite words:Piffle and Pistasio
Thing you say the most:Cool ;]
Favorite ice cream flavor:Coffeeeee
Favorite soda:Mr. Pibb
Link to your favorite website:Poke.
Do you like this number?:What number..?
Time and date:Why don't you get your lazy ass up and look at the clock?
What did you do or what are your plans for today?:Everyday's something new
What college do you want to go to?:Dunno
Say something nice about the person that sent this to you:I stole it =P
Thing you most regret:Telling the internet that I made out with a straw..
Number of pairs of shoes you own:Dunno
Favorite piece of jewelry:Black cross necklace
Your theme song(s):Fighter, Christina Aguilera and Baby Got Back, Sir Mix Alot
What is the point of life?:To love and be loved in return
If a movie was made about your life what would it be?:Girls Gone Wild ;P
What is the color of your bedroom?:White -_- Woopdedoo
Size of your bed:Twin
Last time you showered:This morning
Last phone number you called:Depends
When was the last time you sat down?:Sitting right now =D
What's the weather like?: HOT
If you were a crayon, what color would you be?:BRIGHT Pink
Last book you read by choice:Like I said..I don't read
What song are you listening to right now?:It depends on when you're looking at this..
Who is right next to you?:My teddy bear with it's Mercedez-Benz hooded jacket! n_n
What is your computer desk made of?:Wood
What was the last thing you ate?:Food
How many buddies do you have on your list?:You're asking me to count?
Last tv show watched?:Dunno
Where is your computer?:In my room
Color socks you're wearing:No socks at the moment
Silliest thing you've said:Again..the whole Penelope Spatula thing..
Favorite computer face:If you couldn't already tell, ;]
Last word(s) you said:Depends
Thing you actually want to be doing right now:Not this..
Are you glad that this is over?:Fuck yes -_-

The most important thing you learned from reading all of this: Cayter is a meanie..leave her alone =P