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Dietary guidelines for Australians

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  1. Choose a nutritious diet from a variety of foods.
    A variety of foods needs to be eaten to provide the variety of nutritents needed for good health. Selecting foods daily from the five food groups in the appropriate quantities should supply all the necessary nutrients.
  2. Control your weight.
    Inactivity combined with overeating is major cause of high incidence of overweight and obese Australians. Increased incidence of many illnesses can be directly attributed to obesity. Of course there are also health problems associated with being underweight. The increase in these problems can be partly be blamed on current trends and fashoins that emphasise slimness. Dieting to extremes can lead to potientally dangerous health disorders.
  3. Avoid eating too much.
    Australians consume too much fat. High saturated fat intake is associated with coronary heart disease and some forms of cancer. If we can consume less fat, we will reduce the risk of contracting these diseases.
  4. Avoid eating too much sugar.
    Sugar provides food energy but not much else. This means that if we eat too much sugar we may be reducing the intake of other essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Sugar also contributes to overweight, obesity and tooth decay.
  5. Eat more wholegrain breads, cerals, fruit and vegetables.
    Eating these foods helps to control body weigh. They contain many essential nutrients and are high in dietary fibre. They should be eaten in preference to foods that contain refined sugars and are high in fat content.
  6. Limit alcohol consumption
    Australains are renowned for the large amounts of alcohol they consume. Alcohol intake is associated with increased risk of high blood pressure, storke, vitamin deficiency syndrome and weight problems and is a major factor in motor traffic accidents.
  7. Use less salt
    A high consumption of salt has been linked with the development of high blood pressure in certain people. It is considered a risk factor for both stroke and coronary heart disease. Salt is needed in the diet, but only in very small quantities. Eating a balanced diet should supply all the salt we need without any need to add extra amounts.
  8. Promote breastfeeding
    The best nutrition a newborn baby can receive can be found in breast milk. It provides the correct mixture of nutrients and energy for the growing infant.
