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High School


Aaahh.... High School.....

These are some projects from school (specifically my TEE final assignments) plus some others

For my final year, I chose TEXTILES as my medium for all major projects of the year. Each was meant to link with a particular style of art ie. cubism. Here are my final 4 items.


This is an apron using appliquéd "fridge" items screen printed with "shadow". The shelves are represented by some striped blue fabric, and is bound in the same stripe. It had something to do with where we spend a lot of time....hmmmm...






This is a single bed quilt cover representing the four seasons. The background trees and path are screen printed and the front trees are appliquéd. It was developed from a line drawing of the front entry of the school. I still use it on my bed now!!






This is a VERY large tie that was developed from a line drawing and based on Cubist ideas. The design is very abstract and oversized, screen printed in fluorescent colours and edged in black fabric pen.






This was a wire bust that is meant to represent the woman being sexy on the outside, but still being tied to the kitchen on the inside. It was a really rushed final project - and it shows!







This shirt was made with an appliqué "playing card" on the front, representing myself as the Queen of Diamonds, holding an ice-cream. I used braids and shiny fabrics to get a regal appearance. There's that food theme again.....!!




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