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.::Crazy Crunk Nsync Fan Fic Awards::.

Welcome to the .::Crazy Crunk Nsync Fan Fic Awards::.!!! My name is Kylie and I'm the maker of these awards. You'll find a link for everything you need below and be sure to visit our sponsers page...both of those web owners are good friends of mine and they have awesome sites!

We're doing it again! Click here to see the .::Crazy Crunk Nsync Fan Fic Awards 2::.


.::nominate someone::. [closed]






Hey guys do me a favor and check out this site! The site owner has been a big help in finding new nominees and in return I'm helping advertise her site....

And don't forget to visit my girlie CC's (she made all the banners) sites....


The Crazy Crunk Nsync Fan Fic Awards are ©1999 Kylie Adams Don't Copy!!!