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life in general for me
Thursday, 20 October 2005
today is a new day
Mood:  lazy
Topic: 10-20-2005
hey what is life coming today? idk it is sooooo crazy. school is just as crazy today! i just would like to take a nap but that wont happen and i have a lesson to give today for both my nephew and neice today it is going to be instresting. my my online radio rocks!! i would love just to go home and watch tv. but i cant i have to make dinner as well for them all. my dad is supposed to be up and doing chores but i doubt that. i have class in like an hour and i dont kno what to do? anyone care to share what i should do? lol so it is going to be a long day and long night. i suppose i will do my late homework today. LABS man well he i come to do my homework.

Posted by blues2/horseygirl at 1:07 PM CDT
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Wednesday, 19 October 2005
life today
Mood:  lazy
Topic: 10-20-2005
well lets see what has happened today so far.........? i have been up again since 4 am not happy about that at all. my mom and dad are still pissed off at all that i do. whatever life can just kiss my ass. lol and i still have one more class today thank god that i dont have 2 more! then a race to see patches. some more jumping today. i hope that i can get her to do the crossed ones that is my goal for today. it seems to me that i would rather be with my horse then with my friends. i guess it is bc my horse doesnt talk back to me. that boyfriend thing is still nonexistant i guess. or it will be once oscar leaves thursday. *tear* he is going to visit his grandma in mexico. and he is staying for about 3 months. *tear* what can a girl do i want to have someone that is going to stay here with me for a while and loves animals in piticular my horse. and fyi if u r reading this i CANT SPELL EVER!!!!!! god i suck. hope today gets better. i wont feel better till friday after work and i can just relax watch smackdown! damn allergies! well ttyl ya'll have to get to class soon, and i have to pee to. so peace! ;)

Posted by blues2/horseygirl at 12:57 PM CDT
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