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  Message from the Manager  

Greetings and welcome to The AFC Rowood web-site.

Why do we have a web-site? I don't know, but just like most of the things we came up with, start over a few beers in the Golden Acres then as usual we get carried away and the shenanigans start!

AFC Rowood are a Sunday morning (pub) football team. All the players have to pay for the pleasure of getting up to play football, usually with hang-over, curry stains on their shirts followed by a mysterious green mist or in some cases come to the game straight from a night out!

All the work that is done behind the scenes are completed voluntary and I would like to take this opportunity to say thank you to those people who have helped keep this club going for the past 11 years,

Gary Hailing, Mark Aldous, Steve Brain, Malcolm Wakeman (our Sponsor). This time 2 years ago it looked like that AFC Rowood would have joined the Thousands of other Sunday teams and folded.

With out their help we would not be in this position to be launching a web-site, Which brings me onto Phil Leighton who has spent many hours in his own time over the last few months creating this site. A big thank you to Phil. Behind the scenes we have also had help from some friends in the pub, and as we progress with this site we will be profiling these hard core Rowood supporters, Penny Beddington,( ??? ) Steve, Pam, Mark and Brenda (landlords), Sarah Long (merchandise Manager), Rob Beddington (2002/2003 coach), Rob Friar (official Photographer) and I suppose somewhere along the line I'll have to get slated!

From myself and the players, enjoy this site, remember it's all a bit tongue in cheek and a bit of fun. Your feedback will be greatly received in order for us to continue and make the site even better.


It's a way of life
