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Patriotc Mom
Saturday, 19 November 2005
New Hero Re-Emerges
"It's time to bring the troops home," he said (Rep. Murtha D-Pennsyvania) noting that a withdrawal would take about six months to complete. CNN

Last night the GOP pulled one of the most under-handed moves yet. They proposed a bill that would bring the troops home from Iraq 'immediately'. The purpose of this maneuver was to embarrass the Democrats by forcing them to vote against troop withdrawal.

The Democrats are well aware that it is impossible to simply abandon the people of Iraq. We MUST set up some type of peace keeping force that is not comprised of American troops. A U.N. supervised peace keeping mission is what is needed.

Congressman John Murtha, D-Pennsylvania, has been a member of Congress for over 30 years. He has the ear and confidence of the Pentagon. He has advised every President since 1974, except W. Folks, he's a HAWK! He's a retired Marine Corps Reserve Colonel with 37 years of service to our country. After retiring from active duty and joining the Reserves Rep. Murtha volunteered for active duty in Vietnam , circa 1966-67. While there he was awarded the Bronze Star with Combat "V", two Purple Hearts and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry. Upon retirement he was awarded the Navy Distinguished Service Medal.

If there is anyone who 'W' should be listening to it is Murtha!

Thank you Rep. Murtha for championing the Troops!

Hey, 'W' wake up and smell the polls! The citizens of this country want the troops home!

Posted by blog2/patriotic-mom at 9:26 AM CST
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