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ISIS Ministry
Thursday, 5 January 2006
ISIS Ministers - World Peace Sacred ARTS & MEDIA Productions
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: ISIS Sacred Tour Pilgrimage!
We would like to invite you to become an ordained "ISIS Minister" artist, media or film maker!

Please join us in inviting every woman you know to attend one or all of our quarterly "World Peace Productions" sacred peace making pilgrimages to Mexico, Peru, France and Egypt/India, where women from around the world get "face to face" for peace, fun and profit!

Our next upcoming World Peace Media Pilgrimage Event is:

Mother's Day ISIS Initiation in Egypt/India

This World Peace Productions' event is our Mother's Day ISIS Initiation where ISIS "World Peace" Ministers as "Mother Earth Ambassadors" will have the opportunity to meet other women "artists," "media makers," "women in film," "journalists," "spirituality in business" leaders, women "executives" and "government officials," "spiritual leaders," AVE MARIA! product & service "representatives," and "women in media" from around the world.

These ISIS quarterly conferences will be held in Mexico, Peru, France and Egypt/India so that they can be designed to assist ISIS "World Peace" Ministry, growing though the process of "women mentoring women" via introduction to other women as potential marketing, manufacturing and distribution partners in Europe and/or third world countries.

The intent of this ISIS Ministry is to help women to create mentoring "circles" with other members of our worldwide women's ministry in an effort to promote "direct" business opportunities for the co-creation of women owned businesses and to foster global "women in business," "spirituality in business," and "women in media" interactions.

It is also the intent of these pilgrimages to co-create "saleable" AVE MARIA! co-branded, events, products and services to be marketed and distributed via a collective catalog that "FUNDraises" FOR "start up" venture capital for the co-creation of these women owned businesses in third world countries, and FOR their opportunity to partner with new or existing women owned businesses and globally owned "women in media" nonprofits.

More information on the ISIS Ministry global sales & marketing concept may be found at the ISIS Initiation and AVE MARIA! "Spirituality in Business" website.

More specific info about the ISIS Ministry and becoming an ISIS Minister may be found at the ISIS Circle of LOVE website.

Thanks for blogging 2 ISIS.

Your comments and questions are requested, as this ministry is intended to be a portal for world peace oriented women business owners, working together to help support and fund each other's global organizations for FUN and ABUNDANCE!

We are here to assist that effort, and to encourage and empower each other as women to "RISE UP!" for world peace by supporting business alliances that honor Mother Earth and help to collectively foster positive relations for ourselves, and hence the planet... i.e., AVE MARIA!

Men are welcome to blog to our "ISIS" Ministers, and of course help to fund this operation by attending and purchasing AVE MARIA! branded events, products and services resulting from our collective efforts.

Please do not take it personally that "ISIS" was a woman, and therefore our "ISIS Ministry" is for women only.

If you would like to start your own "men only" or "men and women" FOL World Peace Ministry, we would be happy to facilitate any and all sincere spiritual or business leaders, media organizers and media nonprofits.

rev. joya comeaux

World Peace Productions

Family of Light World Peace Ministries

Posted by blog2/isis at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Thursday, 5 January 2006 6:44 PM EST
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