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Political Rant
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Waiting to Die
Friday, 3 February 2006
Hogan's Rules
I don't know why, but this is probably the most fascinating TV show around today. I won't say it's a good show. I'm sure most of it is contrived.


Hogan's wife is gorgeous, and his teenage daughter is hot.

Right there, we have 2 great reasons to watch.

And the Hulkster is a funny guy. And his buddy, I don't remember his name, but he was one of wrestling's Nasty Boys, is on the show pretty often, and is pretty goofy.

I don't get it, but I can't turn the show off once it starts.

It's almost like I'm in a trance. And Honey does the same thing. Overall, the show is just amazing. It's kind of like mental crack. Bad for me, but hard to resist.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 10:29 AM EST
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Friday, 27 January 2006
Political nonsense
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: Ellen Show (I'm getting in touch with my feminine side
Topic: Political Rant
The newly elected governor is considering raising the sales tax in NJ.

Same rate, but now he will start to tax clothing. I am confused by this, as it is so short sighted.

To begin with, many people from nearby states come here to shop because we do not tax clothing. That will stop.

Also, I question the need for more money.

The law was originally enacted in the 60's at 3%. This was instead of an income tax.

Now we have a 6% sales tax, and an income tax. And obviously, the sales tax revenue must be significantly more than when it was raised to 6% even. Prices of everything have risen which should indicate that we have the same (adjusted for inflation) money available from the tax.

My first new car cost 2,200 bucks. It was a low end car, but not the cheapest new car available.

My current car cost $16,000 last year. Again, low end, but far from the cheapest available. How can the state not have money? Easy-it gets wasted.

The head of UNDNJ has been fired due to so many screwups. He only worked for less than a year, and he was given $600,000, a full years salary, to make the pain from his dismissal a little easier to take.

Where else does this happen? Someone screws up royally, gets canned, and gets over a half million dollars for his few months of service.

NJ-what a state.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 10:21 AM EST
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Wednesday, 25 January 2006
I'm f'ing bored
Mood:  sad
Now Playing: classic rock
Not much going on. I got my brace so I could leave the house and it doesn'y f'ing fit right. So I'm stuck in the house still.

I've been sending out job applications since I no longer work in the Seething Morass of Futility (tm). That's ok with me as they basically s*ck big time anyway. I'm collecting disability still so it's all good.

All I have to do is win the lottery next month.

Or get a job.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 5:12 PM EST
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Tuesday, 24 January 2006
Some Political Stuff
Mood:  irritated
Now Playing: Classic Rock station
Topic: Political Rant
Two party system my @ss. If either party gets in control, it becomes a rubber stamp system. And the worst part is that it takes so much to get a change, once either party gets a majority. And what is worse, is that once in, party lines are rarely crossed. So many perqs are available to incumbents that it is almost impossible to change the direction of our country.

It is time that we as a nation give serious thought to 3rd and 4th parties. And because our democracy as is usually is sold to the highest bidder and it becomes obvious that we need to find a new way to fund races for our leaders. Even in my local mayoral contest, one candidate spent double, and of course, he won. Corzine spent 50% more than the challenger, and bought himself a governorship.

I don't even know where to start. I was thinking maybe exclude TV and radio advertising from campaigns. It sure would help level the playing field in a hurry because those ads drive up the cost of campaigns quickly and eliminate the less wealthy candidates. It would even open up the ballot to 3rd party candidtaes who aren't filthy rich or career political animals.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 10:56 AM EST
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Monday, 23 January 2006
It's been a long time
Health reasons have kept me away from my computer. Spent serious time in the hospital, most of September, and half of October. But now I'm back as a kinder, gentler, crazy old man.

But I'm still pretty d*mn angry.

I've become heavily involved in a diabetic business, and lately I've received lots of calls from people with kids with type 1. This used to be called Juvenile Diabetes. Anyway, the Crazy Old Man has a soft spot for kids with illnesses. Lately, I've been doing a little research about type 1 (I have type 2 which is brought on mostly by lifestyle.) Anyway, it appears from what I've been reading that many studies have been done showing that type 1 may be brought on by dairy. Shouldn't parents know this? Shouldn't everybody know this? I guess milk does not always do a body good. In fact, in many kids, it leads to a horrific disease that may shorten their lives, make them blind, and possibly take away a limb or two during their lifespan.

But at least somebody's making money from it.

I wonder how much a person needs to get paid to endorse a product that is destroying kids?

I hope to be back every couple days or so.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 10:27 AM EST
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Sunday, 14 August 2005
Still hot
Yesterday it was 102, today only a balmy 95.

Anyway, Yanks are on a roll.

I wonder about popup ads.

How many people respond to them? Are they that successful in getting people to click on them?

Do I really need a half dozen poker ads to appear in my hour on my computer?

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 2:43 PM EDT
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Saturday, 13 August 2005
It's HOT!!!!
It's HOT!!!!

If it was 10 degrees less, it would still be damn hot.

The grapes on my Fruit of the Looms are now raisins.

The little things on the ends of my shoelaces melted.

I have to wring out my socks at night.

It’s so hot, I saw a robin use a pot holder to pull a worm out of the ground.

Damn, it's hot.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 1:21 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 August 2005
Do they even listen to what they are saying?
Mood:  don't ask
I listen to and watch the news a lot, I guess.

A couple stories have hit me as so dumb, I don't know what to even think.

New Jersey now has a bear free zone.
What the f' are they thinking? They need a zoning law against bears? Can bears read the signs?

If a bear shows up in a residential area, it is removed. Period. How is the law different now?

And then I heard the dumbest thing of all. A cabbie got murdered, and it was over a cigar. Details are not important.

What is important is that they called it a senseless crime.

Ok, I give up-at what point does it become a sensible murder? A box of cigars? A case?

I think I've figured it out.

According to government rationale, sensible murders are when oil rights are involved.
I guess that's been cleared up. The newspeople were right. It was senseless.

Never mind.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 8:44 PM EDT
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Saturday, 6 August 2005
The Evil that Men do part 2
Mood:  sad
Topic: Political Rant
Every month I get my credit card bill, and pay something toward it. I pay the minimum plus a bit more. I pay attention to all the little charges, and really can't do a hell of a lot about them.
Anyway, I noted that my cards have come way down in balances. And, for no f'in reason, they have raised my interest rates.
I am paying more, in real dollars, even though I owe them less. And the bastages have even become sneaky about the minimum payment.

One card, the minimum payment is 69 bucks. And the interest per month is $75.
So, some poor bastard who struggles to pay the minimum will never get out of debt. In fact, after paying what the evil bankers request, and paying a hefty interest rate (25%+) for the privelege of borrowing money, will actually owe even more.

The difference between these evil f's and the Mafia?

A Mafiosi will break your leg, while the banker will try to ruin your life.

Think I'm exaqggerating? The bank will report late payments, etc to the credit bureau making it difficult to buy a car, a house, rent, or even get a job. Yep, credit history can be checked to do all these things and more.

And the bankers make it difficult to pay the money back.

Some of my credit cards are in the 12% range. That sounds fair to me. Others are 25%+. WTF is up with that? It's not like I'm getting anything extra for my 13%+ of excessive charges.

By the way, I haven't had late payments or anything like that. The reason the low life evil bastards gave me is that they felt I was overextended. So they doubled my interest charges, yet every other month they send me offers to borrow even more.

I'm trying to sort this out. I'm high risk, so they charge me extra. Then they want me to charge more. Wouldn't that increase the risk of them not getting paid?
I think soemone is lying to me. Chase Bank, you suck.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 8:41 PM EDT
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Monday, 1 August 2005
The evil that men do
Unfortunately, I'm looking for a car. The Yankee van is just sucking too may bucks out of my pocket.
I'm trying to find a vehicle that gets decent mileage and is not the size of a shoebox. Th Yankee van gets 20 MPG, which is acceptable, and I'd get another if I could afford it.

Can't even come close with what I earn.

Anyway, I got to thinking about car manufacturers and the oil companies.

They have a long history of being evil.

Case in point.

In the early days, lead was needed in gasoline because pistons and valves were not capable of lasting. By the 1930's, it became obvious that lead was very damaging to the environment. The manufacturers worked hard to correct the valve problem, and by the 50's hardened materials were used which made in the lead no longer needed.


Lead was a cheap way to increase octane. So, it stayed in the gasoline until the 1980's. In fact, it wasn't until the mid 70's that cars were made that used only unleaded gas. Simply put, for the sake of excessive profits, the oil companies and the car manufaturers worked together at great cost to the environment.

And it continues today.

I remember in the 70's, during the gas crisis, some people experimented and got 70+ MPG in modified cars. The cars were tested on TV, and they delivered as promised. So, where are these cars today?

Rumor has it that the oil companies bought the technology, and buried it.

Have you seen anything to date to indicate that the oil cmpanies are not behind this conspiracy theory?

I haven't.

And I believe that oil companies, big business in general, continue to put profits before people. Which is insane bcause last I checked, no one ever left this world with their money.

Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller. All dead, and all left behind every thin dime.

Posted by blog2/crazyoldman at 6:48 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 1 August 2005 7:06 PM EDT
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