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Trisket's Site
Friday, 2 January 2004
The day It seems so long. The days seem so long and sad. But we're coping. Everything's ok. No one got a lot of sleep last was hard to sleep. You're mind kept wandering back to the same questions..."Did it really happen? Is this a dream? This cant be real...but is it?" and so on.

If you're readin all of these entries I'm probably borin the hell out of you cuz I keep talkin about the same things, but no one asked you to read if I'm borin you guess what...I DONT GIVE A SHIT cuz this is my way of getting over it. My way of coping. My way of getting all my emotions out.

On that note, this is the end of this entry. But many, many more to come!

Posted by blog/trisket at 8:37 PM EST
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New Years Day
This day sucked major ass! If you have no idea why, you're fuckin clueless about what goes on in people's lives. For those of you that are clueless, this day sucked because my grandfather died.

He was very close to me and meant the world to me and everyone that knew him. He was a great man. Hell, he was fuckin awesome! Everyone that knew him loved him to death and would give up anything to have him still be here and be healthy.

He had a big heart. Leaving behind a wife, 3 daughters, 2 sisters, 9 grandchildren, and one great grandchild; he will be greatly missed. My grampa was a WWII navy veteran and a very active mason. He was a fairly wealthy and a very well-to-do man.

If you're readin this and you start to feel sorry for me...which I highly doubt, but hey theres a chance. Anyway, if you're readin this and start to feel bad for me...DONT. Dont say "oh...I'm so sorry." Because you're not. Don't appoligize. It's not your fault it happened. It was his time. So if you actually care that I'm this sad and so is the rest of my family you can simply say that we're in your prayers.

I'm not religious at all. Hell, you could prolly call me atheist. I don't like church and I won't have anything to do with it. But there is somethin you can believe in. What that thing to believe in is your opinion. Many pick God...others Buddah and yet many worship others. Whatever or whoever you choose to worship, you can still pray.

Prayer isnt neccesarily a religious thing, atleast not in my mind. Its a way of askin forgiveness for the wrong you have done or to keep others in your thoughts. I've never really prayed, because I dont have anything to pray to. But yet, still, I found myself next to my grampa's old bed with my hands folded...praying to someone,something...what or who it was i dont know. But I prayed and cried and sat and thought. But anyway, my point is...if you care you can keep my family and I in your thoughts and prayers.

Posted by blog/trisket at 8:32 PM EST
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the reason for starting this journal thing is because it helps me vent. it helps get all my feelings out.

Posted by blog/trisket at 8:15 PM EST
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