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Interviewing Magicians
shows soon promise
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The Kidd And Tayng
Tuesday, 4 July 2006
Now you see it.... Now you don't....
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Cry Baby Director's Cut
Topic: shows soon promise

Hello Bpys and girls and welcome Stanley Spadosky's Claub House becuase life is like a mop....

I fucking knew Wierd Al would have something to do with today.

One more. Who wants to drink from the fire hose?

I'm done...?

New shows are comeing soon summer is our slow session Tayng is busting ass at her job so we have no time to do our thang but we will be out tonight at People's Park saying F-Off to the 4th... and ringing in the jazzing 5th!

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 3:50 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 2 May 2006
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: ACDC

seriously it's bad ass.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 8:13 PM CDT
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Saturday, 29 April 2006
Magic Men
Now Playing: TO DRUNK TO FUCK!!!!!
Topic: Interviewing Magicians

It's great to do you own comic you can molest any

magic comedy do you like. I molest Teller and I like it. Muahaha!

Blasts baby, blasts.

Not as sexy... but it works.

You can get you hands on a copy. send check or money or to:

Baby Jade Comics
PO BOX 5004
Bloomington Indiana 47407

please makes checks payable to Janet Plew

Pigs Foot and a bottle of Beer... it's from an old song.

I have this project to do for school where I have to interview all these magicians. It’s one of those what do you want to do when you grow up papers. I ask my… I hope I can call him friend Doc Swan to help me with it, but I think he is so busy that he hasn’t been able to… So I started calling magicians and some of them have called back and some of them haven’t.

I got to talk to T. Daniels who is this very wonderful magician from New York, who gave me a really good interview.

I have an interview set up with Rich Marotta on Monday. He is this bad ass magician guy, he’s real New York, you know.

Then I interviewed Dan Slyvester WHO IS THE SHIT! Honestly people if you haven’t seen this man look him up. He was my best interview! I love him, not in the stalker way, but he was so much fun. I would give my left arm, a pig foot, and a bottle of beer to go touring with that guy! I THINK HE IS GREAT SO CHECK HIM OUT!!! And if he reads this thank you for doing the interview at the time you did.. I don’t want to air you laundry on my site. BUT THANK YOU.

And I am emailing Jeff McBride and his agent Todias.

For the record I asked Penn Jillette but he was to busy. I mean nothing to that man. I molest him in a comic and I mean nothing to him.

It was awesome talking to Sylvester the Jester, we love him and wish him nothing but the best. You are a beautiful person… as puffy as that sounds. Most magicians wouldn’t have given me the time. YOU ROCK! He has been like an myth in my family and I have to say he is a bad ass like my entire family has said.

All these magicians are wonderful and I want you to check them all out:

Doc Swan: The Most wonderful guy in the world... at least from my stand point. He is an amazing artist and performer, and he lets me write him long winded emails. So I love Him... He rocks YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS MAN!

Rich Marotta: I haven't got to talk to him yet but he seems cool.

Slyvester: I think I have covered what a bad ass he is. We love him!

Jeff McBride: He's Married so I shouldn't say this so I will anyway, I have had a crush on this man since I saw him on Deep Space Nine. He has the most graceful hands.... I am just going to get Puffy agian.

Tobias: Who has been nothing but nice to me. So The kidd loves him aswell... I love everyone. Tayng's Hippiness must be rubbing off on me!

Wish me good luck on my paper.

Oh and for all of you asking for comics I'm in school when I am in school I have no time to do them, so Summer they will be back up agian.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 10:44 PM CDT
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Tuesday, 18 April 2006
Sleepy yet my eyes are glued open.
Mood:  down
Now Playing: Cocain Blues
Topic: Going Down To Jackson
I have this itch to leave town and trip. I am thinking about going to Texas to go see my sister and then from there to Las Vegas. Sound Good... I am ssssssooooo sleepy.. I gotta Jetta.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 7:52 AM CDT
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Sunday, 12 March 2006
Bruce Campell and Teller mmmmm mmmm good.
Now Playing: MC5
I had this long blog written out about this lovely idea that I had. so I have to go over the fine points of the blog.

one no more kiising me. I have been getting lung, sinus, and ear infections non stop. All of our fans need a good shot of penicillin. I am sorry but it's true.

Insteady of kissing us. FLASH US! Tayng would much rather see boobs.

We are going to Philly on Monday. We are so looking forward to it.

I found my ideal threesome. Teller and Bruce Campbell. I know it might sound ood. But Teller is my dream man. Bruce is the only man that I have likes longer. HE IS HOT, he is sex on legs. I know you might now believe me but trust me. It's a fact.

I was watching Sky High ONLY BECAUSE BRUCE IS IN IT! and he has on little white gym shorts. I blame thouse shorts for the dirty dirty thoughts I have been plagged with non stop.

Tayng has come up with hers Penn and Gilbert. To each his own.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 7:10 AM CST
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new site
Mood:  loud

the new website is up.


Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 6:57 AM CST
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Sunday, 26 February 2006
Shows At The Ugly Monkey
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Richard Hell's Rock and Roll Club (as I dance in my seat)
I don't know what has happened. I posted some pictures and they doubled up. I am so sorry about that. So, so, sorry. I don't know how to fix it. Myabe Tayng will.

So I am a blond agian. This has proven deadly. I have been molested nightly by our fans. I guess what they say is ture, Blonds freally do have more fun. BUT DON'T FUCK PEOPLE! So KEEP YOUR GOD DAMN HANDS TO YOUR SELF!

Our new website is almost up. Just give us a week two weeks top.

We have an audition sith Tabott Steet that Rocking Gay Club in Indy coming up soon.

We have had some problems with the Ugly Monkey. We are not allowed to do blasts, dance with fans, or spin poi, any more. All we can do is eat fire.

We'll still swing by and eat fire on Friday and Saturday nights starting at about 10 pm.

303 South Meridan Street
Unioun Station- Suite #145
Indianpolis Ind. 46225

We have a tour coming up in March. We are going to be in Philly and in NYC. We'll make you aware or the date as soon as we get them.

Also in August we plan to travel to the fantastic Las Vegas. I'm going to set my soul on Fire. We plan on doing some shows out there to.

I can't fucking type tonight. I'm going to let you guys you.

Ok, chicks can touch me. And 58 year old magicains can molest me all they like... MMmmmmm Telller... Gotta go, no time to make up a lie (famous Tayng line)

See you at The Monkey Kids*

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 8:37 PM CST
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Thursday, 23 February 2006
Boys Gone Wild...
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Bullshit
The last thing we are is sexy. We’re magicians, and everyone knows that magicians never get laid. That is why Tayng and I have cut out the middle man and taken a vow of celibacy. Tayng says that it is for her art. I wish that for once she would just be honest. She should just say that it is because no one would ever have her. I took the vow because I was rapped. I have the worst taste in men. I know this now. Any man that I pick is going to be a dud. I want a man like Houdini. I want someone special.
There is a guy that has been sniffing around me like a dog at our shows on Fridays and Saturday nights at The Ugly Monkey in Indianapolis. His name is Chuck and he look like Tim Curry. He is a massive dork who is hung up on himself. I know I had the higher state of mind this time to go state to the source and talk to his ex girlfriend. This is the first time that I have fallowed Hollywood’s advice and I have to tell you. It’s pretty damn good if I do say so my self.
Chuck is in love with himself. If someone is in love with themselves they will not have time to be in love with another person. He lives in Indianapolis and I live in Bloomington Indiana. They are about and hour apart. I really don’t think he is going to drive an hour to see me if he wont even find the time to call me on the telephone. There are no signs that he likes me other then the fact that he bought me a ten dollar rose on Saturday. It was sweet. I did almost throw up. I am not use to guys being that old fashioned. I like my men manly. Where are the manly men that you read about? I know there has to be some out there.
Stephanie, Chuck’s ex girl friend, was horribly drunk on Saturday night. So drunk that she thought that I was he undercover lover, as she called it, she saw me and thought I know I will make out with The Kidd. So she grabbed me and stuck her tongue in down my throat. It was one of the most passionate kisses I have ever been forcible given. Sadly it wasn’t from anyone I would have fancied. Do I want someone that I like to come up and grab me and kiss me? Hell yes I do. Be a sodding man, sprout some bloody bollocks and grab me you baby! Will Chuck ever do anything like this? No. I don’t think he will. He will by me flower and wait for me. The man in this relationship to come up and grab him and give him a hot and passionate kiss. I’m bloody well sick of being the man all the time. I always have to be the man. Why can’t the men be the men?
Tayng is mad about my little crush on Chuck. I can’t help the fact that he looks like Tim Curry. I would do anything Tim Curry told me to do. Is Chuck Tim Curry? No. So would I do anything Chuck asked me to do? No… I would just look at him a lot while he said it. She thinks because he bought me a flower I am going to go throw my clothes off onto a pile on the floor and start having it off with Chuck like I am that easy. Well let me tell you… I am the hardest girl you will ever know. I am the most old fashioned girl in this day and age.
I was raised by my grand parents after my parents split up. I was only allowed to watch movies made before the nineteen thirties and listen to only ragtime, blues, swing, jazz, and rockabilly. I am a prohibition era girl. I don’t kiss on the first date, neither the second of third. I will not go to bed with you unless I really get to know you and now that I know that all the men that I like are all jack asses I am sure as sweet fuck all going at hope in the sack with another one. Chuck is just going to have to wait. If her can’t. Then that little boy isn’t ready for this swing, fire eating, old fashioned, jazz baby. If he can’t handle the way I play my rag time then he can find another cool cat to swing to, you hip to my groove?

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 1:44 AM CST
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Saturday, 11 February 2006
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: creepy gothic music
I have photos.

That's Tayng with the Ugly Monkey at The Ungly Monkey where we play every Friday Night.

That's me loving on that sexy sexy monkey.

The next few are Tang and I eating fire.

Me eating fire.

Tayng eating fire.

The rest are all me spinning poi.

We taught this cat to eat fire on his birthday.

The guy with the fuzzy face is my man... It's not like we are fucking, we've never even kissed. I just think he's hot and he likes the X-Men and he eats fire, so I would be on him like stank on fish, if he would dig that. That's our update.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 1:47 PM CST
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Thursday, 2 February 2006
Bitchy Teachers.... Fucking Community Colleges
Mood:  lucky
Now Playing: The Velvet Underground
I was late to class today. I am handicapped, I have alotments made for my handicaps. So I thought that this would be no big deal, so I thought that I would just talk to the teacher about my disability and let her know what was goingon. So I went up to her and she threated to kick me out of class if I was late again. I told her that being late was on my alotment for my disablities. So there should be no big deal. But she is a bitchy IU teacher teaching at IVY TECH so she thinks she's god. So I said fuck it and I dropped over to the diabities office and reported it, then I changed classed so I didn't have to deal with her anti-handicaped ass. So fuck her. All of my classes are at night. So all I have to say is la la la la la la la I am in night classes I can sleep all day! So fuck it! I win.

Posted by blog/thekiddandtayng at 11:24 PM CST
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