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Sunday, 6 July 2003
just drop dead...
its early in mownin...and im researchin for bio...NERD! goash...didnt have my breakfast pa... gutom na ko! argh! the neighbor's radio's so loud... damn dat sexbomb song! grrr... be goin back to iloilo later... with gacy... classes na naman... fully loaded ang sked ko! my class starts at 7 with chem 101 til 10 den pe 101 til 12...fil 101 at 1 and math 101 at a meeting with the curriculum officers pa for the upcoming CAS (college of arts and sciences) aquaintance on the 18th... shux... got a lotta things to do... hav 2 do some studying pa... have to rush this... go to church pa ko at 11, d pa ko naliligo... shit i have to pack pa pala my things... oh well... get to see my BSBS1A classm8s agen tomorow...sermon na naman wid prof. monroy! leif! watch out 4 ur stalkers haha! april, musta na kmu ni boylet mo? c toto lance kay inday lj ga birada naman! duda na ko kay kat and joseph... ahem3x. fafa abs sabay naman tayo uwi, as usual! lolz! maybs, punta ka SM?? haha... haay... cge...gtg na ko...pack pa ko eh... >mwahugz< peace out!

Posted by blog/teriz_an at 10:01 AM JST
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today's gonna be the day when i throw it all back to you...
ey guyz...its past 12 sa watch so juz helpin my friend over a big prob eh... < jan, im oweiz ere 4 u...nakz! :) > lolz... anywayz... im ere in bacolod ryt now... balik naman ako tomorow sa ilo2x... school's ok... got a lot of things to do... well anyway got to go... ill update this wen i hav d tym... peepz esp. ops of #4sam03...gace, chel, ianne, jan, chat lang tau next tym... im gonna miz u guyz! text2x lang tau! >mwahugz< GB!

Posted by blog/teriz_an at 12:40 AM JST
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