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My Blog Experience
Tuesday, 24 January 2006
6th HTML Lesson
Mood:  on fire
Today's lesson is:
Manipulating Images

The first thing is to be able to post the images:

I can write text at the top,

in the middle,

or at the bottom.

I can put the image on the right:
There is just so much I can do now. I can even get the text to wrap around the picture. I mean, really, this is cool. I'm just going to keep typing and typing and typing and typing, so that I have enought text to wrap around and under my picture of the kitties to show how this actually works. I am really enjoying these HTML lessons, and they are really easy. Anyone can do it, but it really takes a lot of patience and also lots and lots of practice. I think I need just a little bit more text to illustrate my point. How 'bout that championship game on Sunday, huh? GO STEELERS!!! PITTSBURGH'S GOING TO THE SUPERBOWL!!! There! That should be enough.

See that horizontal line above? I also learned how to make it different sizes

For example:

Neat! Well, I think it is, anyway.
The other thing I learned to do is play with the pixels on images:

Normal 100w x 75h

85w X60h

75 x 100

Well that's it for today! Quite a bit, actually.

Posted by blog/teeyay at 8:00 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2006 10:14 PM EST
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Saturday, 21 January 2006
5th HTML Lesson
Mood:  on fire
Today's lesson is:


and making them into links:

Cool, huh?

Posted by blog/teeyay at 9:46 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 January 2006 6:54 PM EST
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4th HTML Lesson
Mood:  happy
Now I'm learning to create hypertext links.

Here is one of my favorite sites.

I also learned how to make a mailto command:

Email me!

Posted by blog/teeyay at 3:22 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 January 2006 6:53 PM EST
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Friday, 20 January 2006
My third HTML lesson
Mood:  a-ok

Today I'm learning to do headings


From +6

to -6
I also learned how to

center text

and how to align it

to the right

Posted by blog/teeyay at 10:23 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 January 2006 6:57 PM EST
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My first HTML lesson

My very first HTML page!
Hey! Yeah you.

I'm learning how to do HTML.

Can you believe it?

I can do bold, italic, and typewriter text

I can even do all three.

Isn't that great?

Posted by blog/teeyay at 9:38 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 23 January 2006 6:59 PM EST
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