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E-mails from AWHOA


For those Apache Wells homeowners who are not receiving AWHOA E-mails, we are including excerpts from those that contain news and information of interest released by the AWHOA Office. The e-mails appear as they were originally written. Some AWHOA e-mails may appear on our HOME or ARCHIVES pages.

If any Apache Wells homeowners have received e-mails from the AWHOA that are not included below, please forward them to the e-mail address at the bottom of this page and they will be added. Thank you.

If you would like to receive the Apache Wells E-mails, send your name, lot number and e-mail address to

August 15, 2013

Stealing from orphans or old people

Most people know that Sunshine Acres get full proceeds from aluminum cans in that green recycle bin. Lately we have had people scooping them cans out and selling them for their own gain. This is theft and they are stealing from orphans. This is as low as you can get on the human scale of scumbags. Please watch our recycle area and take license numbers and descriptions of anyone digging cans from the Sunshine Acres bin. Few things disturb me more than stealing from orphans or old people. These people must be identified and penalized severely. Please observe and report these deadbeats.

Tom Finger, Resident

January 3, 2013

Funding Campaign for Aquatic/Fitness Center

Recently the Homeowners Board of Directors approved the building of a new two story facility for the Aquatic and Fitness Center to be built on the existing footprint. The addition of this new structure will enlarge the fitness area about 5 times and also double the area of the men’s and ladies’ change rooms for the pool. The new center will, as has the new Country Club building, entice new retirees to our community, thus making your property more valuable. But the best part of this venture is the added space for more people to work out, thus adding years to our wonderful life in Apache Wells.

The Board of Directors desires not to impose an assessment and stated so at the December Homeowners meeting. However, it was suggested that if every unit in Apache Wells was to donate $360.00 (which would be like a monthly assessment of $30 per month for 12 months) we would be able to pay for the new center without financing a bank loan.

The purpose of this short note is to request a donation from you. The amount of $360 is a suggested amount, however, lesser or greater amounts will gladly be accepted. The amount we feel that will be necessary to complete this structure is around $600,000 and to date we have approximately $120,000 in the reserve fund. The timeline for the construction is approximately 5 to 6 months from April 15th, 2013. We can likely be using our new Center by November 2013.

Please make your checks payable to AWHOA and return them to the Admin Office in the attached envelope. If you are desirous of more information please contact any of the board members or the following Construction Committee members: Sharon Gordon, Pete Eikren, Babs Bastedo, Hideo Fukushima , Dan Phillips or Jim Bonnell. The architect’s renderings are available to view in the Administration Office.

The Homeowners Board of Directors

September 9, 2012

An Apache Wells email was sent Wednesday with a link to the Newsletter. It was sent that way because several people responded to the June email with the Newsletter inside of it that they could not print the entire Newsletter. Many of you are unable to access the Newsletter with the link because you have not been to the website and registered, which you will need to do to access future Newsletters. After you open the website, click on the fountain picture for Residents. At the Sign In page, click on sign up under New User? Sign Up Today, then fill in the required fields.

ONLY one person can use a single email address to register on the website. So, if a husband and wife share one email address, only one of you can use the email address as a user name. Pick something different for the spouse who received the message: Already Registered. After you have registered, you can go to Resident Info on the task bar, click on Resource Center in the drop down menu, scroll down and click on Newsletters and Notices, click on 2012, click on 9-5-12 Newsletter, click on any choice to access it.

Now that you are new to the website, please take some time to browse through all the items that are available.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Carolyn Agee:

March 27, 2012

PROPOSED CC & R'S Section 7.5 Explanation

If you have signed and submitted your consent of agreement to the proposed CC & R's, thank you. Your support is appreciated. If you have not done so because you left your packet at your summer home, the Homeowners Office has extra consent forms for your use. You don't need to wait until you arrive at your summer home to sign a consent form. There is no deadline, but we would like to close soon before many people leave.

The document has not changed since sent out in June. Some residents are still unclear about Section 7.5 Special Assessments on page 22. If a Special Assessment would be proposed (there are no plans for one now), a minimum of 51% of the ballots cast (yes' and no's) by homeowners entitled to vote, shall constitute a quorum (720). Of those votes cast, 51% must be yes votes (368) to pass a special assessment. A homeowner will vote "yes", "no" or abstain (which does not count as a "no" vote). EXAMPLE: If 1000 total entitled votes were cast, 510 "yes" votes would be required to pass the assessment.

If you have questions and need someone to assist you, please contact a Board member who will be glad to meet with you to discuss the issues and answer any questions you have.

We urge everyone to take a serious look at the documentation and understand that the CC & R's are for the protection of your property and your ability to defend the value of your investment. They need to be current with the Arizona statutes.

May 27, 2010

WHAT: Special Board Meeting
WHEN: Friday, May 28th at 8:00AM
WHERE: Administration Building
PURPOSE: To consider a 2-21/2 feet variance for a patio cover post on Lot 450 at 2410 N Ashton
(This notice was posted on the official AWHA bulletin board at the Administration Building on Tuesday.)

May 21, 2010


An AW resident received a phone call yesterday from a man with an Asian or East Indian accent stating that he discovered there was a virus on the resident's computer and if he didn't do what the caller said his computer would crash and to turn on his computer so the caller could walk him through the "FIX". Our resident was smart enough to know to question the caller and determined that it was a scam.

If you receive a call like this, PLEASE HANG UP, or your computer and your identity would be compromised. If you are concerned about a virus on your computer, you should update your anti-virus program (if it's not on Automatic Update) and have it scan your computer.

May 18, 2010

It is with great sadness to notify you that Dorothy Reed of 5339 E Lindstrom Lane passed away on May 16th. Funeral services will be held in Bucklin, Kansas on May 19th. You may send your condolences to the family at the following address: Mr. Al Reed, ATTN: Mike Reed, 2119 Plymouth RD, Manhattan, KS 66503. If you would like to call Mike, his phone number is: 785-317-0756. You may also e-mail him at

May 14, 2010


Apache Wells is conducting a Food Drive to benefit St Mary’s Food Bank Alliance. St. Mary's Food Bank Alliance, the world's first food bank, is a non-sectarian, nonprofit organization that alleviates hunger by efficiently gathering and distributing food to sites that serve the hungry. Serving 13 of Arizona's 15 counties, the organization is committed to volunteerism, building community relationships and improving the quality of life for Arizonans in need. Their shelves are always in need of supplies. Won’t you please help? There is a box in the lobby of the Administration Building for collection of non-perishable items until June 4th. To make a donation by check or money order, simply mail to St. Mary’s Food Bank Alliance, Attn: Development – W, 2831 N. 31st Avenue, Phoenix AZ 85009.

We thank you in advance for your donations.

The Food Bank especially needs the following products:

Canned tuna, salmon, chicken, ham
Canned soups, stew, chili
Canned fruits and vegetables
Canned and packaged beans
Pasta, macaroni and cheese
Peanut butter
Juice in cans or plastic containers
Canned baby food (no jars)
Canned evaporated skim milk
Hot and cold cereals
Personal hygiene articles (soap, shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, etc.)
Home cleaning products (dish soap, laundry soap, etc.)

April 23, 2010

MITZI GAYNOR SHOW Saturday, July 10, 2:00PM, show at Wild Horse Pass Casino sponsored by The Wells activities. Best known for her Golden Globe nominated performance as Ensign Nellie Forbush in the movie "South Pacific", Miss Mitzi Gaynor is a singing and dancing Hollywood icon who starred in 17 films. There will be round trip bus transportation leaving the Apache Wells parking lot at 9:30AM and returning by 5:00PM, with times being approximate and will be confirmed when 45 people sign up by June 7. Payment will be due that week to The Wells. You decide what price level you want by the seating chart: $25, $35, $45, or $55. Everyone who rides the bus will receive $10 in Free "Bonus Play". If you sign up for the Players Club, you will receive an addtional $5 in Free "Bonus Play" for a total of $15. Prime Rib "Broadway Brunch" Buffet will be available for only $15 (optional). A sign-up sheet is posted in our Homeowners Office.

April 15, 2010


Friday April 16, 9:00-11:00AM in the Library Meeting Room, will be a meeting of the Property Management Task Force. All residents are welcome to observe.


These DVD's have been borrowed from the Library and not returned: "FORGET ABOUT IT" and "SNOW DOGS". Also, the biography book about Susan Boyle titled "DREAMS CAN COME TRUE" was not checked out and needs to be returned. If you have any of these, please return them to the Library immediately. There will not be any "overdue fines", just our thanks for their return.

April 12, 2010

Jim Tilbe will be showing photos of a recent hike to Supai (Grand Canyon Region) beginning at 6:30PM Tuesday, April 13th, prior to the Homeowners Meeting for those who wish to come early.

April 6, 2010

WATER VOLLEYBALL-On Wednesdays at 4:00PM through April, come to the swimming pool for water volleyball. It will be casual play and no experience necessary. Just come have fun in the pool! Or come watch.

MOVIE NIGHT-Friday, April 23rd will be the next Movie Night. More information will be posted at a later date.

PROBABLE SCAM-A concerned resident brought to our attention a piece of mail they received from Home Service. It looks like it is from the City of Mesa, but it is NOT. It is for water service line coverage and asks for credit/debit card information. If you receive this in your mail, read it carefully and decide for yourself.

March 24, 2010

EASTER DINNER: Sunday, April 4th, 12:30PM in Room A, Easter Dinner will be served. Tickets are $2.00 per person and may be purchased in the Homeowners Office Monday, March 29th, 9:00-3:00 or Tuesday, March 30th, 9:00-12:00. Ham, coffee, tea and table service will be provided and you are asked to sign up to bring a side dish to share. Bring a beverage of your choice.

March 7, 2010

Delbert 'Bud' England passed away March 1st. A memorial service will be held tomorrow, Monday, March 8 at Apache Wells Community Church at 11:00 AM. A light lunch will be served following the service at the England Home, 5258 E Lindstrom Lane.

February 24, 2010

SOUP & MOVIE NIGHT-This Friday, February 26th, turkey soup and fresh French bread will be served followed by a movie titled “Izzy and Moe” starring Jackie Gleason and Art Carney. Table service will be provided. Cookies to share will be greatly appreciated. The doors of Room A will open at 6:00PM. Come enjoy the social gathering.

February 12, 2010

Special Board Meeting Minutes Correction: The date should be February 11, 2010.

Helpers Needed: There will be a cleaning bee at the poolside on Wednesday, February 17 beginning at 8:00AM to get the area back in shape. Please feel free to come for all or part of the morning to lend a hand. Thank you, Gail Fassett.

Management Research Task Force Meeting: Wednesday, February 17, 3:30PM in the Library Meeting Room. All interested residents are welcome to attend.

Free Document Shredding: On Saturday, February 20, 8:00AM-12:00, the City of Mesa is having a shred-a-thon, with a 5 box limit, at their Center Street Facility, 2412 N Center ST.

January 15, 2010

SPECIAL BOARD MEETING-TIME CHANGE: 1:00PM Tuesday, January 19th is the time for the Special Board Meeting for the purpose of electing officers.

SWIMMING POOL ALERT-The Village at Apache Wells has been so generous to let us use their pool while ours is being repaired. Their community is much smaller than ours and their pool size represents this. Our use should not interfere with their pleasure by taking up chairs on the deckside and leaving no room for them. Please do your sunbathing at home. Remember—We are their guests. Respect their generosity shown to us. We may be in a situation to ask for their help again some day. FYI...the pool repair work is on schedule as planned.

MEMORIAL SERVICE-Charles (Charlie) Golden passed away January 11th in Hawaii. A memorial service will be Wednesday, January 20th at 10:00AM at the Apache Wells Community Church.

January 4, 2010

FITNESS CENTER-Wednesday, January 6th, 3:00-5:00PM or Saturday, January 9th, 10:00-12:00noon, the Fitness Committee invites you to drop by and see the newest equipment, ask question and learn how to operate all of the machines.

OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET-Sponsored by Apache Wells Shrine Wheels- The annual OUTDOOR FLEA MARKET will be held on Saturday, March 6th from 8AM to 11AM, in the parking lot. Those of you who would like to sell items at the Flea Market have a chance to rent space on the Apache Wells parking lot for $10.00 a slot. (You can have as many slots as you want). You must provide your own tables and cannot sell out of your vehicles. For information call Harry Lipert at 480-807-1195 or send your check for the space(s) to: Harry Lipert 5308 East Hermosa Vista Dr. Mesa, AZ 85215. Spaces must be reserved and paid for by February 26 2010. No refunds will be given. If you have SALEABLE ITEMS that you would like to donate to the AW Shrine Wheels, call Harry Lipert at 807-1195, Jerry Dunn at 361-5784, or Allan Thompson at 396-2859 for information and pickup. The Shrine Wheels will be selling donuts in Room C from 6:30AM until 9:30AM and hamburgers and hot dogs at the Gazebo from 9:30AM until 12:30PM.

December 31, 2009

The swimming pool will be closed beginning Monday, January 4 through mid-February for maintenance repairs. The hot tub will be open when possible. During this time we can use the pool at The Villages at Apache Wells, which is across 56th Street from our HOA office. Hours are 9am-9pm. Enter through their club house and sign in on the sheets provided. You must wear your name badge. It will be your responsibility to roll the sun cover back and replace it when done if no one else is in the pool. Remember: We are their guests, respect their generosity shown to us. There will be a work bee once the swimming pool maintenance work is finished to clean the furniture and get it back in great shape. Please call Gail Fassett if you can help with this project. Phone: 636-1519. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE.

November 10, 2009

Tickets for the Thanksgiving Day Dinner are on sale today until 12:00 in the Homeowners Office. They are $2.00 each to help pay for the meat. We ask those attending the dinner to sign up to bring a dish to share. Tickets will also be available Tuesday, November 17, 9:00-12:00 in the Homeowners Office.

DIGITAL INFORMATION SIGN-Today (Tuesday) from 5:00-7:00PM a digital information sign will be on display in front of the Homeowners Office for demonstration purposes. Please drive or walk by and let Sandra Johnson (981-8148) know what you think. Do you think this would be beneficial to our community with reminders of activities in Apache Wells?

November 6, 2009

Everyone in Apache Wells has received a copy of the Proposed Budget for 2010. If you have questions or suggestions, please submit them in writing to the Budget Committee at he Homeowners Office by 3:00PM Monday, November 9.

The monthly Board Meeting will be held Thursday, November 12, 8:00am in Room A, at which time the Proposed Budget will be discussed and voted on by the Board members.

October 23, 2009

NOTICE-The Proposed Budget for 2010 will be available for homeowners to pick up a copy, for which they must sign, at the Homeowners Office Monday, October 26th 8:00AM-3:00PM. For those unable to pick up a copy in person, one will be mailed to the address on file in the office. If you are returning to Apache Wells very soon and would like your caretaker or neighbor to sign and pick up your copy, please contact that person right away. We want every homeowner to have an opportunity to review it and present their comments in writing by November 10th, prior to the November 12th Board Meeting at which time they will be voting on the Proposed Budget.

When coming to the Homeowners Office Monday, please have a copy made of one household member’s driver’s license, if you have not already done so. It is to comply with Federal policy for age verification for Over 55 communities. Also, if you have an e-mail address that is not on file, the office staff would like to have it for another way of communication with you. The information is confidential and will not be given out to third parties without your consent.

August 19, 2009

This Friday, August 21, is our monthly Movie Night, with the feature being "Meet the Fockers". This is a very funny comedy starring Ben Stiller, Robert De Niro, Barbra Streisand, Dustin Hoffman, and Teri Polo. The doors in Room A open at 6:30PM and the movie will start about 6:50. Popcorn and lemonade will be available.

REMINDER: "PHANTOM OF THE OPERA" -A limited number of tickets are available for the Thursday, October 29th matinee performance at Gammage Auditorium. The cost is $45.50 per ticket and is on the main floor, rows 2-4 (almost on the stage). Great seats! Because there will be no parking on the campus, it would be advisable to take the bus, for which there will be an additional charge. Contact Bev Fourcade ASAP at 480-981-6152 or by e-mail at

HOUSE CARETAKERS-This is a special request from Security's Jim Dorrance asking all house caretakers in Apache Wells to check homes every three days, until the residents return, for broken windows or any other kind of disturbance. We have had too many break-ins and the sooner we can report to the police the sooner the perpetrators will be caught. Please call 911 first then Security if you find a break-in. Residents who are here, please be extra observant and don't hesitate to call 911 if you see anything suspicious. THANK YOU.

July 14, 2008

Apache Wells
Special E-mail Newsletter

With sadness we inform you of a recent death here in Apache Wells. Connie Nelson, wife of Roy, has passed away. A memorial service will be Tuesday, July 15, 11:00am at Apache Wells Community Church.

Please pass this information on to your neighbors who do not have e-mail and may wish to attend the service.

For your information:

Each year a number of our friends and neighbors at Apache Wells pass away. When this information is received at the Homeowners Office, an obituary is posted on the bulletin board and included in the next issue of the Roundup. The e-mail newsletter list now presents us with another means to communicate this information.

Notice of Memorial Services will be sent out whenever possible.

Every effort will be made to include all Apache Wells residents who pass away in these notifications; however, we are dependent on this information, and the accuracy of it, to be communicated to the Homeowners Office.

Apache Wells Homeowners Association

March 1, 2007

The following are excerpts from the Apache Wells Newsletter Issue 65 sent via e-mail.

The Vote at the Special Election held February 21, 2007 to build a Community Center for Apache Wells passed with 644 votes in favor, 594 against.

The verdict on the complaint brought before the administrative judge has been received.

The complaint regarding the purchase of the bank building was denied. The Homeowner's board was within their legal authority to make this purchase.

The second complaint regarding the transfer fee specifies that the fee be reduced from $950 to $300.

This is preliminary information. In accordance with Arizona Law governing this procedure, the decision is not final until it has been reviewed and approved by the Department of Fire, Building and Life Safety.

The previous couple of weeks have been very stressful for all concerned, especially the people trying to accommodate all of your requests and still manage the office. It has come to our attention that some residents have been rude to our staff and disrespectful, taking out their frustrations on employees. As stated before, this shall not be tolerated in any form, nor should it be.

Now, with statements made by a resident chairing a meeting last Tuesday, this has reached a level where an apology is demanded or proof of such accusations are required. A person who would make this kind of statement with no proof has questionable credibility.

The Community Long Range Planning Committee has completed its task with the decision to build the new Community Center. We, the residents of Apache Wells are deeply indebted to them for three years of the very hard work. Make it a point to thank them if you have the opportunity.

A new Planning and Development Committee is being appointed by the Homeowner's Board to carry on with all of the work that must be done. Reporting to that committee will be a Construction Committee made up of a number of Apache Wells residents who spent their working years in the large construction business.

It is most important that you file a departure form when you are leaving Apache Wells for any period of time. This is the only way the Homeowner's office has of communicating with you regarding Community events or such things as damage to your property.

If you would like to receive a copy of this newsletter via e-mail, Teri or Enga would be glad to show you how to sign up for this service.

This will be the last Apache Wells Newsletter that we will be sending out. The database has been turned over to the Apache Wells Office and it will be sent out by someone there. We have enjoyed being a part of this growth and communications part of Apache Wells.

When we took this idea to Marv Larson about three years ago, we wanted to help the homeowners in Apache Wells have up to date news, no matter where they were located, sooner than the RoundUp. We sent out the news about the break-ins, storms and the construction related to the installation of the gas and water meters. The past year it has become an editorial paper and not a Newletter.

Thanks for letting us bring it to you.

Don & Jan Davidson

December 12, 2006
Apache Wells Newsletter
Issue 61 (sent via e-mail)

This newsletter, now in its 61st edition, was started with the intent to inform the residents of Apache Wells of recent board actions, and serve as a reminder of upcoming events. Three hundred plus copies are distributed in five community locations and to some five hundred residents by electronic e-mail.

This Newsletter was not intended to be a means to correct misleading information spread by rumors, and gossip. However recent accusations and misleading statements by the SAW group, leaves no other option than to set the record straight. To be accused of mistakes that justify recall (impeachment) of all nine members of the Homeowners Board is one thing. To be accused of dishonesty, malice, and underhanded dealings is quite another thing.

The current homeowner’s board deliberately kept the SAW candidates’ photos and biographies out of the November Roundup.
This is completely false. The Roundup goes to the publisher on the 10th of the Month. That date is set by the publisher, not by the Homeowner’s board, and the notification of the date for article submission is prominently displayed in every Roundup on the back calendar page. A number of SAW leaders who routinely submit articles to the Roundup are very aware of this closing date.

The bylaws provide that the petition for nomination be presented to the Secretary of the Homeowner’s Board. Mr. Walt Stromme’s petition for nomination was delivered to the home of the Homeowners’ Board secretary at 6 PM the evening of Nov. 10 after the office had closed and after the Roundup was sent to the publisher. The other petitions followed on Nov. 11,13, and 14. Mr. Stromme’s name was spelled incorrectly (Sromme) and three of the petitions were dated November 10, 2007. They could have been returned for these errors. They were not. Corrections were made and initialed.

On receipt of the petitions the Secretary is required to verify that the signatures are from valid homeowners, only one signature is allowed per lot number. There were signatures that were not eligible(renters) on some petitions; and a resident requested their name be removed from a petition.

The petition does not become official until the Secretary’s review is completed, so these petitions did not become effective until well after the closing of the Roundup.

This year’s issue of the Roundup is exactly the same as last year’s election issue.

Petition and write-in candidates were not included last year either because they too became candidates after the November issue was sent to the publisher. Petition candidates can file until Dec.2 (30 days prior to the election). Due to the availability of the electronic newsletter, the pictures and biographies of all 6 candidates were published after the closing last year.

Now that the date to receive petitions has passed and ballots printed, all seven candidates will receive the same electronic publicity this year.

Candidate Teague’s husband, in a letter to the editor of the Mesa section of the Arizona Republc wrongly states that if the new community center is built, those residents that elect to pay their special assessment by the month will see their payment increased by 10 percent a year.
The fact is it is a completely separate transaction from our monthly fee. The special assessment is a loan payment to a lending institution Yes, the monthly fee can be increased up to 10 percent, if necessary. No, the special assessment cannot be increased.
Editor's Note: Refer to the monthly payment chart and text of the Letter to the Editor "What a Deal!" on our Home page. The author of this e-mail did not interpret the the "10 per cent" reference in the article correctly.

Teague, in his article, expressed concerns for people on small fixed incomes but does not mention the fact this concern has been voiced by the Long Range Planning group since Day One.
The Long Range Planning Group has planned an option just for people on low incomes. People who can’t afford to pay can defer the special assessment payments until their property is transferred. At that point, the new owner would take over payments. Teague’s statement also makes no consideration for the increase in value that a community hall would give to Apache Wells homeowner property. We now enjoy the increase in value of our property that has come in part from all of the improvements made to Apache Wells in past. Why would that not be true in the future?

The Homeowners who are country club members will lease the new community center for $1.
Any lease agreement will apply only to the pro shop, which the homeowners who are members of the country club will pay to build. The advantage of all homeowners owning the entire community center is to take advantage of significant real estate tax and insurance savings. Arizona law makes all Homeowner common property virtually tax free. Country club pays $32,000 for building tax alone.

The Apache Wells Homeowners’ Association has no community hall. We enjoy the use of Apache Hall, the restaurant and the bar through the neighborliness of the homeowners who are also golf members. A new larger community center can expand our entertainment and social life and give us facilities that we can use with enjoyment and pride as well as increase the value and attractiveness of our community. Do we build now? Or wait a few more years until the cost goes even higher?

Those completing their three year terms on the Homeowner board can look back being part of:
___Building the library from ground breaking to its completion with no special assessment to homeowners.
___Upgrades of the electrical power system so the Elson building had adequate power.
___The relining of the pool and the replacement of all of the pool water furnaces.
___Landscaping the retention pond into a park-like addition to the community.
___Raising of the pool wall and installation of video cameras that has stopped vandalism.
___Installation of a solar heating system that has reduced our gas consumption by 29 percent.
___Put the pool under professional management services which has lowered labor and supply costs while providing a cleaner, healthier pool.
___Negotiated a new 5 year garbage contract that was $700,000 below the former companies bid.
___Bought the bank building after two failed attempts and have set the stage to pay for it in seven years with no special assessments to homeowners.
___Developed a communication system with very dedicated volunteers that now reaches 600 to 700 homes directly and hopefully many more indirectly, whether they are in Arizona or waiting to join us for the winter months.
___Installed carpet in the billiards room and upgraded all the pool tables.
___Refurbished the shuffle board courts surfaces.
___And Apache Wells still has, by far, one of the lowest monthly fees of any Mesa Homeowner’s Assn.

Apache Wells Board of Directors

November 13, 2006

Town Hall Meeting Monday Nov. 13 9AM
The name for the coffee meetings has been changed to Town Hall Meeting. This will be the 6th meeting with the Community Long Range Planning Committee. As announced at the Oct. 30th meeting there will be a meeting every other Monday until the voting takes place in January.

Welcome Back Coffee
Friday, November 10th 9AM until 12 Noon - Apache Hall.
Here is your chance to get acquainted with all the activities going on here at Apache Wells. All the clubs and interest groups will be there to tell you about their organizations. Make it a point to attend.

Library Open House - Honoring Veterans
Saturday, November 11, 9 AM-4 PM Veterans will be honored with a display of memorabilia. There will be a special book sale. Coffee and Goodies will be served. If you have any memorabilia you would like to share you are welcome to bring it.

Homeowner's Meeting
Tuesday, November 14, 7 PM - Rex Griswold, Mesa Councilman, will speak at our November General Meeting.

The Homeowner's Board approved the nomination of three candidates for office in the January 2, 2007 elections. The nominees are: Bing Miller, Harry Lipert, and Irv St.John.

Good Neighbor Club Coordinator Meeting
Wednesday, November 15, 11:00 AM- Library Meeting Room
Last Spring we began a "Get to Know your Neighbor" program and we currently have volunteers for 24 of the 37 different neighborhoods identified. We would like to have 100% representation. Volunteers are needed for the following neighborhoods. Barber, Demaret, Eastwood, Lindstrom, McDowell, Kenwood/Piper, and parts of Lema, Trevino and Higley. If you are interested in this project, plan to attend this fall meeting or call Peg Carter 275-8553 or Ruth Larson 924-8656.

Board Meeting Minutes
At the November 2 meeting of the Homeowner's Board it was decided after thorough discussion that it is permissible to distribute unapproved minutes of the board and homeowner's general meetings on the e-mail version of this newsletter and in the Roundup as long as these minutes have a disclaimer which states they are unapproved. While there may be discrepancies between these unapproved minutes and the minutes that are eventually approved, the Board felt getting the minutes to you earlier out weighed any possible problems. If there are any major corrections when the minutes are approved you will be notified of such changes. Printed copies are posted on a bulletin board in the office. In all cases the approved minutes in the reading file at the Homeowner's office will be the official record. If you have e-mail and wish to receive this newsletter by e-mail send your name and lot number to

Phone Directory
A new phone directory will be printed soon. If you have moved within the park, are a new resident in Apache Wells or your current listing is incorrect, please fill out a Directory Change Form that can be found on page 3 in the directory and turn it into the office. Forms are also available in the office. All changes must be filed by December 1.

Absentee Ballots
To have an absentee ballot mailed to you, send a Stamped Self Addressed Envelope with your request to the Homeowner's office. 2247 N. 56th Street Mesa, AZ 85215. . All ballots must be received back in the Homeowner's Office no later than Friday, December 29; 2006.You may also vote an absentee ballot in the office beginning December 1, 2006.

Good News
The amount of gas used to heat the pool is down 28 percent compare to last year's consumption, thanks to the solar heating system.

Phone books can be disposed of in the regular paper recycling containers.

Summer Caretakers
There is a need for more caretakers to look after residence's next summer.

Pool Committee
The pool committee is looking for new committee members as many of the current members retire as of January 1. This is an important group and your help is needed. Contact Jo Gregory or Marv Stoll.

Horace Luff past away on 11-9-06

November 7, 2006

Last April the Community Long Range Planning Committee asked for input from Homeowners about any aspect of Long Range Planning for our community. This request for comments was mailed to all residents, published in a newsletter, the Roundup and through the email newsletter in an effort to reach all property owners.

Out of a potential 1,412 homeowners, 72 responses were received.

Of those who indicated they were not in favor of a new building, the concern mentioned most often was the cost for people who are on fixed incomes. Only one or two said it would be a problem for them personally.

The CLRP Committee is very aware of this concern and should there be a positive vote to build a new community center, there will be a payment plan for each and every situation and circumstance.

Other responders expressed alternatives to building new, such as- fixing up the current buildings, building an exercise facility where the shuffleboards now are and doing nothing with Apache Hall or the Restaurant. And a few said they didn’t use any of the buildings now so they didn’t want anything done to upgrade or build new facilities.

The Planning Committee hired professionals to inspect the entire clubhouse facility, and as stated before, these professionals estimate it would cost $5.5 million to renovate the building and bring if up to current electrical, plumbing and American Disability Act codes. Any remodeling requires that the building to meet all current building codes. If only renovating was done, we would still have a building that is not efficient nor would it be large enough- and we wouldn’t have an updated exercise room. So that is why the committee suggests building new so that a community center would include a larger, updated exercise facility, a larger more multi purpose hall, and a restaurant that would be more efficient and usable by large and small groups. To compensate the Country Club for the land transfer, a new larger pro shop would also be built.

Many responses didn’t express a view either positive or negative about building new facilities but did have questions about the planning. Questions about how a transfer of land from the Country Club to the Homeowners would work, would the Country Club then have to pay rent to the Homeowners for use of the community center, and concerns about who gets to vote on a building plan. Many wanted to know about the estimated cost of building new and how it would be financed. A couple responses asked about how much their property would increase in value if a new community center were built.

As mentioned before- a transfer of land from the Country Club to the Homeowners would be made at fair market value for the land only- land ready to build on. This fair market value would be determined by professional appraisals. Since the Homeowners would own the Community Center, the Country Club and the Homeowners Association would negotiate a rental agreement for use of the hall, just like any other entity. All Homeowners will have an opportunity to vote on the proposal for building a Community Center. The estimated cost of a new building is similar to the cost of renovation. Financing has yet to be finalized. Getting financing is not a problem but the question is whether to finance it through a bank, with private investors or a combination of banks and investors. The finance committee of the Long Range Planning Committee wants to be sure we get the best rate and terms we can. As for the question about how much value would be added to individual homes if a new community center were built- there can be no set dollar amount given- however, we do believe that if nothing is done, the value of our homes is likely to stagnate because the upcoming baby boomers will buy in other communities where the buildings are newer and more completely meet their needs.

Many of the responses were very positive for building new facilities- they stated that building new facilities was a great investment for the community and for the homeowners, that we need a hall for concerts, a restaurant and kitchen which meets codes and standards and a larger exercise facility. Questions were also asked from those who were in favor such as will the Homeowners be able to vote on this, how much rent the Country Club would have to pay or who will run the restaurant. Homeowners will vote on this project but many of the details such as fair rental fees or management questions are being researched but are not finalized.

Our committee appreciates the people who took the time to respond to the questionnaire and asked questions or made comments. We wish more had responded because our goal has always been to involve as many Homeowners as possible. That was the purpose of the ASU study- to get input from the Homeowners as to what the Homeowners themselves want as facilities and activities. The ASU study was contracted because the Homeowner and Country Club boards believed it was necessary to have a professional study done to address the current and future needs of our community. The CLRP Committee has followed this Homeowner survey as closely as possible so we can to plan for what the majority of Homeowners indicated they want in our community.

We want each Homeowner to know the facts about this project and to make an informed vote- not a vote based on hearsay or rumors or outright distortions of the truth. Please stay informed by attending these coffee meetings, reading the newsletters and email newsletters and reading the Roundup.

If you have questions that still aren’t adequately answered, feel free to call any Long Range Planning Committee member. We are all willing to answer any question you have. We are planning to hold coffee meetings every other week, which means that the next one will be November 13th at 9AM. On the Mondays that there are no coffee meetings you are welcome to come to the library meeting room also at 9AM for further discussion.

Ben Johnson reported on the time line for upcoming events. There will be a coffee meeting every two weeks with the next ones scheduled for Nov. 13 and Nov. 27.

The goal is Jan. 15th for the members of the Country Club to vote on proceeding with the proposed sale of the Apache Hall and the adjacent parking area to the Homeowner’s Association. If that vote accepts the proposed plan the Homeowner’s will vote on the purchase of the Country Club property on Jan. 31. During the meeting it was often mentioned that if you have any questions, the CLRP committee meets every Monday morning in the Library meeting room and welcomes inquires from residents at 9 AM.

Bob Heaton reported on publicity and indicated the CLRP committee would be glad to attend neighborhood coffee parties to respond to questions. Their goal is to get accurate information to everyone. (A number of people volunteered to be hosts after the meeting)

Jim Nobish showed the current plan for the new building which has been downsized from the plan shown last spring. Copies were distributed to those in attendance at the close of the meeting. The new plan proposes a building totaling 27,458 square feet. There will be a covered patio area along the entire North (pool) side of the building.




Fitness Center 1200 5100
Multi-Purpose Hall 4100 8100
Kitchen 1092 2200
Restaurant 988 1600
Private Dining Room/Overflow 0 1000
Bar & Grill 1000 1300
Pro Shop/Office 1450 3000 (incl. Office)
Covered Patio 0 3000
Square Feet 9830 25,300
Cost/Sq. Ft. $275* $316.21
Estimated Cost $2,703,250 $8,000,000

Editor's Note: The cost of renovation of the AWCC property was based on a *$275 per sq. ft mentioned by Nest Technologies, Inc at the Town Hall Meeting on December 6, 2006 using the sq. ft. figures in this e-mail. Also Brock, Craig & Thacker Architects, LTD distributed a floor plan of the proposed new building showing with 25,400 sq. ft.

Plans showing front and side views of the building will be available sometime before Thanksgiving.

Bing Miller presented what was titled an Agreement in Principle, an outline of decisions that need to be made between the Homeowner’s and the Country Club Boards before a final decision can be made. Further steps such as land surveys and appraisal have cost associated with them. Basic decisions should be made before those expenditures are made.


This summary is included for those that are new to Apache Wells Community and/or would like to refresh their memory on how the Community Long Range Planning began.


In 2004 the Community Long Range Planning Committee at Apache Wells, members of the Homeowner Association and Country Club boards felt the need to refine efforts for Apache Wells future. Collectively, they felt it was time to bring in a facilitator to help Apache Wells more toward a more cohesive community as well as a community that could continue to meet the activity interests and needs of current and future residents. To accomplish this, they agreed to contact Dr. Wendy Hultsman of Arizona State University to lead this effort. It was agreed the process would have several stages.

In the first step, letters were sent to all Apache Wells residents asking those interested in taking part in the needs assessment survey to respond. In total, an impressive 554 or 21.8% of Apache Wells residents returned completed surveys. Only 400 replies were necessary to satisfy this assessment

Another means of gathering input form residents was through focus groups, Approximately 350 residents responded to these meetings resulting in 23 focus groups being formed, which identified additional questions, Another meeting was held to prioritize the focus group responses

Two formal presentation of the results of the survey were made at Town Hall Meetings. Approximately 350 residents were in attendance. .

As a result of the survey and focus group data, a three hour planning workshop was held. One hundred residents volunteered, and the participants sat eight to a table, and discussed viable alternatives and strategies for their chosen topic. At the end of the planning session each group presented their suggestions. The information from this workshop helped direct selections of future strategies and alternatives for Apache Wells.

It became apparent that a steering committee that would facilitate the gathering of additional information was needed. It was also apparent that task groups should be formed to research the following areas: wellness/exercise facility, Apache Hall, Community Hall, activity areas/ overall land use, block captains/ neighborhoods liaisons, activity building renovation, activity director, general manager, better communication, signage and finance.


What is critical for Apache Wells Homeowners to realize, is that the coming generation will expect amenities to be more upscale. While around half of the children of Apache Wells residents that were surveyed indicated that they would consider moving to Apache Wells in the future, there were many who indicated that the community amenities would need considerable updating. This is the feeling of many residents also. Research overwhelmingly indicates that what was good enough for yesterday’s retirees will not suffice for the next generation. That’s the fact, plain and simple. All research and studies agree: “the interests, wants and needs of tomorrow’s generation of retirees are vastly different from yesterdays.” This means that unless residents think about the future and make plans now, they will almost certainly see their community deteriorate.

It important to realize the life cycle of a community is the same as the life cycle of any product. If Apache Wells Residents choose to act on the areas identified above, they will be positioned to attract new residents that are looking for an active, sporting environment with manageable housing units. Today’s residents will improve their current life style and enjoy the benefits of their changes for many years to come, while they also attract the next generation.


Long Range Planning Committee

August 8, 2006

More Rumors Out There.....

RUMOR #1: All buildings between the gazebo and library will be torn down & rebuilt.
FACT: There is no plan to tear down any of these buildings at this time.

RUMOR #2: The Board hired two garbage companies to collect our garbage.
FACT: No. There is only one company, Arizona Sanitation, which uses two trucks. One dumps the rollouts and one dumps cans & bags.

RUMOR #3: The Homeowners Board makes decisions in secrecy.
FACT: Both Board meetings & Homeowners meetings are open during winter months for questions or comments from residents. Minutes of all meetings are published monthly in the Roundup. Mail-outs have been sent to all homeowners twice in the first half of this year to clarify both the Long Range Planning Committee plans and the bank purchase details.

The Apache Wells Homeowners Board

July 20, 2006

The Wednesday night (7/12) meeting of the new "Apache Wells Concerned Residents" revealed little more than the fact that I have been spelling Appache wrong with just one "p" for years. I learned that from their last 2 flyers inviting residents to "Help save Appache Wells". They are still beating the same dead horse with claims that the bank bldg. purchase, the larger home transfer fee, and removal of the $10K spending cap was all illegal. Pres. Brian's board approved letter was a lot of hooey (sp?) to them and made no sense. That was the only real point made all night, . that they do not read or comprehend all the information that the board sends out to all residents.

There are only 4 residents behind this new group and we now know who they are. They are residents who stay in the background and feed misinformation to whoever will stand up and misinform others. And we know who they are too. This newsletter is written at a 8th grade level, . not to offend anyone but to get the truth out in simple terms to easily comprehend and understand.

The meeting was smaller than 2 weeks ago but with more residents that do their own thinking and was in support of the HO board.

Thank you to all the residents that responded in support.

Some Things to Ponder:

In April of 1987 all Apache Wells residents were assessed $1100.00 to buy our commons building and the property extending out to Gayridge Rd. where we have a ball field and walking path as well as a doggy park. Is it asking too much of new home buyers to pay a $950. transfer fee to move into an attractive community that older residents extended themselves to provide? This money also provides summer security which was not budgeted.

The $10K spending cap was removed back when the residents formed our present Homeowners Assoc. ... Why trash the existing board for following existing rules?

Homeowners on a fixed income can freeze their County property tax at the present rate with an application and proof that they live at a poverty level.

Any legal document can be nit-picked for bits & pieces to support different interpretations.

Pres. Johnson's Open Letter to all home owners was well received and hundreds of e-mails & correspondence was sent to the office in support of the board. Only 3 letters cited lack of information from the board and the belief that there was no board members here in the summer months.

There have been mail-outs to all home owners as well as a newsletter each month that can be picked up in front of the office, the pro shop, the pool, the wood shop, and in the library.

Some Homeowner board members are winter visitors also but volunteer many hours while they are here. There is an Executive Board here all summer and they are in constant touch with the other members by phone & e-mail.

Apache Wells Homeowners Board

July 13, 2006

This letter is written to alert you to a problem at Apache Wells which needs to be addressed immediately, even though most of us are on vacation and really don't want to be bothered with business matters. Many of you are part of the so-called silent majority in the park, and we, the Board, are asking that you read this message and then make your voice heard.

Earlier, you received a letter from the Board explaining all the details of the purchase of the Cancer Fund of America building, the former bank building. As the letter explained, this was a real estate transaction which needed to be moved on as quickly as possible. The purchase did not require a vote by residents, a fact which angered a small, very-vocal group of residents. This group has initiated three meetings, another is scheduled for July 12th, and is demanding, among other things, the recall of the entire Board, and a $10,000 spending limit for the Board. There have been some discussions about firing Enga and Terri, our extremely competent office staff, and bringing in a professional management firm to run things until January when they hope to install a new Board.

Several of these protesters may have secret agendas of their own. We believe one of them was actively trying to purchase the bank building for his company, and failing that, he stated that he will run the company from his home. Another just happens to work for a professional management company. Yet another is extremely upset with the Board because she was not permitted to extend her home beyond the allowable setbacks.

When this group insists there should be a $10,000 spending limit on the Board unless there is a vote of the residents, they ignore the fact that the Board recently entered into a new 5-year garbage contract with Arizona Sanitation Services which saved $749,000 vs. a 5-yr renewal with A.J. Waste, or $1 Million dollars vs. a 5-yr. contract with City of Mesa. The savings on this new contract exceed the amount spent on the bank building. There was no protest by this group at that time, even though this huge contract was entered into without a vote of the residents. The fact is, no Board could possibly conduct necessary business with a $10,000 spending limit.

This small, vocal group of protesters is also upset with the Board for studying the Long Range Planning Committee, (LRPC), information regarding what to about Apache Wells' future building needs. Nothing has been decided, not by the LRPC or the Board, and only limited dollars have been spent on architectural studies and inspection reports, but this group of angry residents doesn't even want to study the issues. They are terrified that dollars may be spent, and they have stated that they want things to remain just as they are, even though everyone knows that nothing ever remains as it was forever. Things do change, whether we want them to or not. These protesters say Apache Wells was established as a trailer park and that's the way it should remain. They say that people who want a fancy place to live should move. Perhaps it's time that some of these protesters get their heads out of the sand or move.

These protesters claim they are out to save Apache Wells, but they are a threat to our community and they need to be confronted. They have hired an attorney and plan to go to the Attorney General. The Board will be forced to hire attorneys also. The protesters say the Board is unresponsive and acts in secret. The fact is, the Board's actions are all open and above board, minutes of meetings are published, meetings are open to the residents, and the input of residents is always welcomed and encouraged. The protesters have never published minutes of their meetings, and have never once contacted any Board member to discuss their concerns.

The protesters are counting on the fact that the majority of residents have left Apache Wells for the summer and will be unaware of what is going on until it is too late. Board members are on vacation just as many of you are, and it's difficult to deal with situations like this long-distance. And that's the reason for this message. The Board, Apache Wells, needs your support. If you agree that this protest group is acting in a way that is counter-productive to the overall goals of our community, please make your voice heard. Send this message, or one which you write, to your friends, and also send a message of support to Enga in the office so we have some record of the number of people who do support the Board. Her e-mail address is

Thank you in advance for your help.

Apache Wells Homeowners Board

June 28, 2006

Apache Wells history would repeat itself if a new group of residents have their way. A small group of concerned residents want to recall all the Homeowners board and run the park themselves as well as rent the bank building out to outsiders.

Few residents remember back in the 80s when another group tried to stop the purchase of the property & buildings that we now own, stop maintenance of the fountain out front, and filed a lawsuit against the Homeowners board which they lost, . and paid major lawyer fees.

The commons building of office, beauty shop, billiard room, meeting rooms and wood shop as well as the property extending south including the ball field & walking path. was all purchased in spite of that groups protest. Where would we now be meeting if that group had their way?

Recently in room "A" there were several residents that came forward and volunteered to help dismantle our system. One wonders how many of these same residents turn out to do physical or any productive effort for the improvement of Apache Wells.

It's time that informed residents that care for Apache Wells step forward and help stem the flow of misinformation that could possibly start a division between Apache Wells residents.

It's interesting to note that the board negotiated a new garbage contract that will save Apache Wells $740,000. over the next 5 years. With no vote required. No one complained .. nor was there any show of appreciation.

The pool solar system recently installed that will save thousands to heat the pool would have been installed in 1987 if a group of dissidents had not stopped progress with a lawsuit.

To Correct A Few Untruths:
The bank building purchase was legal and Apache Wells is not broke.
Any resident can speak to the board before any board meeting.
Approved board minutes & financial statements are posted and in every Roundup.
There are no secret board meetings or any graft money received by board members.

The bank purchase was not a secret purchase. It was first announced at the Homeowners Board meeting of 2/16/06 that it would be up for sale and would be investigated to purchase it.

Apache Wells Homeowners Board

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