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Sunday, 7 December 2003

I'm ready for my Ambulance Man, Mr De Mille

Now Playing: Justin Fucking Timberlake

I should be arriving in Cambridge right now, but I forgot to set an alarm of any of the four kinds I usually use, then decided today was a good day to straighten my hair (wrong: combined with the nail-scissors induced hair cut, it merely looks like it's been combed, for once; however, I'm pleased to report that within one month I shall cease to be blonde and rejoin the ranks of ginger), to sort out the three human height piles of clean washing (so long since I did this that there's still washing of Wickedex's in there, and she stopped doing any housework here back in June), and then pose a lot in my new underwear. I had an underwear buying splurge on Friday (one that was entirely, totally unrelated to the depressing visit to the adjacent mortgage advisor, who'd gently informed me that the ex-council flats in Bermondsey which I'd thought I'd been brought down to are slightly out of my reach, financially), and true to my own typecasting, bought lots of knickers with jewellery in the bumcracks. I know, I know, there are more dignified ways of describing them, but jewellery up the bumcrack was the selling point for me.
Matching sets, of course - bizarrely, since I haven't slept with anyone since January - well, actually, I have, but I haven't rogered anyone since January, so that time I woke up in bed with Martin and Looby, although definitely a knicker flashing occasion (sports set, white), doesn't count. First matching jewel encrusted bumcrack set of undies were worn on Friday, to the work Christmas party in (gasp) Charlton. Black and silver glitter, with black diamante bumcrack, and comfy-pillows bra (extra pillows down the bra very much required after recent crappy relationship-withdrawal weight loss - I have ribs where bazookas should be). Real danger of public flashing, owing to the ridiculous prozzer mini - so short I didn't have to hitch it up to pee. In fact, the evening was testament to the fact that if everyone else is pissed, you don't actually need to be pissed yourself to act stupid, as at one point, having staggered back to someone's house, I realised I was sat peeing (on the bog, I've never yet repeated the Funky Buddha pee-expo), having neither pulled my skirt up, or the jewel-bumcrack string knickers down. But honestly, there was so little material, I doubt much piss got on the knickers.
Yesterday, I wore the red silk fifties bikini effort - no bumcrack jewels, as these were sporty Betty Page looking efforts, but there were some rocks nestled in the arid expanse of no cleavage. Which kept itching. Prompting some embarrassing scratching at Asda. But hell, I spent my Saturday night doing CNPS and going to look at the Dome by moonlight, who cares what itching nonsense nestles in my sweaty cracks unless I end up on a mortician's slab during such a lone-gunman-type recce? Which, when my car began to break down in the Blackwall Tunnel (again), wasn't such a far-off possibility.
Today is pale pink jewel-encrusted rock solid undies. If you poke the top of the apparently humongous boobs, they deflate (always makes me giggle, Bloke Opposite, who was thankfully out during last night's knicker dancing episode, must think I'm some sort of pervert - squeezing my bits, then pissing myself laughing). When I get to Cambridge, my sis is going to think I've had breast implants. Unless she sees them with a seat belt deflating the whole effort. Snigger.
Two Jaffa cakes left, then I'm outta here. Toe-socks, jewelled bumcrack, pink deflated knockers and all.
Hieronymo's gone mad againe.

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This page graced by sarsparilla at 12:49 PM GMT
Updated: Monday, 8 December 2003 6:36 PM GMT
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Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:15 PM GMT

Name: jatb

Didn't the jewellery up the bum itch too?
Hurrah for knicker-buying splurges.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:18 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

I do actually blame you for this, after three hours drunkenly spent underwear shopping in Selfridges. (:-D)
No, the jewellery sits just above your arse-cheeks, so it doesn't itch at all, unlike the string across your arsehole effect of any stringy knickers. Which is only ever as itchy as your bum sweats, I guess, so the blame can be fairly apportioned between diet, tight clothing, and scratchy knickers.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:19 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

I just realised that the swear word censor that usually operates on my blog's comments seems to either be out of order, or not have all the British words for bum in its lexicon. Rah!

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:28 PM GMT

Name: jatb

Its bizarre. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. @#%$!.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:30 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Ag. The fcuk-hex is back.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:33 PM GMT

Name: jatb

That got through at the preview stage! Pah.
In the interests of science I'm going to resort to Father Ted expletives: girls, feck, arse.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 1:38 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa
Home Page: http://here, you fool!

That would be an ecumenical matter.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 7:42 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
Home Page:

Goowan Goowan Goowan Goowan.

Diamond Cockneyfier you sent....once I'd worked out the HTML 'course.

Still I suppose all this adds new meaning to the phrase.
"How's the craic?"
"Ooh it's Diamond"

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 9:41 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

All sorts of dirty asides about tarnished diamonds, diamonds in the rough, cut glass (ouch) etc, spring to mind, but thankfully the blog comments censor is working again, and you're spared the torture. Glad the cockneyfier eventually worked - yidaho found it originally. See, it is worth knowing common people.

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 9:41 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Not forgetting 'pearls before swine'. Tee hee heeeeeee....

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 10:02 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
Home Page:

or talking about me "Jewells"

Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 10:28 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Or the 'family heirlooms'.... or your 'rocks' ... or ..... nah, I better stop this before I turn into Frankie Howerd.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 1:53 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
Home Page:

Ooohhh well I never...

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 2:54 PM GMT

Name: Kat
Home Page:

I'm glad you cleared up where the jewelry sits on the undies - they were sounding extremely painful for a moment there.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 6:07 PM GMT

Name: Lux
Home Page:

Yes, I was going to inquire about this as well. I was also going to ask about the Justin fecking Timberlake, but then I remembered your breakup CD philosophy. heh. Good choice.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 6:24 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

(:-D) I moved onto Eminem today.... I'd tried to listen to All Saints, but the caterwauling was insupportable.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 6:31 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 6:49 PM GMT

Name: sarah

There were adverts all over the metro (the underground train, not the free newspaper) this morning for that style of lingerry (next to the posters for the panto at the Theatre Royal featuring Tim Healy, TV's "Cave Girl" and the "Welcome Return of Jonny Regan" whoever he is) Kept me entertained all the way up the escalator, that did.

I mean, the pictures of scantily clad women, not Tim Healy in a bad wig.

Anyway, the stuff looked well smart, and you should guess the price then go to Fenwick's Lingerie Boutique and be amazed a the truth. Apparently.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 7:16 PM GMT

Name: boz
Home Page:

After viewing your bum crack bejeweled thong pic all I can say is:
Vanessa, you are on classy chick.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 7:18 PM GMT

Name: boz
Home Page:

That should read ONE classy chick, but on a classy chick would work too, I guess.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 7:36 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
Home Page:

Ah me Jewel-ly.

Bo !

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 7:36 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

At least it wasn't 'Vanessa you are one chassis thick'....

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 7:37 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

#6! How amazing. I checked at Lidl, and they don't stock them. Yet.

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 8:07 PM GMT

Name: sarah

If they did stock them, the washing label would be the size of a double-duvet from trying to fit every fscking european language on there. Which would probably defeat the point..

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 10:08 PM GMT

Name: sarah

anyway, who's taking those photos? you trained the cat good?

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 10:28 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

My sister lies in wait for such embarrassing occasions. Permanently.

(No, I didn't set the camera on timer, and try to snap my crack....)

Monday, 8 December 2003 - 10:39 PM GMT

Name: Kat
Home Page:

There we go!

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