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« September 2003 »
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Wednesday, 10 September 2003

Streaks of unsavoury things

Now Playing: Radio 4: John Humphries badgers politicians of a morning

Blogging before work... naughty.
Almost as naughty as breakfasting on toast and maple syrup each morning. yumzah!
This morning, I couldn't maintain the fiction that I wear a suit any longer. I've been trying to simplify my mornings so I can sleep four minutes later, by acquiring a range of non-descript black suits (fashion tips from John Major... hmm, odd lifestyle choice). But today I'm going to have to admit that I haven't done my homework, and I feel that somehow my clothing should reflect the disorganisation and chaos I feel within!
Unfortunately, choosing clothes at 6am is a pretty hit and miss affair. I ended up in tight stripey brown cords (hurrah for post-summer diets, at least they're tight as in skinny, not tight as in half your arse on display) and a yellow sweater. I'm always telling the DH off for wearing odd colour combi's - if someone wears red and brown, I dunno, it always reminds *me* of dysentery, somehow, no matter how nice the outfit.
Tried to up the smartness level with kinky boots, jackets, etc, but can't shake off the association.
Yellow + brown ..... bird poo .....

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