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Monday, 21 June 2004

Bit too busy to blog just now

Topic: Lactose Incompetent

I spent this weekend hiking (well, it felt like hiking even if it was only gentle strolls) and chatting with brilliant mates in Derbyshire, and another thirteen hours of it driving up or down the country. I'm sat here force feeding myself caffeine, to shove my brain into activity, cos I'm meant to be the boss at work this week, which means getting there early, which has never yet been my strong point. After work today, I have to drag myself over to White City to watch a Rob Brydon monologue being filmed (he of 'Marion and Geof' fame; I have a spare ticket, so if you want to come, ring me), and I still haven't bloody rung back Second Dater, cos I've not had a minute to myself for a fortnight, it seems. Bloody good job I can't get any Big Brother feeds right now, or even the four hours a night of sleep I'm getting as it is would be under threat.

This is how I wanted it to be instead of having a blog. Big grin.

In the meantime, I'll leave you with this detail - unexplored - about the offer on my house: it came in on the same day as what would have been my tenth anniversary with Tybalt.

Closure or what?

Best Blo'te of the Day So Far: Kitchentable
"We did a few shots of me in my massive boots unlaced, jeans, and with my top off, all that. Fairly innocent. Then some adding a biker?s jacket that he?d brought with him. All very Gay Icon, but I can live with that.
So once I was comfortable with posing in semi-nudity, he tipped out a bag of what can only be described as Things. Some of the things, I didn?t even know what they were!
There were wrist restraints, chains, (tweet, tweet, chirp chirp twitter) and handcuffs.
I put on the (twitter, chirrup tweet) and my friend helped me to fasten the (tweet tweet tweet chirp, faint sound of an aeroplane passing over) at the back. And to make my body glisten we (cut to outside of Big Brother house).
?Do you mind wearing this?? he asked, offering me a (cut to shots of the hose-pipe, followed by shots of the outside of Big Brother house, and then the oven).
?Actually, I?d better just rinse it under the tap.? he said."

This page graced by sarsparilla at 7:54 AM BST
Updated: Tuesday, 22 June 2004 11:05 PM BST
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Monday, 21 June 2004 - 11:51 AM BST

Name: chrysalis

Kismet. ;)

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 1:26 PM BST

Name: billy
Home Page:

...I'll come with you - oh, hang on, it's not a the skegness embassy is it :^(...
...I'd forgotten bb was still on - is it interesting :^)...

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 1:33 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Riveting. :)

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 2:26 PM BST

Name: jatb

You could take second-date to the monologue if you've got a spare ticket...

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 4:32 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

I doubt that no sleep, ratty, drained and exhausted Vee is the type of person anyone would want to accompany on a date. I'd rather not put her off.

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 8:21 PM BST

Name: Kat
Home Page:

If the offer is a good one I'd say closure.

I loved Big Brother the first 3 seasons or so. It's not on now, so I don't know if it's coming back on or not. Hmmm. They screw up here, though. They don't let the houseguests drink all that much. I'm sorry, but if you want to watch people get up to monkey business you should really let them drink.

Monday, 21 June 2004 - 11:02 PM BST

Name: Pete
Home Page:

We got an offer on our gaff too. Thank @#%$!.

We'll take it, since there's not too many buyers out there after that stupid, stupid man from the bank started scaring people off with his "we're all doomed" shite.

Time to move on towards pastures new. Best get it done soon.

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