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Saturday, 29 May 2004

Good Things

Topic: Casino Avenue

A few weeks ago, travelling across country with Suprnova and Circe, I noticed that when things break, other people get frustrated. Since October, so many things have broken so many times for me (moving house, finalising my queer divorceage, breaking car, phone, head, heating, computer, etc), that I realised I've finally managed to develop the fatalism about Bad Things that all Buddhists strive for.

Well, sort of. I dunno if 'of course it broke everything breaks' is entirely as enlightened as it should be.

Anyway, this weekend, the six month curse of everything always going wrong lifted temporarily. It was such a shock, I realised the fatalism had become permanent - I actually never expect anything to go right any more.

  • I rang my mobile company about the mike on my phone not working, and they sent me a new one, free of charge, right away. You can ring me now!

  • It's a bank holiday weekend, and I have 4 days off work.

  • I found the missing rubber tip that goes under the A key - wedged it back in with spit (and cat hair), then slammed the key in hard on top. It's permanently depressed, but now if I smash it with my pinky, I get a letter A! Yay!

  • Big Brother this year has started, and it's entirely gay people. Well okay, there's one or two straight people in there, but you can tell they're beleaguered already. Okay, this in itself would only please a weirdo like me, but they're also loud, argumentative gay people, thus ensuring more fights than last year. Good good (and Victor to win).

Best Blo'te of the day so far: SarahSpace:
"I could get drunk, but that is rather mundane. I could go get a tattoo on my lower back to complete my slut look. I could take my ?one day I will buy a house? savings and spend the day at Churchill Downs. It must feel exhilarating to say ?$10,000 on 4 to win in the 6th and . . .? Really, I am never going to buy a house. I could take a sabbatical and spend the summer following the Professional Bull Riders circuit around the county. I could just fuck it all and finally join that convent. I don?t know. I am open to suggestions."

This page graced by sarsparilla at 8:51 AM BST
Updated: Sunday, 30 May 2004 11:38 PM BST
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Saturday, 29 May 2004 - 3:25 PM BST

Name: Jen W
Home Page:

It's all about baby steps, isn't it. Were you a true fatalist, you'd imagine an ominous sign in the turning tide, or so I'm inclined to think. Instead I hear glee in there, over the simple things. You aren't becoming an optimist, are you?

Sunday, 30 May 2004 - 12:45 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

Oh damn, you're right! Oh no! I'm tempting misfortune by becoming an optimist! ;)

Sunday, 30 May 2004 - 10:59 PM BST

Name: lemonpillows
Home Page:

Ok, so this is now really wierding me out... Have you, by any chance, recently begun to re-evaluate your whole past? See things from a completely different point of view? Have you discovered that you were once a perfectionist and that you didn't *actually* fail at all those things you thought you had failed at in your past?

and have your friends suddenly started saying things to you - telling you things that have taken you up until RIGHT NOW to bloody figure out about yourself???

Just wondering,like.. *wanders off being really wierded out*

Monday, 31 May 2004 - 1:22 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

No - well sort of, but no. Not really. Yeah, oh yeah definitely. Yep. Nah.

I think what you're asking is are you alive, do you have friends - because all those things are always happening in rotation, aren't they?

Monday, 31 May 2004 - 12:37 PM BST

Name: torturette
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Regarding Big Brother, seems to me the impressionable amoeba that is Emma is already pretending to be gay. Strange what some people will do to fit in. (Well, perhaps not so strange.... I remember what people were like in the 1980s).

Monday, 31 May 2004 - 1:45 PM BST

Name: Vanessa

I loved the expression on the face of the other flexi-sexi woman with whom she's been sharing a bed all this time. Recoil much?
I'm sure she thinks she's going to get a record deal out of this, with all that overbite warbling.Mind you, I am warming to her, as the honorary chav, she seems the least fake in there.

Monday, 31 May 2004 - 9:08 PM BST

Name: lemonpillows
Home Page:

Maybe I've only just been born then... Because if that's being alive, then I've not been alive for, like, my whole life... How odd..

Tuesday, 1 June 2004 - 4:32 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Does itnothappen, like, every eight years or so?

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