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Monday, 24 May 2004

Why Journos are Toss, a continuing saga

Topic: Lactose Incompetent

Headlines from the front page only of Sunday's paper:

Wise before the event Posh slums it in secret The birth of the teenage dream The dark heart of America Why wronged fathers are right Shock for teenage drinkers Iraquis lose right to sue troops When we were young Michael Moore and me New mystery of Conan Doyle Does Iraq have a future? Riches to rags The sage of cricket The complications of passion for the over-60s Cocaine deaths double as price crashes Sara Payne opens up about her murdered daughter Military win immunity pledge

I'd rather read blogs than that lot.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 12:10 AM BST
Updated: Monday, 24 May 2004 12:12 AM BST
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Monday, 24 May 2004 - 1:22 AM BST

Name: Norman

What are you bitching about? You don't get American Television.

Monday, 24 May 2004 - 2:19 AM BST

Name: Vanessa

Currently, I don't get English television.

I watched American teev once, on a holiday in Cape Cod, and was just gobsmacked. It wasn't the content, it was the seguing into adverts with no FU CKING warning AT ALL.

Every few seconds, too! They'd show a show's title sequence, then adverts, before even a minute of the show had aired. Then back seamlessly to the show - no indication of where advert begins or ends.

If I had to watch that any more regularly than that one set of twenty minutes of squealing 'no! this is insane! they can't do that' on a rainy spring day when I can't wander round the town cos they're all being creepy about my accent anyway, then I'd definitely be certifiable by age six.

Monday, 24 May 2004 - 4:02 PM BST

Name: fridgemagnet

That's weird - I used that same picture in... I think it was a post about the made-up female suicide bomber hiding semtex up her foo-foo. Well, I changed the speech bubble.

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