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Wednesday, 3 March 2004


Topic: Casino Avenue
You know you're really ill when ....
You ring in sick to work, leave a message, and they ring you back to ask if you were actually speaking in English or not
When yidaho MSN's you, you refuse to believe it's actually her, and demand she text proof of her identity before you'll reply
You dream that peachykeenyboy has sent you to organise a work team bonding outward boundey thingy at the North Pole
Every time you speak it turns into a whinge
The phone rings next to your bed and it seems too far away to pick it up
Your hair is so greasy and dirty it's started to go all Alex Parks all by itself
When someone texts you, you put the phone to your ear and wonder why they aren't speaking
And when you take a few aspirin, you'll discover that (1) a raging fever really warms the place up, and (2) yidaho has spent all afternoon trying to push your raddled mind over the edge by sending repeated texts along the lines of 'it's in the orange airing cupboard', 'beneath a polo mint', and 'which?'

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This page graced by sarsparilla at 3:49 PM GMT
Updated: Saturday, 6 March 2004 3:43 AM GMT
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Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 4:39 PM GMT

Name: Joe

I would definitely say that is pretty damn sick. One other one, You know you are sick, if you have to hold the ground, in order to keep from falling down. :)

Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 5:05 PM GMT

Name: Pan
Home Page:

Unhappy to hear that you are ill and skint and have bleeding feet. I know exactly how you feel.Alas though as your feet are broken too you will be unable to take me up on my 'piggyback to the pub = one free pint' offer.

Hope you're feeling better soon.

I went to 6 different job agencies today and they alltold me to piss off.

Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 6:08 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Cheers for the offer! My nearest pub is a shaven blokey over compensating sports bar, and it's not as interesting to sip my coke in there.
Job agencies are spawn of satan - I temped through agencies for three years and never will again. Horrific places. Why don't you retrain as a social worker, charity worker, or go into education? They all drink loads. ;)

Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 7:59 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
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and I've failed you ..I'm not allowed to sell the house to give strange sickie types lifts to work...I recieved a stiff letter from the girls reminding me that my primary role in life was to take them to school in the mornings on the way into work and that there was not any get out clause.

I can post you a thermos of hot water if you need to wash your hair though?

Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 8:18 PM GMT

Name: yidaho
Home Page: http://nah

Wasn't me. I suggest you check on MSN that you *are* talking to the right person before making such accusations. Tch.

Wednesday, 3 March 2004 - 10:17 PM GMT

Name: Winnie
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Just a comment for the between the lines comments. Hahahahahahahha!!!!!You are quick. Hopes the precious is better soon.

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 12:05 AM GMT

Name: lemonpillows
Home Page:

You mean that's *NOT* a normal state of mind??

And what on earth could be hidden beneath a polo mint? (and why is there a polo mint in the airing cupboard?)..

Get well soon x

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 2:06 AM GMT

Name: Jack
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...and your nose gets all stuffed up so that you can't smell anything and you're lying around in bed for days and then one day you get a whiff of something and you ask yourself, "what is that smell?" and you realize that it's you. Now that's sick. Remember to change those pajamas.

Hope you feel better!

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 9:08 AM GMT

Name: Laura
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you should win an award just for the Alex Parks comment.

get well soon babes

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 11:58 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

You bugger!

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 2:25 PM GMT

Name: Francesca
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Damn, I notice that I never comment in your blog, and it is required daily reading.

Hope you are feeling better as you read this. Someone had better take their foot off the pedal of that rough ride you have been having of late !

Get well soon. :)

Thursday, 4 March 2004 - 2:58 PM GMT

Name: em
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i know you're not feeling well, but that still was one heck of a funny post. i think it's hard to make irreverent stuff like 'it's in the orange airing cupboard', 'beneath a polo mint', and 'which?' come out right, but you had me laughing out loud over here. :-)

get well!

Friday, 5 March 2004 - 6:18 AM GMT

Name: Cyn
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What em said.
You're briliant,em!

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