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Friday, 27 February 2004

Wanna Buy a House?

Mood:  lazy
Topic: Yidaho
Four things:
this is pretty

this surprised me

this is for sale - two careful owners

I knew I'd feel like this today, after a three hour long appraisal. Like a sugar-deficient crash.
Still, I have broadband. Wooo!

This page graced by sarsparilla at 8:37 PM GMT
Updated: Friday, 27 February 2004 11:02 PM GMT
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Friday, 27 February 2004 - 9:44 PM GMT

Name: Martin Sewell
Home Page:

Where are the cats? I'm not buying the flat without the cats.

Friday, 27 February 2004 - 11:00 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Right, damn your eyes, I'm adding some sample cats to this post, a pair of a set of four, that I'll throw in for free. As an added bonus, you get to view the utter empty beigeiosity of Penge.

Friday, 27 February 2004 - 11:20 PM GMT

Name: Martin Sewell
Home Page:

Are you sure that your 28-inch wide screen TV was worth two extra cats? That tiny TV is so middle class!

Friday, 27 February 2004 - 11:38 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Yes, I huddle by the tiny middle class telly permanently retuning it to Beeb 2, wrapped in a car blanket, sucking daily two tube rations of Werther's Originals and thinking philosophical thoughts about Penge. If it were only Richmond, eh?
Nah, I have a wider screen one at work that I can nick if necessary. Hell, when I get back from Hawaii on the proceeds from the flat I can buy a new telly.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 12:18 AM GMT

Name: sarah


that's really... beige. Love the juxtapostioning of cats et flowers, by the way.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 1:29 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

plastic flowers, please, and Pink Nasty howering maliciously...

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 3:18 AM GMT

Name: The Rev
Home Page:

A couple of comments, here...
First) Your cats frighten me to no end. Beelzebub even looks rather out of sorts.
Second) The whole gay marriage thing is bunk. What's the big deal, here? The fact that I considered myself to be of the same political party as Good Ole Dubya brings this queasy feeling to my stomach that reminds me of the last time I drank too many vodka tonics and ate Thai food. And the fact that this buffoon wants to amend the Constitution - our cultural holiest of holies - to outlaw the legal personification fo the love between two people? I just can't fathom the that mindset.
Third) I'm in the market for my own place - one that I own and not pay a landlord so that I may store my things in relative comfort. How about a stale packet of Twinkies and a Virginia Lottery ticket that MAY pay out over 10 million dollars for your flat? Eh? Good deal or what?

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 4:50 AM GMT

Name: Rose
Home Page:

Are those your kitties?

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 4:51 AM GMT

Name: Rose
Home Page:

Are those real kitties? :* (I feel like an ass.)

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 4:57 AM GMT

Name: Rose
Home Page:

Those aren't real kitties! I really feel like an ass now! I should first read the comments before commenting...

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 10:06 AM GMT

Name: billy
Home Page:

...mmmmmmmm, broadband :^)...

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 10:58 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

LMAO! Rose, you're commentor of the year! The awful truth is that they are in fact my real cats, although their eyes only look like that when you walk unexpectedly into a room and surprise them while communicating with their masters.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 11:01 AM GMT

Name: jatb

They are real. They're very soft and far warmer than a wide screen tv.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 11:06 AM GMT

Name: Stupid

1) They're freakish, but if Martin wants to buy them, I have to make them look their best;
2) Homos seem to be the only people in the world fighting to go to church, get married, have kids and join the army. The rest of society has all but given up on these institutions. Weird. Personally, I don't agree with gay marriage, I think queer relationships allow us a unique space to make our own rules about what a relationship actually is, without the social pressure that makes every straight relationship lead to monogamy, kids, bed death, etc. We should be valuing that. However my sense of fairness makes me feel that if there are hyper conventional queers out there, let them play in the doll's house if there's no logical legal arguments to stop them. The reason I posted the link was my surprise that The Economist was pro gay marriage, not a comment on the issue itself;
3) The stale packet of Twinkies sounds good - having no idea what a Twinkie is, but having read about them since age 11, and actually even seen a bit of a half eaten one in The Goonies, and -fascinated - freeze framed for more information, then Half eaten Twinkie holds some appeal. Not as much appeal as #75,000 smackeroonies, but some. Second, we have a lottery here too, and I tend to refer to it as a Moron Tax. May pay out, my arse. Sheesh. I saw whatcha did there. You can't fool me so easy. Me name's not stupid.
4) Music? Where?

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 11:06 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Very generously put. Especially for someone who's suffered the torture of their late night litter box shenanigans!

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 11:08 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Yeah, I imagine it tastes like a cross between spaghetti and noodles. Now I can whack up loadsa piccies!

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 12:55 PM GMT

Name: wifflewiffle


Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 1:14 PM GMT

Name: The Rev

The Economist knows what's good for business. ;)

Sorry for not sending an email but some friends swung by and I ended up unceremoniously passing out face first on the couch.

So, as promised:

And... Twinkies... when my nephew was born in 2002 I bought a box of Twinkies. I have them hidden away in a storage unit where they will remain until he turns 21. They'll still be fresh and I'll get to see if the kid has a solid sense of humor when he gets the present.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 1:21 PM GMT

Name: Sie

In my present home along with an old brown sofa I have a beige chair,
It was also a fixture in my two previously rented pied-a-terre.
It was second hand and well worn when it became my property,
It is currently awaiting relocation and replacement after serving me
For fourteen years despite rips and holes, with its buoyancy.
No other chair shall take its place in the livingroom, it's primarily
Chairs out, sofas in. Is it nearing its inevitable doom?
No, I'm too thrifty to not use it in another room.
I like my beige chair and I thank it for its gift of comfort and presence.
New sofas are imminent and 'tho I anticipate the pleasurable difference,
I'll retain my beige chair, it shall inhabit
A darkened room barely used at the minute.
Within this room it shall remain
With two scary cats placed in front of it.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 3:34 PM GMT

Name: Joe

I love cats. Just wish my kitten was as photogentic as yours. Also wanted to say hi, it has been a while since I visited here. Louisville Loser.

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 6:02 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

So, as promised:

My ears! They're bleeding!

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 6:39 PM GMT

Name: Legomen
Home Page:

Hey. Great black comedy slippers you got there..

Saturday, 28 February 2004 - 7:05 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

You should coco - you know they're recieving psychic transmissions from your cat there?

Sunday, 29 February 2004 - 3:11 PM GMT

Name: sarah

Although they do look like those metal ones with reflective eyes you buy to put on the lawn to scare birds of prey away.

sorry, I can't stop laughing at that picture. hehehe.

Monday, 1 March 2004 - 6:11 PM GMT

Name: Cheekysquirrel
Home Page:

I would buy your house if I didn't already live in the real Rhondda, although I don't live in a grove.

Is it wise to post your house details on the web? Oh well too late now.

Monday, 1 March 2004 - 9:58 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

I don't actually live there, though. I own it, but I don't live there, and the building is never empty, so I figured there's no real threat. Mr House, my estate agent (that's not a pseudonym, by the way) is there every day and about 47,000 Australians live in the one bedroom flat just below.

That house is next to Tredegar Square and Morgan Street, named after Henry Morgan, born in the area, one of the famous pirates of yore, who was given land in Rhondda by the King in his dotage. So there is a Rhondda connection, but true to the East End, is full of crims and shysters. Might be true to Rhondda Valley, too. ;)

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