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Monday, 16 February 2004

Brief Encounter

Brief Encounter, ITV1, 2am.
The temptation!
The knowing that it's so good (so bad it's good), you could stay up, but the stilted passion is so deliciously far under the surface of stiff upper lip, that it probably wouldn't keep you awake if you did.

Celia Johnson. This is what I always used to wish being a lezzer was really like.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 1:20 PM GMT
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Monday, 16 February 2004 - 3:59 PM GMT

Name: Dick Jones
Home Page:

For the reasons you give & the mighty social & cultural changes in the 57 years since it was made, 'Brief Encounter' ought to be risible in the extreme. It ought to be up there with 'Goodbye, Mr Chips' & everything that Norman Wisdom ever consigned to film as a piece of out-of-the-ark whimsy. But there's something in the playing of Celia Johnson & Trevor Howard & in that wonderfully downbeat Noel Coward script that rings with truth. People simply DID behave like that then & for me the film is both moving as a depiction of doomed love & touching as a documentation of a time gone by.

Monday, 16 February 2004 - 9:05 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

I have a terrible habit of becoming addicted to Noel Coward plays, and seeing the same production several times a week to notice the different interpretations the actors put into their expression throughout the run. So yeah, I know what you mean, but I thought if I didn't sound fashionably sarcastic, Cyn would tell me off. :)

[I could have guessed you were a Coward fan, actually, from your writing style]

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