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Sunday, 28 December 2003

Um ... uh ... hunh ... ehm ...

I'm still bereft of inspiration, or of any thought independent of 'what shall I eat next'.
I'm grabbing my animals by their scruffs and forcing them back into captivity to take them back to London (cue two hours in a car filled with CDs of christmas carols accompanied by unearthly mournful wailing from the back seat), so perhaps tomorrow I can blog about my injuries.
Until then, I'm off out to photograph the ugliest lights I've seen this side of Slough, and I leave you with quite the sweetest christmas blog post I've read anywhere, from the unsurpassable Edward Ocean, aka Lactose Incompetent.

This page graced by sarsparilla at 5:13 PM GMT
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Sunday, 28 December 2003 - 8:54 PM GMT

Name: ThePimpress
Home Page:

ah yes the mournful sound of the kitties in captivity. I know the sound, it's a dreadful sound that makes you want to turn the car radio up louder to drown it out.. only they bray on and on no matter how loud you turn it up. It makes you want to stab yourself in the eye with a ball point pen. 2 hours of that is very nearly cruel and unusual.

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 12:41 AM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Lol - the most worrying thing is the impulse to turn round and check they're okay whilst hurtling along the road at 101mph, in an effort to minimise the amount of time you have to listen to the tale of kitty-torture.

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 2:44 PM GMT

Name: billy
Home Page:

...happiness is slough in the rear view mirror...

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 3:55 PM GMT

Name: tess
Home Page:

I am once again free to read blogs and do stuff!! I have returned. Feck me, but you have written a lot in the last 2 weeks. Do you suggest that I read it all? Or are there some that I must read, and others I can skip over? I know I'll probably ebd up reading it all anyway...

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 4:48 PM GMT

Name: yidaho
Home Page:

You must read the "Everyone I've Ever F*cked" blogs, which were posted mid December, if you haven't already!

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 9:23 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Yeah, Yidaho guest wrote those ones. ;-)

Monday, 29 December 2003 - 9:34 PM GMT

Name: Vanessa

Too true. Why does Slough always smell of poo from the motorway?

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