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Red Dream
Sunday, 13 July 2003
Hello? Anyone there?
I wish someone would post a comment. A real comment. Hmph...

Posted by blog/reddream at 9:13 AM PDT
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Saturday, 12 July 2003
standing at the window gazing out at the night
Feeling your kisses up my back to my shoulder
Turning around, but your face isnt in sight
This ghost of a love that used to smoulder
Its been weeks since you left me
But every face dissolves into you
Hearing you say I love you is just a fantasy
But my illusions of you feel so true
Ive shed too many tears
When the voice on the phone isnt yours
A life with out you contains so many fears
And youre never behind the opened doors
This bed never felt so big before
And the blankets were never this cold
Im not used to mornings with out you anymore
I just want nights with you to hold
Your whispered voice surrounds my life
My world seems like a nightmare
All I wanted was to be your wife
Whats the point of living with out someone to share
Traces of you seem to be everywhere
Your scent is still left on my pillow
Youve left my heart lonely and bare
Will I survive, I really dont know
A love like this has got to be rare
I pray one day that youll come back
And Ill have more than memories to care
Until then my skys will be black

Posted by blog/reddream at 11:08 PM PDT
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I love Isa and Cat! Theyre the greatest. Im so glad I have a few good friends. Today was a great day in the name of creativity. Lots of new poems on my site that I was actually happy with. Good night world!

Posted by blog/reddream at 10:55 PM PDT
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Im like those shoes in the back of your closet
Like those old hightop converse
You almost forgot about me
But just like the shoes Im in the back of your mind
It was your choice to throw me aside
Store the memories in the dark for no one to find
But some day someone will give me the time of day
Pick the old converse up and see potential
And when you want me back, theres nothing you can do or say
You can try me on again but theyll never fit the same

A new poem I made real quick. I went to the Balboa Fun Zone today. Had fun and wrote a poem about converse. La dee da dee da!

Posted by blog/reddream at 7:54 PM PDT
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Taxi Cabs?!?
Yesterday I started this thing called Taxi Cab Chronicles! Its my newest endeavour. Basically it is a series of stories written by myself and visitors. The stories are based on a taxi driver named Joe and all the people he meets. Its fun and quirky. I would be tickled if you posted your story! Go to

Posted by blog/reddream at 12:15 PM PDT
Updated: Saturday, 12 July 2003 12:16 PM PDT
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Tuesday, 8 July 2003
No Service
Dial your number in my heart
But there is never an answer
Waiting for you to pick up
All I hear is the machine
I try to get you and talk awhile
Your phone just keeps on ringing
Theres so many things weve left unsaid
If I had the chance to hear your voice on the line
I'd tell you all my feelings of love one last time
But youre forever gone from my life
Calling your number is only an operator
Your line doesnt exist anymore, canceled way too soon
I wish I could call you back
Hear your name on the other side
Just one last time for me to tell you that your mine
Just one last time to hear your voice on the line
But youre forever gone
Your number is out of service
All the things weve left unsaid
I try so hard but the lines' cut dead

Posted by blog/reddream at 3:10 PM PDT
Updated: Tuesday, 8 July 2003 3:15 PM PDT
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Monday, 7 July 2003
Another Summer Monday
Ahh! The weekend ended sooner than I wanted. So now I am back to staring into screens, either television or computer. Right now Im doing the least strenuous act of multitasking by watch Christina prance around in skanky clothes on the television and typing this on the computer. And all I have to talk about is how retarded Christina has become. Once a long time ago I liked her, but she's trying to be some ghetto fabulous slut or something and it just isnt her. She's not even pretty anymore.

So yesterday I bought a red notebook. I intend it to be my first volume of the chronicals of my life or somethin' like that. Really all I put in it is whatever floats out of my mind into my pencil and out onto the paper. It doesnt matter if it makes sense or not but it's just nice to have something. It's kinda like this blog thing, but my notebook's only audience will be me.

I hope your summer monday is more productive than mine...

Posted by blog/reddream at 1:42 PM PDT
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Sunday, 6 July 2003
Fireworks Display
So, I wanted to tell you about the fireworks display on the fourth of July...

It was really great! I got to see disney land, laguna hills, san clemente, mission viejo, LA, and all of the beaches. It was so cool to see a panoramic view of fireworks in all directions. My favorite show was the Disneyland one.

Posted by blog/reddream at 5:43 PM PDT
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Last night I spent the night at my bestfriend's Natalia's house. We went out and saw legally blonge 2 and had this goal, its a secret though. Anyways we failed our little goal but I guess it was for the best.

We ended up going to Denny's and then to Danny's and saw steven and maties and the shot of fireworks, then we just watched movies until Natalia and I had to go home.

On a regular night Natalia and I would have snuck out or something, but we were both tired so we went to sleep.

Posted by blog/reddream at 5:36 PM PDT
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Friday, 4 July 2003
Independence Day
Happy fourth everyone. After reading through other people's blogs, I discovered that most people hate the fourth of july because they have to spend time with their family.

I love Independence Day! Something about watching the Yankee's game (Even if they lose 10-3 to the Red Sox), and scarfing down hot dogs and hamburgers with a coke to help it all go down is just so American.

The best part is when we all go back on the hill behind my dad's house, and this hill is high enough, so that you can see every single fireworks show in the greater Los Angelos and Orange County area. Its the best to watch the local shows and disney land all at once.

I dont want to sound all mushy or retarded, but Im sure as hell glad Im an american.

Posted by blog/reddream at 5:44 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 4 July 2003 5:47 PM PDT
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