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Mystery Man Blog
Sunday, 13 January 2008
A whole lot of nothing
Mood:  lazy
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F*ck me...I still feel dead lazy, maybe I'm pushing too many trolleys at work, or maybe I'm not cut out for all night vigils outside the local mosque anymore...I don't know. What I do know is that I'm struggling to muster the energy to type...maybe it has something to do with those old Mars Bars I found in the cupboard, they were past the expiration date, old Mars bars might drain your energy rather than give it to you. Now I've bought up the subject of Mars bars it does bring back memories of my wild days back in the 1960's before I joined that elite Israeli security agency. I was living with some bloke called Mick at the time and his girlfriend used to like a nice cold Mars bar...mind you I think she didn't eat them straight away...his room was always covered in chocolate where she'd let them melt...what a waste.

Those pedals I got from Halfords are a pile of sh*t and I'm going to have to take them back, my feet keep slipping on the chrome so I can't build up a head of speed. I've been caught on so many speed cameras it's unreal, I know some coppers call me the 'Flying Yid'. I still managed to get down Brick Lane this morning though...can't miss out on my Bagel fix.

The Synagogue has nothing interesting to report...they actually got a proper Rabbi in on loan from some place in Poland, mind you for all I know he could just be a plumber...he spent the whole time speaking f*cking Polish which is one of the few languages I'm not fluent in. Won't take me long to learn though...I've discovered a good way to learn a language fast, no real secret, I just don't let anyone else get a word in edgeways and then walk off...always works for me.


Posted by blog/norventia at 8:17 AM CST
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