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Who is Really caged?

As victims and now surviviors, we see how they gained our trust and charmed us into a cage, kept us off balance with their Jekyll & Hyde behaviors, we always gave him the benefit of the doubt, yet knew something was not quite right, we finally put all the pieces of the puzzle together, that no amount of our kindness and empathy could prevent their pattern of bizarre behavior. To have sadly been close to them long enough to watch them go through phases to idolizing future supply, lie and manipulate, devalue and\or use and discard ourselves and anyone who had come in close contact with them without any remorse, we have been victims to bare the brunt of their miserable cruelty seeing them when their mask comes off and they reveal themselves, eventually we take the brave step to escape their madness. We pay the final price; they unleash their hidden rage trying to destroy us and regain control, to try to keep their abuse hidden. In return we have set ourselves free returning to the world of normal people and sanity - we are no longer their supply, we are not longer caged.

For the narcissist there is no escape... their tortured inner narrative of life... dwelling in a sea of paranoia striving at all costs to keep their past victims deleted from their world, no one must know..... Manipulating their current supply to keep them under their control... Constantly hunting to secure a new or more advantageous supply..... Loathing how they are dependant on supply to adore them, and eventually inflicting the never endling sorrowful drama on them to make themselves feel live and in control, until they are discarded once they aquire a new supply... using people for their own self centered gains.... The lies and manipulations... the inablity to sustain any type of long term or close relationships .... The drain of being on guard to present and protect their false self to the outside world....... They are emotionally frozen in childhood.... inside their world is dark and numb.... The narcissist is the one who is eternally caged.