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Life as we know it
Saturday, 26 August 2006
Clothing freedoms
Mood:  d'oh
Now to a lot of us, the way we dress is important. This entry is going to be about feelings toward clothing freedoms. Now I live in Georgia, but I know the laws regarding Tan's and Indiana. I know TN's because I have 3 cousins who live there and I used to live in Indiana. Georgia and Indiana do not have to wear uniforms; Tan's does. However, we are limited in our school wear. We can't wear what we would wear during the summer or even in Walmart or KMart.
All teens know that it is very hard to find a store that does not sell pants that are ripped up. Who knows? Soon, all jeans may be like that. If the school board doesn't realize that, then we're going to end up wearing who knows what? The teachers tell us they are trying to help us find our identities. How can they say that with all the strict rules.
Take Tan's. They are stuck wearing a uniform, which I am going to be straight with you guys about this, it makes them look like Communists. Everyone's the same. As my science teacher might possibly say "They're homogeneous." We can't tell who's who by their clothes like we would be able to on the streets.
So those of you who want dress code to just disappear, listen to me: WE HAVE GOT TO SEND A PETITION AROUND THE SCHOOLS AND THEN EVENTUALLY TO THE SCHOOL BOARD.
That is all I have to say about the subject.

Posted by blog/musicnerdz at 3:02 AM CDT
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