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Last Updated: 03-20-03 @ 11:00 PM

Below are links to some of the websites
I often visit.  So check 'em out!

My Favorite Futurama Sites!
+Futurama Picture Palace
+Futurama Scanart Central
+The Leela Zone
+Can't Get Enough Futurama
+One And Only Bender

+Joe Cartoon
+Kill Frog

Fun Quizzies!
+The Spark

Friends' Live Journals!
Sean's LJ

If you have a website you'd like to
submit, or a website you've created,
send the URL and title of the webpage

+Note:  Please make sure the webpage
is appropriate!  That means no porno,
hacker sites, or gruesome websites like
Rotten.  Thank you! :]

©2003 Mission Blonde