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Harry Potter and Other Topics...
Thursday, 17 July 2003
Hi! My names is Darlene, and This is my first blog. What exactly is a blog? I don't have a Godamn clue. I just stumbled on to it when I was bored. I've been up all night. I think I have insomnia...I not sure. Or it could be lack of sleep because I've been reading HP (Harry Potter) Slash all night. I'm ranting...oh well. Anyway I think my dad is a prick. He smokes weed and has a serious drinking problem. LOL *He wont admit it!* And then He's taking up th Religion Of Isam. I don't have a problem with it, I just wish he would stop trying to force it on me. I like pork and I think I'm gonna order me a peperoni pizza today.I'm 14 by the way. And I share a room with extremly messy people! Sharing,niceness,etc. are not in my vocabulary. I'm evil!!! HA HA HA! And I love Harry Potter!! I've read all the books 14 times except of "Order of the Phoenix" Which I think is really angsty. Not that I'm complaining. It's evil, like me. I think I running out of room here so I'll end it for to day but not after a little self advertising. My poem "Realistic" will be posted on soon!! Please R&R (read and Review)!! till next time Mari(Darlene) is out! *_*

Posted by blog/mari_marshall at 1:52 AM
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Thursday, 17 July 2003 - 9:51 PM

Name: Stacey
Home Page:

My name is stacey!! i had no idea what a blog was either, but then i read about it and it's like a website but you don't really have to do anything!! just update it!! Well i LOVE harry potter too, i've read all the books heaps of times aswell

Friday, 18 July 2003 - 2:51 AM

Name: julie
Home Page:

hey mari-
if you wanted to bug ur dad about taking up islam, you could attempt to force a different religion down his throat... hmm i'm 14 too. evil advice to the one who calls herself evil. lol, later.

Friday, 18 July 2003 - 3:58 AM

Name: Darlene

How do people come up with words like blog? Hi Stacey! If you like Harry Potter than you Should vist this site Its one of my favorites! You know You've Read Too Much Harry Potter When... Also,if you don't know what slash is you shouldn't read my story. It could tramatize you for life! I'm trying to find you blog but no luck yet and I ain't giving up.

Friday, 18 July 2003 - 9:31 AM

Name: julie

hey- i've got it.

blog = blah + log... lol. maybe not, but almost.

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