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Once again, a Great day in MPCLand
Wednesday, 18 June 2003
been a while...
Yes, it's been like almost a week since I've updated. I just sterted Driver's Ed. on Monday and so I'm a little overwhelmed from bein bored out of my skull.
bleah. I'm never gonna come back and update this blog again. I have too much to do. bye.

Posted by blog/m_p_coconuts at 1:55 PM EDT
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Friday, 13 June 2003
it appears to have cleared up...
I mean the weather, not a genital issue (tee-hee, GENITAL!). The weather here in Wisconsin is really startin' to wear on me.
see, it's been raining for nearly the whole fucking week. I like rain; it keeps me inside. but after I took one step outside this morning to sit on the Patio and and drink my coffee (with the latest book I'm reading (Priestess of Avalon for who wants to know.)on the right side of my lap and Shadow on the other side) I felt like I had to get one of those retractable shade thingies so I wouldn't burn into something that looks like my mom baked!
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO tired it's not even funny; and yet, I can't go back to bed, it's passed 8:30 (sigh)

Nothin' really other than that; I need a job, munnies... needed... badddd.
I also need to kill my Hermano poco just for being alive (and stealing stuff from out of my room). I wanna read a really good book that inspires me to get off my ass and write my own; then I remember,
"I don't have my own computer to type said story, therefore, I have no story."
Gonna go, I wanna go back to bed. I'll see what develops.

"Death isn't the death itself, it's the realization that your physical body has always been dead that creates the spirits in our world."
-Shaman Shumel

12:00 PM
Okay, I'm back. yeah. I didn't get to sleep, so I called my friend Tegan at 10 and woke her lazy ass up. I'm pretty sure she went back to sleep (I'm sure of it!) there is nothing left to do but sit here and watch old Spongebob reruns.
I suppose I could watch the crows that live in our backyard mate but they try to peck my eyes out. Everyone knows how fun that is. I'm gonna take Shadow for a walk. there is nothing left to do but wait for the Barbecue I'm gonna go to at Tegan's.
I'll probably Blog some more later... yeah.

"If Truth is Beauty and Beauty Truth, then everyone should lie all the time so we have an even more beautiful world."

Posted by blog/m_p_coconuts at 9:30 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 13 June 2003 12:54 PM EDT
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