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Friday, 14 November 2008
Homeherb Best Search Herbal Nutritional Product
Mood:  a-ok
Topic: Herbal Products
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Menopause :

Relief of symptoms of hot flashes, moodiness and irritability due to the onset of menopause.



Spirulina is a genus of blue-green algae used as a nutritional supplement. Blue-green algae, which are microscopic fresh-water organisms, are also known as cyanobacteria. Their color is derived from the green pigment of chlorophyll, and the blue from a protein called phycocyanin.... read more Spirulina


Kid's Health

Kid's Herbal Armor Spray 100% DEET-FREE; only natural ingredients used. Clinically proven to be 100% effective for over two hours, 95.8% effective for three hours and 77.1% effective for four hours. Unique formula w/five natural essential oils recognized by the EPA as repellents.


Women's health

Women's health is the concept that examines gender differences in health and disease states. The average life expectancy has almost doubled for women (79 years for women and 73 years for men), when compared with averages during the turn of the century. Because of the gender gap in lifespan, women comprise approximately two thirds of the population  Read More Women's health


Fish Oil

In recent years, a great deal of attention has been placed on the value of eating a low fat diet. In some cases, people have taken this advice to the extreme by adopting a diet that is far too low in fat or, worse yet, a diet that has no fat at all. But the truth is that not all fat is bad. Read more Fish Oil



A multivitamin is any preparation containing more than a single vitamin. Tablets and injectable forms (for example Vitaped and Hospira) are available. In common usage, "multivitamin" refers to tablets that contain various vitamins usually along with dietary minerals and, occasionally, herbal extracts....

Coenzyme, CoQ10

Coenzyme Q10 and alpha-lipoic acid are crucial components in the primary energy production cycle and are powerful antioxidants. Research indicates that supplementation with CoQ10 may support normal heart function and maintain the health of gums.


Brewers Yeast

Brewer's Yeast contains several naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and other beneficial nutrients. All vitamins listed occur naturally in Brewer's Yeast. No synthetic vitamins were added to the yeast during processing.

Wobenzym N Clear Coated

Max Wolf’s systemic enzyme product, Wobenzym N, is the flagship product of Mucos Pharma. The sophisticated combination of the plant based enzymes bromelain and papain, the natural pancreatic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the antioxidant flavonoid rutin support a healthy immune system. Bromelain is extracted from the stalk of pineapple and papain from the milky juice (latex) of unripe papaya.



Source Naturals Acidophilus is a specially cultured strain of viable, freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus. The body relies on "friendly flora" residing in the intestines for the internal protection against putrifactive yeasts and bacteria, which can secrete toxins and hoard vital nutrients. Acidophilus supports colon health by altering the microflora ecology and favoring "friendly" flora. It also manufactures some B-vitamins, especially folic acid.



Resveratrol is a protective compound produced by grapevines and other plants in response to environmental stresses. Human cell culture studies have demonstrated that resveratrol has potent antioxidant activity, as well as the ability to inhibit platelet aggregation. These actions may Enhance Beneficial Effects free radical damage throughout the body and provide support to the cardiovascular system.



Colostrum is a unique food supplement, rich in a variety of biologically active proteins including immunoglobins. It is the first "milk" given to a newborn calf by its mother, and contains many bioactive compounds not present in ordinary milk. Colostrum is normally secreted only in the first 48 to 72 hours after birth. Source Naturals Colostrum is true bovine colostrum (not cheese whey), collected within the first 12 hours of production. It is then standardized so that certain key proteins found in colostrum make up 30% of the finished product. NOTE: Contains no Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone.



Get involved in making love is one of the key activities that people do, but it’s not that simple there can be complications and problems that could come across in doing so. Sexual health can be influenced by many factors that may include behavior, attitudes, and conditioning, to biological and genetic factors.


Weight Loss

Excessive body weight is a hazardous problem in this fast moving world which can affects person’s social activity. Everyone wants to look smart, preserving the healthy body weight is important to maintain both physical & emotional comfort. Weight loss simply means to reduce the excessive body fats in order to improve health, fitness and appearance. Weight loss occurs when there is imbalance in energy production and energy utilization. When an individual is getting more energy but having sedentary lifestyle it means he is storing more and more fat in his body which can lead to obesity. Losing the body weight is very important because it can protect you from many health problems like heart disease, high blood pressure and high blood cholesterol.



Posted by blog/ at 9:20 AM EST
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Friday, 22 February 2008
Here Your Health ! Nutritional Supplements
Mood:  cool
Topic: Herbal Products

Nutritional Supplements

Most of the people struggle through out the life to get the required amount of nutrients in USA for the proper functioning of the body. One has to fulfill the deficiency of essential nutrients to attain maximum health. Herbal food supplements can be the best option for fulfilling the deficiency because they provide the essential elements to the body. Although dietary supplements cannot replace the habit of healthy eating, but it will help in improving health so that a person can achieve higher levels of health.

                                                                                                                                                                                          Herbal Nutritional Supplements

DL-Phenylalanine Free-Form By Solaray

DL-Phenylalanine. A 50/50 (Equimolar) mixture of D-Phenylalanine and L-Phenylalanine from microbial fermentation.

                                                                                                                                      DL-Phenylalanine Free-Form

 Calcium Magnesium Citrate By Bluebonnet

Liquid Calcium Magnesium Citrate Plus is available in natural blueberry, lemon and orange flavors. Available in easy-to-swallow liquid form for maximum assimilation and absorption.

                                                                                                                                         Calcium Magnesium Citrate

 Osteo-Bone Formula By Bluebonnet

Provides a special blend of chelated calcium, magnesium and the trace mineral boron plus natural vitamin D. Also formulated with Ostivone Ipriflavone and Soy Isoflavones extract. Providing the soy isoflavones Genistein, Genistin, Daidzein, Daidzin, Glycitein and Glycitin. Available in easy-to-swallow vegetable capsules for maximum assimilation and absorption.

                                                                                                                                             Osteo-Bone Formula

 Milk Thistle One Daily By Solaray

Solaray One Daily Guaranteed Potency Herbs deliver the ultimate in convenience; the recommended one-a-day dosage makes herbal supplementation simple. Milk thistle is considered by many to be one of the best liver tonics in the world.

                                                                                                                                               Milk Thistle One Daily

Alpha Betic Multivitamin By Natureworks

AlphaBetic Multivitamin For People with Diabetes is a one a day multi-vitamin for the general well being of people with diabetes as it contains nutrients that may Enhance with glucose metabolism, optimum antioxidant protection and healthy nerve function.                                  

                                                                                                                                                 Alpha Betic Multivitamin

Resveratrol By Source Naturals

Resveratrol is a protective compound produced by grapevines and other plants in response to environmental stresses. Human cell culture studies have demonstrated that resveratrol has potent antioxidant activity, as well as the ability to inhibit platelet aggregation. These actions may Enhance Beneficial Effects free radical damage throughout the body and provide support to the cardiovascular system.




Glucosamine & Chondroitin Extra Strength By NOW Foods

Glucosamine & Chondroitin are naturally occurring structural components that have recently enjoyed growing popularity. Glucosamine is an amino sugar derived from the chitin of shellfish and is used by the body to support healthy joint structures. Chondroitin complements Glucosamine and works synergistically to provide optimal nutritional support.

                                                                                                                        Glucosamine & Chondroitin Extra Strength

 Avena Sativa By Solaray

Avena Sativa or Oat Straw has been used historically for its many health benefits. It is currently used in common breakfast cereals.

                                                                                                                                                       Avena Sativa

Chaparral By Arizona Naturals :

Chaparral (Larrea Tridentata) - Wild crafted and harvested from the pristine Sonoran Desert, this ancient plant contains a powerful antioxidant. Recent research against herpes and related viruses is very promising. 500 mg. capsules or in tablets with Vitamin C, Zinc, Alfalfa and Yucca root.Chaparral is famous for its primary constituent NDGA (nordihydroquaiaretic acid) which has pronounced antioxidant and anti-Long standing problems effects. Chaparral sedates inflammation, has vasodepressant properties and has been found to increase ascorbic acid levels in the adrenals. It also Enhances relieve Discomfort of neuritis, sciatica, and has anti-bacterial properties.


Beauty & Care

A healthy and beautiful skin is the integral part of beauty. An attractive and glowing skin plays a vital role in supporting the self-esteem and confidence. Everyone wants healthy and radiant skin and a pretty look, and most women use cosmetic products for this purpose. There is a variety of products that will maintain good and vibrant skin. Here, you can find a variety of multipurpose products that are very easy to use and give you the desired results.Our Beauty & Care store contains all the natural cosmetic products and food supplements that will help you in enhancing your beauty, giving you more beautiful and charming look. You will find all skin care products from the leading brands

                                                                                                                                                                                     Beauty Care

Posted by blog/ at 2:25 AM EST
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Thursday, 6 December 2007
Buy Best Nutritional Supplements

Astaxanthin :

Astaxanthin, a member of the carotenoid family is a powerful antioxidant. In vitro research demonstrates that astaxanthin is ten times stronger in scavenging free radicals than other carotenoids such as lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene, and one-hundred times stronger than alpha -tocopherol. Astaxanthin has greater anti-inflammatory capability than vitamin E, enhances the release of retinal (vitamin A) from the liver when needed, Increases strength and endurance, Protects cell and mitochondrial membranes from oxidative damage, prevents the initiation of cancer cells in the tongue, oral cavity, large bowel, bladder, uterus, and breast..... Read Or :

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Dolisos :

Dolisos Canada is an affiliate of Dolisos France, is in the forefront on the Canadian homeopathic market. The Dolisos Homeopathic Pharmacology Laboratories were created by Jean Tetau in France, in 1937. Tetau was a pharmacist with a family background in homeopathy.
       Dolisos, as one of the worlds largest suppliers of homeopathic medicine, is ideally positioned to promote this increasingly popular therapeutic approach that is not widely recognized........

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Kudzu is commonly used as part of a proactive program to overcome detrimental health habits.

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5-HTP known as 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan is a compound created in the body which is used to regulate serotonin levels in brain and central nervous system. Serotonin is an important brain chemical involved in mood, behavior, appetite, and sleep. When the walls of blood vessels are damaged, serotonin is released from the platelets to constrict the blood vessel and prevent hemorrhage, or you can say 5- HTP helps improve moods of depressed patients and may aid in weight loss, improve sleep patterns and help panic attacks. When considering 5-HTP or any "natural" supplement, it is important that we consider that they have the potential to affect our bodies as much as any other drug, particularly if we are taking other prescription or over-the-counter drugs.

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Blue Bonnet Albion High Potency Chelated Multi ...

High potency iron-free Albion amino acid chelated multimineral supplement. Two-a-day formula provides patented amino acid mineral chelates. Available in easy-to-swallow caplets for maximum assimilation and absorption. ..

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colostrum stores:

Colostrum is a unique food supplement, rich in a variety of biologically active proteins including immunoglobins.
Colostrum is a good source of protein but also recognized for the products of bioactive proteins, amino acids, and growth factors with other futures . Concerns about Colostrum safety and effectiveness take a buyer's guide to the best Colostrum ........

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Olympian Labs

Olympian Labs believes its outstanding growth is a direct result of this commitment. Olympian Lab is also committed to providing up-to-date information and education about anything and everything related to dietary supplements and complimentary medicine. Olympian Labs manufactures its products in a state-of-the-art facility that ensures optimal quality control at every level. Olympian Labs (OL) provides the health and nutritional market with a full spectrum of premium supplements, exceptional customer service and proactive educational programs. .....

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Taurine Allergy Symptoms :

The incidence of allergy diseases in the Western world has been a scientific question. As rates of asthma, fever and cold flu has become increase remarkably, the number of cases in less developed countries remains relatively low, and that put’s a big question mark on all the research which has been done by our scientists. Allergy affects the lives of thousands of people every year and rapidly becoming life threatening disease.If you are an allergy sufferer, spring can be a miserable time of wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort, unless you have the proper allergy treatment. .....

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Oil Of Oregano

Oil of oregano is 3extracted from the herb Oregano found in leaves and flowering tops of more than two dozen fragrant plant species are endowed with a distinctive mildly minty flavor. Oil of Oregano contains contains varying amounts of thymol and carvacrol, compounds that can apparently inhibit the growth of fungi, worms, and possibly other organisms. Mild stomach-settling and cough-clearing qualities are attributed to Oil of Oregano. Oil of oregano may help to alleviate toothaches and fight Candida overgrowth syndrome. Oil of oregano may reduce the absorption of iron from iron supplements, so take the oregano oil at least two hours before or after consuming iron supplements. Browse line of products to the best Oil of Oregano safe, effective, rapid-acting, non-sedating supplement......

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Bataine Hcl

BETAINE HCI CAPS contain the highest potency betaine hydrochloride formula available providing powdered betaine HCI with pepsin in gelatin capsules for quick acting and enhanced effectiveness. In the stomach, hydrochloric acid converts pepsinogen to pepsin, an enzyme that breaks down protein. Pepsin breaks down proteins into smaller, more easily absorbed substances. As people age, hydrochloric secretion may be reduced, which can result in decreased levels of pepsin. Without proper pepsin levels, the body has a difficult time digesting food. Betaine hydrochloride is used as a supplemental source of hydrochloric acid, which can be utilized by the stomach to produce pepsin. The combination of betaine hydrochloride and pepsin provide an excellent stomach tonic.   ........

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Best Glutathione Reduced Supplement

Glutathione is widely found in all forms of life and plays an essential role in the health of organisms, particularly aerobic organisms. In animals, including humans, and in plants, glutathione is the predominant non-protein thiol and functions as a redox buffer, keeping with its own SH groups those of proteins in a reduced condition, among other antioxidant activities. Glutathione has the following structural formula:Glutathione (reduced) is known chemically as N-(N-L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl)glycine and is abbreviated as GSH.Glutathione disulfide is also known as L-gamma-glutamyl-L-cysteinyl-glycine disulfide and is abbreviated as GSSG. ....

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Important Roles Of Calcium

Calcium Supplements: Most people know that calcium is crucial to building and maintaining strong bones, teeth, and connective tissue. However, many are unaware of other equally important roles calcium plays in the body. It''''''''s the easy way to keep your bones...

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Weider develops scientifically advanced nutrition products available. Whatever your goal, you can be assured Weider has a product designed to help you attain it -- from products designed to increase strength and power to those developed to support lean muscle mass and body definition to effective overall health and weight management products .....


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Best Brand Of Multi Vitamin

A dietary supplement containing all or most of the vitamins that may not be readily available in the diet. Vitamins may be classified according to their solubility either in lipids (vitamins A, D, E, K, F) or in water (vitamins C, B-complex).....

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Astaxanthin, Kudzu , Dolisos ,5-htp , supplements , nutritional , Vitamin













Posted by blog/ at 2:58 AM EST
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Friday, 30 November 2007
Nutritional Supplements Info Or Products..
Topic: Herbal Products

Anise oil

NOW Anise Oil has a distinct licorice-like aroma. It has been enjoyed by Egyptian, Greek and Roman cultures for centuries and is famed for its role in alleviating digestive and stomach challenges. NOW Anise Oil is 100% pure and natural, mixes well with sandalwood, lavender and orange oils, and is steam distilled from Anise seeds...

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( Anise oil )


Arabinogalactan Powder

Arabinogalactan Powder by Food science Of Vermont. A larch tree supplement to support immune system function and micro flora balance in the GI tract. Arabinogalactans from Larch Tree are water-soluble polysaccharides and fiber that supports proper immune system function....

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(Arabinogalactan Powder)




Astaxanthin is a naturally occurring carotenoid that is closely related to Beta-Carotene and Lutein. Because of its unique structure Astaxanthin provides a wide range of antioxidant benefits. Astaxanthin may play a key rolse in the protection of cell membranes against free radical attack, as well as support of the immune system and cardiovascular health.

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( Astaxanthin )



Laci Super Dieters Tea Peppermint

Dieting can be difficult. But it can also be satisfying. Especially with the help of my relaxing, flavorful, all natural Super Dieter's Teas. My teas have helped a lot of my friends succeed. They'll help you, too. A strong diet and fitness routine can help you take control of your life and change it for the better...

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( Dieters Tea )



L-citrulline, like L-arginine and L-ornithine, is a metabolite in the urea cycle and is involved in liver detoxification and vasodilatation pathways. It is produced in the urea cycle when carbamoyl phosphate is converted to citrulline in the ornithine carbamoyltransferase reaction....

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( L-Citrulline )



Sensoril Ashwagandha is a patented Ashwangandha extract obtained from roots and leaves and is standardized to contain a minimum of 8% withanolide glycosides, a minimum of 32% oligosaccharides and a maximum of 2% withaferin A.

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Red Marine Algae

Red Marine Algae, or Dulse, has been used by people as a food staple for thousands of years. Often referred to as a sea vegetable, research has shown that the sulfated polysaccharides in Red Marine Algae may provide nutritional support for immune health....

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( Red Marine Algae )



Baby Life

Bifid bacteria is the dominant naturally occurring healthy bacteria found in the gastronintestinal tracts of healthy breast-fed infants. This product is useful when taken by infants, small children, expect and nursing mothers....

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( BabyLife  )


L-Valine Powder

L-Valine is an an essential amino acid, specifically classified as a "branched chain amino acid" (BCAA). BCAAs stimulate protein synthesis directly in muscle tissue. Valine is a major fuel involved in anabolic (tissue-building) reactions, and stimulates muscle protein synthesis. .....

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Mag 07 Oxygen Digestive System Cleanser

Aerobic Life Industries is continually striving to develop and introduce new and revolutionary products to the patrons of the natural health market. Mag 07 is such a product. ....

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( Digestive System Cleanser )


Hoodia Gordonii

Hoodia Gordonii has been used for generations by South African tribesmen to starve off hunger and thirst during long hunting expeditions. Hoodia is difficult to grow and requires just the right amount of water, sun light, and temperature. It takes five years for Hoodia to grow to full maturity....

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( Hoodia Gordonii )



 Product Directory



Posted by blog/ at 2:36 AM EST
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Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Herbal Information's

Glucosamine Sulfate

Glucosamine sulfate, sometimes also called as glucosamine sulphate and all the other forms of glucosamine originate from shellfish. They found naturally in the body. Glucosamine is a form of amino sugar. It provides strength, flexibility and elasticity to the cartilages and connective tissues by increasing the production of glycosaminoglycans molecule. Glycosaminoglycans molecule are believed to hold the joint tissue together.  Clinical studies have shown its effective use in arthritis. The quality of glucosamine varies widely because of the different forms, types and brands available in the market. .... (Glucosamine sulfate)


Hep Forte


There is no doubt regarding the significance of Liver in our body, it is ranked as one of the most important organs of human body. Liver is positioned lower the ribs and on the right side of our abdomen it size is same as of a football and normally weighs 3 to 4 ponds. It has a functionality power of a continues running factory, which works on multi tasks at the same time. It helps us to digest our food and take in nutrition and get rid of toxic substances produced during digestion. In simple words it can be said that it is one of the organs, which helps us stay alive. ... (Hep Forte)



Immune Health

Herbal medicines always plays good role in treating abnormalities of the immune system. Research have shown the significance of various herbal products are effective in treating, asthma, lupus, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, cold, fue and the aging process is intimately linked with the immune system. Also for balancing the immune system in cases of chronic infection, preventing the immune system from turning on the body and causing destruction. Allergies occur when your immune system has mistakenly identified a normally harmless substance as a bacteria or virus. Your immune system then attacks this substance the same way it would attack an invader. When your immune system attacks an invader, it has side effects. It can cause aches, pains and fatigue. (Immune Health)



L-arginine was found to be required for the generation of urea, which is necessary for the removal of toxic ammonia from the body. L-arginine was also shown to be required for the synthesis of creatine. Creatine degrades to creatinine at a constant rate, and is cleared from the body by the kidney. Arginine is a precursor of nitric oxide, which causes blood vessel relaxation (vasodilatation). Preliminary evidence suggests that arginine may be useful in the treatment of medical conditions that are improved by vasodilatation, such as angina, atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, erectile dysfunction, heart failure, intermittent claudicating/peripheral vascular disease, and vascular headache. Arginine also stimulates protein synthesis and has been studied for wound healing, bodybuilding, enhancement of sperm production (spermatogenesis), and prevention of wasting in people with critical illness....  ( L-Arginine  )



L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied in the diet. lysine's popularity as a nutritional supplement arose as a result of some studies suggesting that the amino acid may decrease the recurrence rate of some infected with herpes simplex virus.

Lysine deficiencies may include fatigue, moodiness, anemia, poor concentration, reproductive problems and slow development. L-Lysine supplementation helps maintain the health of the structural, circulatory and immune systems. For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients. ..(  lysine )



How To Stop Snoring Naturally with Nozovent

If you suffer from snoring, you are not only missing out on a quality night’s sleep, but your family’s rest may be disrupted as well. The question facing many sufferers is not what causes snoring so much but, rather, they want to know how to stop snoring completely. ( Nozovent )



Skin Eternal

Skin is a reflection of your health and well-being and to attain skin that looks truly alive, energized and refreshed; we believe a holistic approach is necessary. This includes nourishing your body with fresh, organic foods, exercising every day to motivate your mind and spirit, and eliminating unhealthy lifestyle choices. ( Skin Eternal  )


Weight Loss

In the context of physical health, weight loss is the process of losing body weight, usually by losing fat. To achieve healthy weight loss, most experts recommend a combination of healthy eating patterns and regular physical exercise. Some people try to lose weight by using drugs such as fenfluoramine, nicotine or cocaine (see Anti-obesity drugs), herbs such as ephedrine, or surgery such as liposuction. Weight control is a strategy that is adopted as a preventive life style. It is an attitude of keeping weight down. As fried and fatty foods have increased in our diets and the demand for physical labor has decreased, there is an increase in obesity. Most people today are appearance motivated to lose weight. ....( weight loss )


More Health Information's TO visit our site : HomeHerb


Posted by blog/ at 2:08 AM EST
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Wednesday, 21 November 2007
Herbal Supplements Product
Topic: Herbal Products

Herbal Nutritional Supplements

5 HTP Description

Jarrow formulas 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan) is an extract of Griffonia simplicifolia seeds from coastal West Africa and is verified to be free of the “peak X” contaminant. Purity is assured by HPLC. 5-HTP is the direct metabolic precursor of serotonin and is important for the production of melatonin.  ...  ( 5-HTP )


5-HTP Description

5-HTP from Natural Balance offers you the ideal, complementary blend of 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) with Vitamin B-6. Together, these ingredients interact to increase your body's production of the calming nuero-transmitter serotonin. 5-HTP will help you feel more relaxed, sleep better and enjoy a more positive outlook.  ( 5-HTP


5-HTP Description

Serotonin is a compound found in the body and concentrated especially in the brain. This neurotransmitter is responsible for regulation of mood and behavior. Having adequate levels of serotonin can help in feeling calm and relaxed; having too little sometimes leads to irritability and uneasiness.

Taking Natrol 5-HTP can help. Natrol 5-HTP, naturally derived from Griffonia seeds converts to serotonin in the brain and liver, balancing the body’s serotonin levels to help enhance mood naturally. It helps you maintain a positive, healthy and restful outlook. It even helps control appetite. ( 5-HTP )

See All Range & Information's  ( 5-HTP )


Acetyl-L-Carnitine Description

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is the ester form of L-Carnitine; a naturally occurring amino acid metabolized from Lysine and Methionine and used extensively by the brain and nervous system. There is a significant amount of research on L-Carnitine’s role in cardiac and skeletal muscle function and in its role in fat metabolism/loss. N-Acetyl- L-Carnitine’s research has focused mainly on its role in brain and nervous system function with regard to the aging process. ( Acetyl-L-Carnitine )


Acetyl L-Carnitine Description:

Acetyl L-Carnitine is an amino acid-like compound that is related to choline and may assist in the conversion of choline into acetylcholine. Acetylcholine, one of the body's key neurotransmitters, chemically transmits messages from one nerve cell to another. ( Acetyl-L-Carnitine )


Acetyl L-Carnitine Description:

Acetyl-L-Carnitine (acetyl carnitine) is a more bioavailable form of the amino acid L-Carnitine and is involved in many metabolic functions. As an antioxidant, acetyl carnitine can protect neurons from damage caused by superoxide radicals. Acetyl carnitine is involved in other aspects of neuronal metabolism and its molecular structure resembles the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Also, acetyl carnitine supplementation supports energy utilization through fatty acid metabolism in the mitochondria. ( Acetyl-L-Carnitine )

See All Range & Information's  ( Acetyl-L-Carnitine )


Acidophilus with Pectin Description

Source Naturals Acidophilus is a specially cultured strain of viable, freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus. The body relies on "friendly flora" residing in the intestines for the internal protection against putrifactive yeasts and bacteria, which can secrete toxins and hoard vital nutrients. Acidophilus supports colon health by altering the microflora ecology and favoring "friendly" flora. It also manufactures some B-vitamins, especially folic acid. ( Acidophilus )


Acidophilus Description

Source Naturals Acidophilus is a specially cultured strain of viable, freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus. The body relies on "friendly flora" residing in the intestines for the internal protection against putrifactive yeasts and bacteria, which can secrete toxins and hoard vital nutrients. Acidophilus supports colon health by altering the microflora ecology and favoring "friendly" flora. It also manufactures some B-vitamins, especially folic acid. (Acidophilus)


Acidophilus with Pectin Description

Source Naturals Acidophilus is a specially cultured strain of viable, freeze-dried Lactobacillus acidophilus. The body relies on "friendly flora" residing in the intestines for the internal protection against putrifactive yeasts and bacteria, which can secrete toxins and hoard vital nutrients. Acidophilus supports colon health by altering the microflora ecology and favoring "friendly" flora. It also manufactures some B-vitamins, especially folic acid. (Acidophilus)

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Artemisinin Description

Pure artemisinin or Qinghaosu, the active constituent of the herb Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood). Good quality Artemesia annua contains 0.3-0.5% artemisinin, so pure Artemisinin provides hundreds of times more of the active constituent artemisinin than the whole herb itself. Research has shown artemisinin to be particularly beneficial in balancing the microbiology of the GI tract.  ( Artemisinin )


LipoPhos Forte Description

LipoPhos Forte is a blend of highly refined essential phospholipids (EPL), natural substances that form the outer membranes of living cells. These naturally occurring lipids include phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylethanolamine, as well as linoleic and linolenic fatty acids, and are encapsulated in nanometer-size liposomes for complete intestinal absorption. ( LipoPhos Forte )


Artemesia Description:

A concentrated extract of the leaves of Artemisia annua, an herb from the Far East, used for centuries in Chinese medicine for addressing specific microbial imbalances. Artemisia possesses properties which potentially support balanced intestinal microbiology  ( Artemesia )

Arthred Powder Description

Clinically reported to support joint function and is well researched. Arthred is hydrolyzed (predigested for better absorption) powdered collagen (bovine source) to support the production of healthy joint tissue (connective tissue). Connective tissue is present in varying degrees in every cell of the body. May be used in combination as collagen and elastin in the proper ratio are important for membrane fluidity, elasticity and memory within joint tissues. ( Arthred Powder )


See All Range & Information's ( Allergy )






Posted by blog/ at 2:34 AM EST
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Thursday, 15 November 2007
Sexual Health Informations
Mood:  energetic
Topic: Health Stores


Exotica (H-G-W) - Pinnacle Exotica is an herbal blend that promotes sexual performance, rigidity and duration.

Exotica provides a blend of herbs which have been clinically and/or historically demonstrated to promote sexual function. Horny Goat Weed has been used traditionally for thousands of years in Asian countries to promote sexual performance. In addition, scientific research in both animals and humans have shown that Horny Goat Weed has a libido enhancer function, supporting frequency, stamina and erectile function. See More Informations click : Sexual Health



Ashwagandha : Sensoril Ashwagandha is a patented Ashwangandha extract obtained from roots and leaves and is standardized to contain a minimum of 8% withanolide glycosides, a minimum of 32% oligosaccharides and a maximum of 2% withaferin A.
Ashwagandha has been used in the Indian tradition of Ayurveda to improve musculoskeletal function and as a tonic to improve overall health. Experimental studies demonstrate that Ashwagandha is an antioxidant that supports joint mobility and resistance to fatigue .... See More Informations click : Sexual Health


Powerful men’s performance enhancer. With Yohimbe and Horny Goat Weed. For centuries, men have used various herbs, roots and "aphrodisiac" plants to enhance their sexuality and improve their performance. Cobra blends exotic herbs from around the world including Horny Goat Weed, Ginseng, Yohimbe Bark, Muira Pauma (known as "potency wood") and Saw Palmetto. .... See More Informations click : Sexual Health  

Maca Express Energy

Maca Magic Express Energy Liquid Extract - Tasty liquid extract. Very Potent and fast acting. Feel a lift in just 2-3 minutes! Many people use this for long drives or late night studies!

Great in juices, water, candies, and addition to juices, rice milk, coffee, tea, or chocolate. Perfect when you want the power of Maca Magic root in a concentrated liquid form. Also tastes great just in a glass of water. Naturally sweet from select sweet hypocotylo Maca Magic root. ,......See More Informations click : Sexual Health

Male Power 

Male Power is a power-packed, concentrated herbal/glandular formula to help you rev-up your engine and put a new spark in your life. Male Power is the consummate blend of modern nutritional science and traditional herbalism for peak performance and endurance. See More Informations click : Sexual Health 



Stamina-Rx (StaminaRx) is a revolutionary sexual stimulant engineered to increase sexual stamina and arousal. Unlike the competition, HI-TECH uses only the highest grade extracts and nutriceuticals available in its raw material purchasing.......
See More Information's click : Sexual Health  


Stamina-Rx For Women 

Stamina-Rx is a revolutionary sexual stimulant engineered to increase sexual stamina and arousal. As you well know, it is fruitless to consider sexual health without acknowledging the powerful connection between the MIND and the BODY. See More Information's click : Sexual Health


 Horny Goat Weed   

Pinnacle Horny Goat Weed is an all-natural botanical sexual enhancer. It is a botanical complex that contains Horny Goat Weed (yes that is the name of the herb), Maca, L-Dopa and other exotic botanicals. See More Information's click : horny goat weed

Posted by blog/ at 2:18 AM EST
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Some Most Popular Herbal Product
Topic: Herbal Products

Teething Tablets

100% natural homeopathics by Hylands. Teething Tablets is a homeopathic formula for relieving restlessness, peevish whining and irritability associated with teething children.
     Teething tablet shows their beneficial effect in teething children. Child feels discomfort due to teething problem and he/she become restless whole night. Teething tablet shows their relieving effect and help in dentition....

Teething Tablet Additional Information:

Temporarily relieves the symptoms of simple restlessness and wakeful irritability due to cutting teeth. ........ Teething Tablets


Nettle Leaf Tea

A perennial with separate male and female plants, Nettle (Urtica dioica) grows up to 4 feet tall and has toothed, pointed leaves that sting when touched. This sting causes a burning sensation. This because each hair consists of a sharp, hollow spine that breaks off easily, allowing the liquid inside, formic acid, to be released into the object causing the injury.In spite of its stinging, Nettles are of considerable use in many ways, including culinary; they contain vitamins A and C, iron, and a variety of other minerals.....

Nettle Leaf Tea Additional Information: 

Since 1922, Alvita has been making the finest herb teas money can buy. Pure, natural singles and blends that bring you unsurpassed enjoyment, healthful benefits and complete satisfaction. No less reassuring is our unwavering commitment to the environment. Today, no herb tea company goes as far to protect the Earth and its precious resources-this package and its contents being testimony. ....... Nettle Leaf Tea


A to B Calm

A to B Calm is a flavorless, colorless powdered drink that can reduce stress, tension, headaches, and muscle aches; can allow one to sleep better, and assists premenstrual stress and menstrual cramps. Because A to B Calm is completely natural, it can be a natural alternative to drug tranquilizers. Effective for adults and children.

A to B Calm is COMPLETELY NATURAL and SODIUM FREE. Calcium and magnesium deliver natural relief from stress, tension, menstrual and muscle cramping, sore muscles, and inability to relax and sleep.

This allows the body to take immediate advantage of the balanced ingredients. Drink some A to B Calm and feel the simple, effective relief in minutes! .......... A to B Calm


AdvaCAL Ultra

AdvaCAL Ultra - The #1 bone building calcium plus 8 other essential bone nutrients. AdvaCAL Ultra is convenient, combining all the essential nutrients for bone health in a single caplet, while AdvaCAL capsules allow you to "customize" your nutritional program, combining AdvaCAL with other supplements according to your own needs and wishes.

AdvaCAL Ultra includes magnesium, vitamin D and 6 other essential bone nutrients for a complete bone health formula such as Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Boron and Silica.

AdvaCAL Ultra Additional Information:

AdvaCAL (AAACa) is natural calcium hydroxide and calcium oxide with HAI, a patented amino acid extract from Japanese sea algae. AdvaCAL is the #1 bone building calcium, clinically proven to build strong, healthy bones. AdvaCAL capsules are well tolerated in the stomach, safe, small, and easy to swallow.

Your body uses 1000 to 2000 mg of calcium every day to help produce energy and support heart and nerve function. From birth to around age 30 your body stores up more calcium than it uses. But little by little, your body becomes less efficient at absorbing calcium from your diet — so it has to “borrow” some of the calcium that’s stored in your bones. By the time you’re 60, you may have lost 30% or more of your total bone mass........... AdvaCAL Ultra

Hep Forte

Hep Forte - Support for overall liver health!
Hep-Forte is a comprehensive formulation of amino acids, protein, B vitamins, antioxidants and other nutritional factors that have been shown to be important in maintenance and support of normal liver (hepatic) function. A popular seller worldwide, Hep-Forte offers nutritional support for overall liver health, particularly in cases of: Alcoholism, Hepatic dysfunction due to hepatoxic drugs and liver poisons, Male and female hormonal imbalance due to hepatic dysfunction.  .................. Hep-Forte


Colon Clenz

Promotes elimination and internal cleansing.
Time-tested herbs soothe and cleanse the digestive tract.

Colon Clenz Additional Information:

Colon Clenz (Colon Cleanse) relieves occasional irregularity and promotes a clean and internal environment. Sometimes eating and drinking the right things just isn't enough. Colon Clenz is a gentle blend of nature's cleansing herbs which promotes regularity and a clean internal environment. ..........  Colon Clenz


Wobenzym N

It's a simple fact that systemic enzymes are important to our health. Systemic enzymes are absolutely essential to maintaining a healthy body and an active lifestyle. Your body uses systemic enzymes to rebalance the inflammatory response and fine-tune repair processes to help you recover from injury and disease. Fortunately, you can replenish your supply with the naturally occurring bromelain enzymes in Wobenzym N. Wobenzym N with bromelain is considered to be an effective arthritis treatment method, which is commonly prescribed for arthritis pain relief....

Wobenzym N Additional Information:

Join the millions of proponents spreading the word about Wobenzym by experiencing the relief for yourself. With Olympic athletes, martial artists, doctors and millions of Europeans, you can take control of your health and well-being by learning first-hand the world's best-selling and most thoroughly researched systemic enzyme formula. Feel the Wobenzym difference.

Wobenzym N provides nutritional support for the body's repair mechanisms. European studies have shown that Wobenzym not only supports the body's natural repair processes, but also appears to accelerate the process. Enzymes help to restore and promote microcirculation and at the same time assist the body in the removal of "fibrin mantles" at the various sites of inflammation. In this way Wobenzym N supports normal inflammation levels within the body. .......... Wobenzym N




Posted by blog/ at 2:08 AM EST
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Monday, 3 September 2007
Health Article .......
Now Playing: Herbal Health Article

5-htp  :  5-HTP known as 5-hydroxytryptophan or 5-hydroxy-l-tryptophan is a compound created in the body which is used to regulate serotonin levels in brain and central nervous system. Serotonin is an important brain chemical involved in mood, behavior, appetite, and sleep. When the walls of blood vessels are damaged, serotonin is released from the platelets to constrict the blood vessel and prevent hemorrhage, or you can say 5- HTP helps improve moods of depressed patients and may aid in weight loss, improve sleep patterns and help panic attacks....... Read  More


Acetyl L-Carnitine : Carnitine is found primarily in meats, but may also be found in avocados, breast milk, dairy products, and tempeh. In the body, it can be synthesized in the kidney from lysine and methionine. Several forms of oral carnitine are available, including L-carnitine, D-carnitine, and DL-carnitine. The latter two forms are often found in over-the-counter nutritional products and supplements. They are associated with more adverse effects. Products containing D-carnitine and DL-carnitine should be avoided. L-acetyl-carnitine and L-propionyl-carnitine are acceptable alternative formulations that may be recommended for specific conditions. ....... Read More


Acidophilus : There are several varieties of bacteria that thrive in acid environments. These include Bifidus (mother's milk bacteria) and Acidophilus (healthy intestinal bacteria). These are helpful in digestive upsets, as treatments for certain vaginal disorders, and as treatments in skin care.Acidophilus is lactic bacteria that are one-celled micro-organisms essential in the digestive tract for performing many functions necessary to promote immunity and proper nutrition. It helps digestion, produces natural antibiotics, manufactures vital nutrients, and regulates elimination....... Read More


ALLERGY : The incidence of allergy diseases in the Western world has been a scientific question. As rates of asthma, fever and cold flu has become increase remarkably, the number of cases in less developed countries remains relatively low, and that put’s a big question mark on all the research which has been done by our scientists. Allergy affects the lives of thousands of people every year and rapidly becoming life threatening disease.If you are an allergy sufferer, spring can be a miserable time of wheezing, sneezing, coughing, and constant discomfort, unless you have the proper allergy treatment. Allergy promotes and maintains contact between basic and clinically applied allergology and immunology.... Read More


Amino Acid : Amino acids are the basic structural building blocks of the protein. Proteins are the necessary part of every living cell in the body that make the greatest portion of our body weight. Since the proteins that make our body are not directly obtained from the diet because dietary protein is broken down into amino acids. In the body these amino acids either rebuild into a specific protein which the body required or may perform other function within the body. Thus it is the amino acids not the protein that are required as an essential nutrients. ......... Read More


Anti Aging : Now a days Aging is a big problem, natural diet can reduce effect of Aging. FOODS SUCH AS KALE, sweet potatoes, red bell peppers, black beans and brown rice can trip up Father Time before he comes creeping around adding body fat and depleting energy. As early as our twenties, a gradual decline in the immune and muscular systems begins to set in if not offset by restorative nutrients and regular exercise. It's not simply the years that have a damaging effect on our bodies, it's also those out-of-control free radicals--oxygen molecules that come unglued during normal cell functions. If not disarmed, the radical oxygen fragments attack our cell membranes and leave us vulnerable to such serious health problems as heart disease and cancer as well as signs of deterioration associated swith aging--sagging muscles, wrinkles and the need for reading glasses. Fortunately, the antioxidant nutrients--vitamins A, C and E, selenium and zinc--fight back. Here are specific foods that contain bodyguard nutrients and a dietary plan that promotes lasting vitality and timeless beauty........... Read More


Antioxidant : Antioxidants are a group of compounds that destroy single oxygen molecules, also called free radicals or we can say Antioxidants protect the body from damage caused by harmful molecules called free radicals. The best sources of antioxidants are fruits and vegetables, and for this reason most of us take a multi-vitamin every day and some take an additional dose of one of the antioxidants. Antioxidants are bioactive compounds in foods that play an active role in the human body............ Read More


Arnica : Arnica is the perennial herb, it’s botanical name is (Arnica montana). Arnica is a genus of plants of the complex family (Asteraceae), Arnica found in northwestern North America. Arnica has narrow leaves and orange-yellow flower heads 5 to 7 centimeters (2 to 2.5 inches) across. Arnica is literally well known in alternative medicine. It is also found in the Pyrenees, Siberia, Canada, and the northwestern US........... Read More


Calcium Supplements :  Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, has several important functions. Calcium is present in variable amounts in all the foods and water we consume, although the main sources are dairy products and vegetables. Calcium is stored in the bones and teeth where it functions to support their structure, and not only that it’s also found in blood, muscle, and the fluid between cells. Majority people don't get enough calcium from regular diet. ............ Read More


Cold & Flu : Weather of winter is considered as a possible influence on our health conditions especially cold & flu is the common problem we face in the start of winter. Scratchy throat, sneezing, and a runny nose that starts out clear, turns discolored and then disappears are the usual signs of a cold. Other symptoms may include a low-grade temperature, swollen glands, headache, watering eyes, hacking cough, and a sick, achy feeling and a pain. Cold weather can increase stiffness in muscles and joints. As It’s happens to everyone, that's why it's called the common cold, everyone is familiar with this kind of common cold, we are all very much known of one or two ways to fight it, which usually involve some sort of medication, or the remedy, a bowl of chicken soup. But there are much better ways to prevent and treat the common cold, using traditional non-drug remedies and good solid nutrition............... Read More


Energy Boosters :  In the today’s busy lifestyle we have to run after the clock to catch the time and we have to do everything in the given 24hours, and during our hectic schedule we ignore the most important work that is to feed our body properly. As a result after few hours we feel tired and exhausted. So the question arises that what can we do for that? We can do a lot of thing that may fit into our busy schedule................... Read More


Hep Forte : There is no doubt regarding the significance of Liver in our body, it is ranked as one of the most important organs of human body. Liver is positioned lower the ribs and on the right side of our abdomen it size is same as of a football and normally weighs 3 to 4 ponds. It has a functionality power of a continues running factory, which works on multi tasks at the same time. It helps us to digest our food and take in nutrition and get rid of toxic substances produced during digestion. In simple words it can be said that it is one of the organs, which helps us stay alive. .......... Read More


Immune Health : Herbal medicines always plays good role in treating abnormalities of the immune system. Research have shown the significance of various herbal products are effective in treating, asthma, lupus, allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, cold, fue and the aging process is intimately linked with the immune system. Also for balancing the immune system in cases of chronic infection, preventing the immune system from turning on the body and causing destruction. Allergies occur when your immune system has mistakenly identified a normally harmless substance as a bacteria or virus. Your immune system then attacks this substance the same way it would attack an invader. When your immune system attacks an invader, it has side effects. It can cause aches, pains and fatigue............ Read More


L-Arginine : Is an amino acid, one of the building blocks of protein, it may promote muscle-building activity in the body by increasing levels of anabolic (growth-promoting) hormones such as insulin and growth hormone……………….. Read More


lysine : L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied in the diet. lysine's popularity as a nutritional supplement arose as a result of some studies suggesting that the amino acid may decrease the recurrence rate of some infected with herpes simplex virus........... Read More


Nozovent : If you suffer from snoring, you are not only missing out on a quality night’s sleep, but your family’s rest may be disrupted as well. The question facing many sufferers is not what causes snoring so much but, rather, they want to know how to stop snoring completely.......... Read More


Skin Eternal : Skin is a reflection of your health and well-being and to attain skin that looks truly alive, energized and refreshed; we believe a holistic approach is necessary. This includes nourishing your body with fresh, organic foods, exercising every day to motivate your mind and spirit, and eliminating unhealthy lifestyle choices....... Read More


Weight Loss : In the context of physical health, weight loss is the process of losing body weight, usually by losing fat. To achieve healthy weight loss, most experts recommend a combination of healthy eating patterns and regular physical exercise. Some people try to lose weight by using drugs such as fenfluoramine, nicotine or cocaine (see Anti-obesity drugs), herbs such as ephedra, or surgery such as liposuction. Weight control is a strategy that is adopted as a preventive life style. It is an attitude of keeping weight down. As fried and fatty foods have increased in our diets and the demand for physical labor has decreased, there is an increase in obesity. Most people today are appearance motivated to lose weight............... Read More

Posted by blog/ at 8:13 AM EDT
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Top Herbal Product On
Topic: Herbal Products
  sodium ascorbate
  holy basil
  magnesium citrate laxative
  weight loss vitamins
  milk thistle tea
  olympian labs
  Naturally Vitamins

Posted by blog/ at 8:11 AM EDT
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