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Friday, 30 January 2004
not another day
Mood:  on fire
Now Playing: Miles Davis
Alright, so after days (maybe years) of soul searching I've realized something...I've just been drifting. One weekend to the next, another drunken stupor, another one night stand, another relationship. God, I'm 25 years old. And although I've got some great stories, what do I really have to show for it? I'm just around to amuse the office and give my married acquaintances someone to live through vicariously. I've been so scared of not realizing my potential. So worried about letting other people down or embarrassing myself...I've been paralyzed. No more. From this day forward I will find those things that make me happy and drive toward them with lazer focus. Enough of this helter skelter, shotgun approach to life. So many things I've wanted to do, but haven't because no one could ever hear me practice or see me fail at anything. Oh no, we couldn't have that!

So, I am at this moment exercising my right as a human being in the information age. I am exercising the right of self reinvention. I am exercising the right to fail, to look stupid, to be rejected. I am determining my own destiny. Wish me luck!

Posted by blog/chapman_dw at 9:07 PM EET
Updated: Friday, 30 January 2004 9:15 PM EET
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003
What a week!
It has been an amazing week and I'm exhausted. My parents, brother and sister came to visit me in Germany. We spent our time in Bruges, Belgium; London, England; Calais, France; here in Germany at my house; and finally in Brussels. I've got to get some sleep; it has been a whirlwind.

Actually, despite my fears my family was quite well behaved and we had a great time. It was with more than a little apprehension that I took on showing them around, but they proved to be quite the travelers. My fears of seeing "The Clampett's come to Europe" acted out in front of me were apparantly unfounded. Isn't it amazing how people can surprise you sometimes!

We also visited my cousin in Belgium and her husband. It was the first time I'd seen her in over a decade and hadn't seen her husband at all. I think that she found a keeper. It was great seeing them both. I've got to sign off. Eventually these things are going to have a little more substance. Maybe after I get some shut eye.

Posted by blog/chapman_dw at 10:44 PM EET
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Monday, 15 December 2003
Sadaam Busted!
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: ?
So, I heard today that we finally caught Sadaam. To tell you the truth I'm actually kind of stoked about it. I just hope this means that we can get out of Iraq as soon as possible. That place is the catbox of the planet and I don't want to go back, if I can help it. And to be completely honest it needs to happen. The Iraqis are going to have to start governing themselves as soon as possible. I wish them the best of luck; they've got their work cut out for them. So I guess the big question now is what's are we going to do with Sadaam now that we've got him?

Posted by blog/chapman_dw at 7:12 PM EET
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