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From the Mind of CeeCee
19 October 2006
Hey :]
Mood:  chatty
Hiiii to everyone :] I'm new to blogging, and finally decided it was time to share my innermost thoughts with the world!
Just for your information, my real name isn't Cee Cee. It has just become my pen-name, or ''blog-name'' if you prefer.
All true names have either been abbreviated or completely changed for confidentiality, for myself and the person I am speaking about.

Here's the basics about me: I'm a teenager, living my life day-to-day, and taking the challenges as they come. And trust me, there are many challenges indeed!
For example:
Almost a year ago, I was moved across my state of Florida to live near my aunt and cousins, because my family could no longer afford to live in our home in my former city.
Not only was I moving away from my hometown, where I had lived for my entire life, but I was also moving away from my brand-new high school, my best friends, and my sister, age twenty-four.

My father is an alcoholic...not the kind that becomes violent, but the kind that becomes foolish, weak, and childish. Since he was fired from his respectable job at least three years ago, he took up drinking, and hasn't quit since. Because he has been out of work for so long, we moved (as mentioned above).
Everyday, I come home from school, wondering what I will find upon crossing the threshold of my life, and into my hell. Sometimes, he's fine: sober, comprehending, helpful, and loving. Other times he's not so great: useless, complaining, and annoying.

Another reason why my family and I moved was to help my divorced aunt care for my elderly grandparents, who were moving from their city of several decades to live in my Aunt K's house.

A few months after relocating, my grandfather's health progressively worsened, and he died on August 29, 2006, just as Tropical Storm Ernesto was approaching the shore. I miss him everyday, but my life is moving on, and I know my Granddad is in a much better place.

To top it all off, my high school is driving me insane! Because of arriving in the middle of the school year (and basically hating the world), I felt out of place and lonely. Thank God I have finally made some good, reliable friends, joined clubs, and kept up with my straight-A average.

Although my life is complicated and tough, I still manage to start each day with a smile, and try to see life as optimistically as I can. :]

Thanks for listening, guys, and look forward to more interesting and in-depth blogs...things will soon get juicy!! ♥

Posted by CeeCee at 6:39 PM EDT
Updated: 19 October 2006 6:53 PM EDT
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