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Thursday, 7 January 2016
Signs are down, trails open

Noticed this December that the no bike signs at Watchung Reservation were down for the first time I can recall in two decades.  This coincided with another OPRA request to the county for information on the Rez, as well as some other measures I took.  Since the county is not talking to myself or anyone else involved in efforts to end their extra-legal, never authorized by legislative action "ban", which was created by a handful of unelected employees in a secret meeting in 1995, no one knows why the signs are down.  I would argue it may simply be they got tired of answering the darn OPRA requests.  Or maybe it was the producer from a local news station I contacted.  Who knows.

Of course, the park was never actually "closed" -- the gov'ts policy was to exclude bikers, but it was never authorized by passing a law or ordinance... But the fact that the signs were essentially bogus and had no authority is beside the point; it is still nice to see them gone, and minimizes the likelihood of the ignorant hassling any bikers who mountain bike there.  Which is good news as The Rez is right nearby, way closer than parks in other counties.

I rode there twice the week I noticed the signs gone, and as soon as the trails dry from the past week's rain plan to go back for more.  Ride safe and have fun.  After after 20 years we've earned it!


Posted by blog/bicyclerider at 7:26 PM EST
Updated: Monday, 30 May 2016 8:40 PM EDT
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