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AI Anti-Invaders Inc.


I based this site off of my friend Jo's website. GO THERE NOW!!


This is easy. First you have to know what AI stands for. Not Artificial Intelligence you inferior world savers. IT STANDS FOR ANTI-INVADERS! I have the top-secret Invasion world plans. Go me! No seriously! Go me! Anyway, you have to know how they are gonna plan to take over. Easy! I have the plans! No, I am not repeating my self fools! I am drilling into your mind that I HAVE THE TOP SECRET PLANS AND YOU DON'T!!!

First they are going to build 3 giant robots cuz they know that we will blow up the first one and then they'll be screwed. So they are going to make 3. Now all we gotta do is make the ground really slippery with jello and stuffs. Then when the robots run around they slip on the jello-ey ground and fall and explode. But you can only do it to one robot otherwise they'd know what’s going on and YOU’D be screwed. It’d help to use clear you know cuz clear is… clear… and unseen.



Plan 1: Once you ruin the sample plan they have, now you have to ruin the other ones.

Their Plan: Buy pop-tarts and doughnuts and put sleepy stuff in them and sell them to cops. The cops will fall asleep then and the invaders can lock them up. Remember: The leader never does any work.

Your Plan: You get your best friend to spy on the leader person. You have to find someone who can pick locks. The taker-over-person-thing is gonna lock all the police in separate jail cells. Steal the keys. Even if it takes dressing up in a pig suit. The police will be free. Cause a riot. The riot will distract the leader and while she’s distracted put lots of soap in the concrete while they make the fortress. That way when it rains their whole fortress falls apart and the police can get them. Put some indestructible material on the trees so that they can’t get the wood and build bridges to connect everything and make it go KABLOOMY all at the same time. You have to remember though. The person doing all this stuff is not the leader. You have to arrest everyone who is working for the leader before you can get them. Oh and make sure when you put indestructible stuff on the trees you put it on the bushes too so they can't make a maze. I can't tell you how to do it cuz an invader might be reading this and that’s bad. Ok... now you have a plan thingy. Go save the world while I sit here and eat junk food.

Plan 2: Their Plan: Make toast radioactive and able to stomp around radioactivating other things.

Your Plan: Ok... Now you have to make dogs radioactive. I can't tell you how. An Invader could be reading this. Now, when the dog is radioactive, make it eat all the radioactive toast because dogs love toast and toast tastes good. The toast will be stomping around making other things radioactive. YOU have to make the dog stomp around but able to make the things un-radioactive. Have another helper keep control of the dogs while you get invisibility glasses and look for the invader. The invader knows that if they’re seen they will be screwed. Now that you can look for them, go to their soapy fortress that melted when it rained and put your flag on it. It’s yours now. But now that it rained, the toast escaped. Shoot the toast. When all the toast is dead, find the safe that has the weakness in it. Zap it with a laser gun. It will open. Then steal the weakness and kill the toast that the gun and dogs haven't. Make sure you put the AII flag everywhere so people know to call you when the world is gonna be taken over again. Don’t forget to destroy the JMII flags.

Plan 3: Their Plan: Build a robot to destroy the town. When people get sympathetic and visit it, they will build a wall out of titanium and fill it with water.

Your Plan: Make a robot opposite to the one the leader will. Make it destroy the other robot. Then make it rebuild the town the other robot destroyed. Tell all the people to go home that get sympathetic and visit it. Make sure you didn't make the robot out of wood or metal. Make it out of plastic, but make it thick plastic with no holes. So when the titanium wall is built, and its filled with water, your robot can destroy it without rusting, warping, and exploding.

Plan 4: Their Plan: The invader make the teletubbies kill people

Your Plan: Kill the teletubbies before they get to them.

Plan 5: Their Plan: To make everyone deathly afraid of YAOI (male love).

Your Plan: Destroy the brainwashing machine

LAWYERS: Invader Zim, Gir, and all related characters belong to Jhonen Vasquez and their respective owners. If you don't like it, feel free to hate us and never visit us again but don't sue us because I don't have any monies. I only have 2 dollars and you wouldn't make much. K?

List of Anti-Invaders/Heroes:

1. Me

2. Ex-Invader Andy


List of Invaders (The people to watch out for):

1. Jo and Mal (They numba one to watch out for)



To sign up to be an Anti-Invader, e-mail me at If you want to be an Invader, e-mail Jo at

Mal- AIM:VoodooInsanity87
MSN: Jo needs to ask her....

Jo- AIM: SubmergedInOkibi


Brit- (Heehee I own this site)- AIM: EJECTbutton2341

Please contact us if u need help taking something over, saving the world, just want to talk, OR want to become a JMII Invader or AII Anti-Invader. BLAH!


1/10/04: Edited and put up plan 5. Hopefully this site won't die again.

6/16/03: Plan 4 is up and I switched some of the colors.

6/12/03: I put this site up...



Jo and Mal are in charge of the JMII Invasions and the website. The run the organization to take over the world and make up the plans to destroy the earth. I'm the creator of this site and I based it off of the JMII homepage. I run the organization to save the world and to stop the invasions. Jo makes the coffee to keep the invaders awake. YUMMY COFFEE!!

Basically, I'm good, they're bad.

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