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We at Nocturnal Ninja Web Design do all of the following for our clients :

  • Web Design
  • Graphic Design
  • Logo Design (we will dream up something for you :)
  • Web Hosting (files and HTML etc.)
  • Web Review
  • Research and Development
  • Search engine optimization
  • Photo Editing
  • Website Maintenance

Pricing will vary depending on the clients needs and services, so just E-Mail Us and we will give you a quote.

There are several options, one of which is where we at NN will design a few layouts for you (2-4 or however many the client requests) and the other in which you tell us how you want your website to look and what features it should have and we will forfill your requests. Of course you can show us what you want and we can recommend other designs.

If your website is a maintained website, then what you would do is :

  • E-Mail us "News"
  • Pictures
  • Links
  • Miscellaneous Updates

From this point, if you have any further questions, e-mail us, and we will respond immediatly. Thank you for your interests.

Below is an example of our prices, but do not necessarily depict our prices, we do negotiate, BUT be aware that our prices are much cheaper (up to half) the price of other big independed web design firms or company's.

Pricing Framework

Low end: ($100-$300) simple pre-design template, a couple page site, client provides content, basic web presence.

Mid range: ($300-$500) some customization, content editorial assistance, graphic design, marketing advice, etc.

High range: ($500-$4,000) full customization, content development, graphic design, ongoing site maintenance, marketing, etc.


As an example as to how much you will pay for a website, the website we at NN have made here, would run $300 - $375 up front for fabrication and testing etc. (quite a bit of work, and exhausting) and $15-$20 maintenance charge for upkeep (hosting isnt free, or cheap you know). To give you an idea on the time frame of getting a website up, we could get it done before the weeks end depending on the jobs factors. This website took roughly 18-24 hours to completely compile and test. The majority of that time will be split down to show you what we do when making your website, so we will show you what we did for ours.

  • 35% Graphic Design and Tayloring
  • 40% Designing web page (text included)
  • 25% uploading and editing (testing included)

We love making websites here at NN, its not just a job, its a passion, and our dedication will show.


© Nocturnal Ninja - Designed and Created By Jeremy Walker and Evan Senf