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Frequently Asked Questions
For more information call(706) 650-0550 or email today



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Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Policies and More!


Non-Discrimination Statement
In the operation of this program, no child will be discriminated against because of race, sex, color, age, origin, or handicap.

Are you licensed by the state?
Yes, we are a Georgia State Registered Family Daycare.

What are your hours of operation?   Right now, I'm receiving children at 7:30 a.m. and my closing time is normally 5:00 p.m.  I say "right now" and "normally" because depending on the children enrolled at Tender Lovin' my hours of operation may change.  I am flexible about establishing a mutually agreeable schedule.

What is your discipline policy?  I'm a proponent of reinforcing good behavior.  I use a variety of methods to reward the children for doing positive things.  Encouraging, praising, and recognizing good behavior motivates the children to continue to behave in appropriate ways.  It truly cuts down on undesirable behavior patterns, when you make it a point to catch them doing something positive and praise them for it. I have a treasure box full of goodies (small toys, books, etc) that I use as rewards.  I also use certificates and sing their praises to their parents in their presence, when they've achieved a goal to keep them motivated.  Good behavior is rewarded and is almost always duplicated.  Read my policy on behavior...

Is smoking allowed on the premises?  Never.

What arrangements are made when the caregiver is ill, or on holiday?  Please see DAYCARE CLOSINGS on the policies page.

What is the age range of the children registered?  The children are range from newborn up to pre-school ages.  The enrollment age group changes from time to time.  Jot down this question to ask me during our phone interview to receive up to date information. I normally enroll newborns and they don't leave Tender Lovin' until they go to school.  For this reason, the turn-over rate is very low and the children and their parents become a part of the family. 

What are your fees - weekly, monthly? Fees are due the Friday prior to starting daycare on Monday and each Friday morning after that.  At this time, I do not enroll on a part-time basis.  However, I do offer before and after school services and the fees for that are $75.00 per week.  Fees are paid on Fridays for the upcoming week.  They can be paid by check, cash, or money order.  On holidays that fall on a Friday, payment is due on the last business day before the holiday closings.  For current fee rates please call (706) 399-1194 Read more on fees...

Can you provide receipts for income tax purposes?  Absolutely.  I provide a receipt for each payment made and will provide a year end statement in January.

Is parent involvement encouraged It is not only encouraged; it is necessary.  I would not be successful were it not for the participation of the parents.  Parents are encouraged to give suggestions.  I email updates regularly to parents who have email and would like that type of communication.  At the end of the day, I'm sure to give parents a synopsis of their child's day.  If we find that there is a persistent problem that needs to be addressed, we work together to find a solution and support one another.

Do parents have access to the center?  Parents have access to the areas where the children are cared for during the hours of operation.   I do request that any changes in your schedule be communicated to me to eliminate disruption of our daily activities as little as possible. 

Are there any pets?  Yes.   We have one dog and his name is Apollo.   He is all up to date on his shots and has been raised with the children and all the activity that goes along with it.  Apollo has been obedience trained as wellThe dog is never left unsupervised with the children at any time.  Oh!  Serious prospects will receive contact information for my references.  Be sure to ask them about Apollo as well.

What training do you have?  I was a student at Marist College in Poughkeepsie, New York for almost 3 years.  My major was Psychology with a double minor (Spanish/Business).  Along with my experience as a mother of six!

Initially, I cared for elderly clients most of whom were mentally handicapped, a Personal Care Home Provider.  For the last 20 years, I've been a Registered Family Daycare Provider.  The state requires that we have at least 10 hours of continuing education per year.  I normally average 20 hours per year. 

Do you provide meals?  I provide at least two nutritional snacks per day which include at a minimum of two food groups.  The children bring their lunches from home on a daily basis.  Lunch shall consist of vegetable or fruit or both; protein (meat, poultry, fish, cheese, eggs, or protein substitute); bread; and milk unless the child has a specific health reason for prohibiting milk.  Milk will be provided by the provider.  Powdered nonfat dry milk will not be used.

I decided some years back that I wanted to dedicate more time to creating a well rounded program for the children I care for as opposed to, spending countless hours developing menus required by the state.  I spend my prep time researching, studying, and developing activities that are fun and educationally simultaneously.  The parents of the children in my care agree that it's worth the trade off. 

What are the parent responsibilities?  Parents are responsible to be in partnership with the provider to enhance their child's experience in daycare.  Some of my expectations are that parents: