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Leejo's & Evergreen Pixie-Bobs
Kittens We HAve Placed ll

Dragster taking a bath

Pixie's are full of energy
here is Dragster on a break from
streaking around the house. Got himself
dirty and thinks he needs a bath!

Kumba waiting his turn for the tub

One of the most amazing things about Pixie's is that they love water! The picture above shows Kumba helping Morgan take a dip in the tub!

Morgan makes cookies with Kumba

Every pixie is full of curiousity,
and whatever it is you are doing,
whether its, folding clothes, making the
bed, sweeping your porch or even making
cookies,as Morgan and Kumba are doing in
this photo,you can be sure your pixie will be more than happy to help

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For Information On Available Kittens
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828 743 9779

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Copyright ŠLeeJo's and Evergreen Pixie Bobs

This website was created and is maintained by Lyn Breedlove
The photographs contained on these pages are the property of
LeeJo's and Evergreen Pixie Bobs and are not available for
download or any other use
This page last updated on 9\02\02