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Our Line of descent

Garret Van Swearingen 1636> *Thomas Swearingen 1665> *Samuel Swearingen 1692> *Samuel Swearingen Jr. 1720> *Samuel Swearingen III 1750> *Nancy Swearingen 1792> *Andrew J."Andy" Conner 1832> *Nancy Elmina Conner 1851> *Nancy Florence Oakley 1889> *Lona Ramsey 1908> *David Wood 1939> David Wood Jr. 1959 David Wood 1979

Garrett VAN SWERINGIN was born on 4 Feb 1635/36 in Beemsterdam, Holland. He was naturalized on 13 Apr 1669 in Maryland. He died on 4 Feb 1697/98 in St. Marys City, St. Marys Co., Maryland. He signed a will on 25 Mar 1698 in St. Marys Co., Maryland.

  Will of Garrett Van Sweringen, St. Mary's County, MD. Dated 25 March 1698. Proved 25 October 1698. Maryland State Archives, Hall of Records, Annapolis, MD, Prerogative Court Wills 6, pp. 210-211.

In the name of God, Amen. I Garrett Vansweringen of ye citty of St. Mary's in St. Marys county, haveing consideredly Many Yeares I have Lived in this World and therefore but a Little time to remain and for Reason of the Uncertainty When this tyme shall be Expired I doe hereby Will and require that When it Should be ye Will of God to Call me out of this Mortall Life My body shall be buried if God Doth permitt According to ye custom of ye Roman Catholique Church and ye Priest That shall bury me I doe give him One Thousand Pound of Tobacco and further I doe require My Executors herafter named to take Care that dureing ye Ensueing Year Mass shall be done for me Soly at all ye Later Days St. Josephs day, St. John ye Evangelist, St. Mary Magdaline in Holy Week at all Saints days and in ye Christmas Hollydays further That all my Just debts shal be paid and doe therefore appoint and Nominate My Wife and My son Joseph Vansweringen Exrs. of my Will and this My Testament to doe and act as here shalbe mencond And My Now dwelling house and Land thereunto belonging also ye Councill Roomes and Coffee house and Land thereunto belonging I give unto my two sons Joseph and Charles Vansweringen For them and their Heires for Ever but in case of Any of them should Come to dye then ye houses and land fall to ye Surviving Brother herebefore Named and if both should Come to Dye then it shall fll to my Girles gotten by my Liveing wife the ...only equally that is to be Understood that are and were not married, or unprovided and Shall be unmarried after my decease and in Case any of them should So come to be in Possession of Any of the aforenamed Land and houses and Shall Come to dye without issue then ye forenamed Land Should returne againe to those that are Unmarried and to them that shall have issue in the Nature as before but their Issue dying shall ye said Land returne again to those yet have issue or be unmarried I doe alsoe require that my Wife doe Alsoe remaine in Possession of All my Estate Moveables and unmoveables dureing her Life that if she shall remaine unmarried, but in Case she should Come to Marry that then her Exershp shall Cease and My Son Joseph shall only remaine ye only Executor of my Will and Testament and allow According to Law to my wife one third of my Estate but remaining unmarried she shall Continue in Sole Possession of all as if I was my Selfe Alive for ye good of our children and doe hereby Absolutely Debarr all persons not being of My Blood to meddle or Concern themselves With any of my children or there Estate but What shalbe by ye Election of My Son Joseph with ye advise of Mr. John Hall of St. Innegoes the Unaged Children will be C....ed with their brother Joseph be their Guardian I will that .....weekes after My Decease My Estate shalbe Appraised and not Undervallued as ordinarily in this country is Done but to ye Reall Value Silver Plate Brass Copper Pewter Ledd in Quantity and Quality or Wife shall Remaine Unmarried I doe Empower her over all nothing Excepted to remaine inmolessed either by Children or Sonns in Law Provideing she shall not distribute more to ye one than to ye other and that noe Portcon shalbe given to any of them dureing My Said Wife her Life to put herself to Want and beggary ye rest of my Younger Children only by ye Way of assistance ye necessarily should require in part pay of their Porcon or Sheare but if my Wife should come to dye then those children that are left unmarried Shall remain under ye Guardianshipp of Their Brother Joseph to take Care of them till they Come to be Married but if said Joseph Should doe them any injustice which God forbidd then ye offense shall be refered to Mr. John Hall hereafore named Mr. Charles Carrolle Mr. Charles Egerton Mr. Thomas Georing or any two of them and their settling upon ye matter shall definitise Either for ye said Joseph to remaine their Guardian or to Make Elecon of any of those Aforenamed instead of him and their porcon Must and Shall be given them on Yeare after they are married if they remaine alive and not otherwise for if any of these Children aforenamed Comes to dye their porcon shall remaine amongst their Sisters herebefore named and not to ye two brothers haveing ye Land Except issue if they should be married and have issue before ye Expiraon of ye Year or being bigg With Childe but ye aforenamed Brothers shall alsoe have an Equall Share out of ye moveables estate ye day of My departure but not to p..tend any share of ye porcons of these girles that should Come to dye but shalbe Equally divided to ye Sisters that are Unmarried, and further if my Son Joseph Should Come to dye and if mother remaines Alive then shall ye Executorshipp remain in her and in all Power as is Layd before at large, but if my Wife also should Come to dye then ye Children shall chuse one or more Guardians Out of ye aforenamed whom are hereby desired to see my Will performed and in testimony that this is my Last Will and Tesamt Have I hereunto Signed and Sealed with my hand this the 25th day of March 1698 But as I have sd my Wife to remain Exer if my son Joseph Should Come to dye is allways understood unmarried but if Married the Children shall have Guardians as afrsd in order to shake off ye Yoke of a father-in-law Further if it doth appeare any Gift Given in my Lifetime to any of my children of Vallue therof shalbe allowed to ye other Children Aportionable.

Signed Sealed Published and declared Signed Gare Vansweringen by sd Garrett Vansweringen as his last will + testamt ye 25 day of October 1698 in the presence of us Nicholas Croutch, Willm Aisquith, Thomas Grunwin, Thos. Sinnodd
And at ye bottom of ye foregoeing Will was Written....Endorsemts following vist Then came Mr. William Asquith and Mr. Thomas Grunwyn two of ye Wittnesses to this Will and made oathe that they did see Garrett Vansweringen ye Testator Signe Seale Publish and declare the within + above written to be his last Will and Testament and the sd Garrett was at ye isuing thereof Was of Perfect and Sound Mind + Memory Kenelm Cheseldyn March 20th 1698. Then did Mr. Nicholas Crowtch another of ye Wittnesses above have deposed. Kenelm Cheseldyn. Will filed 25 March 1698 filed State of Maryland Hall of Records Anapolis, MD Libr 6,H,1688-1700 of wills p 210-211.witnessed by Nicholas Croutch, Willm Aisquith, Thomas Grunvin, and Tom Sinnodd.Febr. 4 1698. Birth and names of children Colonial Families of the US. Your Famous Forefathers by Johnson and Turner "Gerret Van Swearingen, ancestor of many West Virginians. Gerret was born in Remsterdam, Holland in 1636, a younger son of a family who belonged to the nobility. He served with the Dutch East Indies Company and settled in 1655 at New Amstel (now New Castle) Delaware, of which he was one of the founders. When the English took over the Dutch Colonies in 1664, Van Swearingen moved to St. Mary's City Maryland. He petitioned Lord Baltimore for English citizenship, which was granted. Gerret became a land owner and a leader in the affairs of the county." "Shortly after the surrender of the Dutch Colony to the English, in 1665, the family moved from New Amstel,now New Castle, to St Mary's City, St Mary's County, MD where he lived out his life. He was appointed to the Maryland Council 12 Mar 1687. He became a landowner and leader in county affairs. He and his family were naturalized by act of the General Assembly in April 1669 at St Mary's, MD." From Colonial Families of the United States of America. Baptism and parents:from Dr. O.Swearengen (Gemeente Archiefs, 40 Janstraat Haarlem) he suggests Garrett was born Haarlem or Scheveningen as Beemsterdam silted over and abandoned in 1640s and Gerrett's family moved to Amsterdam. Reenterswan was given at his naturalization. Garrett Van Swearingen, son of Dutch noble family was appointed to the post of "super cargo" for the ship "Prince Maurice" which was ready to sail for America from Texel, Holand on 25 December 1656. The ship "Prince Maurice" was stranded near the coast of Long Island on 8 March 1657. Shortly after the incident, Garrett Van Swearingen had to charter the ship "Beaver" at New Amsterdam (now New York) for the voyage to Fort Casimir and surrounding area. On 25 April 1657, Garrett Van Swearingen and the Dutch colonists took Fort Casimir and surrouding area from the Swedes. As one of the founders,Fort Casimir was renamed as New Amstel (now New Castle, Delaware). Garrett Van swearingen wrote the following letter: 'New Amstgel, December 8, 1659
'NOBEL, WORSHIPFUL, WISE, RIGH, PRUDENT SIR:-- Garrett Van Swearingen (04 Feb 1636 - 04 Feb 1698) 'With due respect and reverence, have I hereby taken the liberty to greet you, though bound in duty of gratitude, to devote to you all the days of my life. ...I cannot neglect, hereby to communicate my promotion. About a year and a half, after my departure from Patria (my native country), with your Honor's faborable recommendation, I have been appointed Sheriff here subject to the approbation of the Honorables the Principals. Previously, I have taken care of the store as clerk; and after J. Rynevelt's death, as Commissary, from which I have not requested to be discharged, as I have, though unworthy, been recently made Second Councilor, with Sir Alexander Hinojossa, First Councilor, and Captain of the military here, who intends to go over in the Spring, to represent this miserable place. 'If things become worse, I, individually, am ruined, for I have received here, some goods from my brothers, all of which I have laid out in a house, horses and mules, which cost me full, four to six thousand guilders, Holland currency. 'Besides that, I am also married.... 'Herewith I commend your Honor to the mercy and protection of the Most High God, and remain. 'Your obedient, humble servant, 'G. Van Sweringen'
On 20 August 1660, Garrett VanSwearingen and his family were granted permission to visit Holland. On 27 August 1661, the City of Amsterdam in Holland was determined to continue the colony at New Amstel in America. Garrett Van Swearingenwas agin appointed as the councilor.
Also in a letter to Peter Stuyvestant, Direactor-General of the New Neatherlands from William Beekman, Garret Van Swearingen was called 'The Honorable President, Van Swearingen.' In 1664, Colonel Nicols of England, sent by His Majesty, Chares II, and his deputy Sir Robert Carr were to take over the Dutch colony at New Amstel. Garrett Van Swearingen made a deposition in 1684 regarding the conquest of the Dutch possessions at New Amstel by English...
'In the year 1664, arrived Col. Nicholas, sent out by his Majesty, King Charles II, whereupon the Fort and country were brought under submission by Sir. Robert Carr, and duputied with two ships , for that intent. Sir Robert Carr did often protest to me, that he did not come as an enemy, but as a friend; demanding, only in friendship, what was the King's own, in that country. There was taken from the City and the inhabitants thereabout, to the value, so near as I can now remember, of four thousand pound sterling, likewise arms, powder and shot in great quaantity. Four and twenty guns were, the greatest part, transported to New York. 'The Dutch soldiers were taken prisoners, and given to the merchantmen that were there, in recompense of their services; and into Virginia, they were transported to be sold, as was credibly reported by Sir Robert Carr's officers, and other persons there living in the town. 'All sorts of tools for handicraftsman, and all plough gear, and other things to cultivate the ground, which were in great quantity; besides the estate of Governor Debouissa and myself; except some household stuff and a negro I got away; and some other movables, Sir Robert Carr did permit me to sell.
'Colonel Nicholas, understanding what Sir Robert Carr had got at Delaware, took all again from the said Sir Robert Carr, when the said Colonel came there again in person, as I was informed, when I was upon my way to Maryland.'
Swearingen family tradition says that when the Dutch colony at New Amstel surrendered to the English Crown, Garrett Van publicly broke his sword across his knees, and, throwing it to the left and right, renounced his allegiance. Shortly after the English's takeover of Dutch colony at New Amstel, Garrett Van Sweartingen and his family migrated to St. Mary's City, St. Mary's County, the province of Maryland. On 13 April 1669, a bill was passed by the General Assembly of the province of Maryland for the "Free Denization and Naturalization of Garrett Van Swearingen and others, upon the following petition. The petition as tanscribed as follows: 'To the Right, Honorable, the Lord Proprietory of the Province of Maryland and Avalon, Lord Baron of Baltimore. "The Petition of Garrett Van Swearingen, Elizabeth de Barrette, wife of the said Garrett, Elizabeth and Zacharias Van Swearingen, children of the said Garrett and Barbara ... all residents and inhabitants of this Province, humble soweth into your Lordship: 'The Petition of Garrett Van Swearingen, was born in Reenstwerdam, Holland, under the dominion of the States General of the United Provinces: Barbara De Barrette, his wife, in Valenciennes, in the Low Countries, belonging to the King of Spainh: Elizabeth Van Swearingen and Zacharias Van Swearingen their children in New Amstel, on Delaware Bay, then under the government of the said States General: ...and your Petitioners being now removed into this Province --- being invited to come and dwell in this Province upon confidence of your Lordship's Declaration of July 2, 1649, whereby you did empower your Governor to grant lands to any persons of French, Dutch, Spanish, Swedish, or other foreigh descent, in as ample manner, and upon the same term, as to any persons of British or Irish descent.
'And during this abode in this Province your Petitioners have been faithful and obediemt to your Lordship's Law; yet for that your Petitioners are not of British or Irish descent they cannot take benefit of the laws and customs of this Province, as the good people of British and Irish descent. "May it please your Lordship, out of your abundant goodness and care, that your Petitioners shall henceforth be adjudged, as natural born people of this Province of Maryland, or as if they were of British or Irish descent as aforesaid, and that they shall be enabled to prosecute and defend all manner of actions and other demands, as liberally and frankly as if they have been naturally born within this Province of Maryland or were of British or Irish descent, any Laws or customs of this Province to the contrary notwithstanding. 'And your Petitioners shall as in duty bound pray + c.' During the period of 1680 and 1692, the Upper House of the General Assembly of the Province of Maryland held their meeting at Garrett Van Swearingen's house in St. Mary's City, St. Mary County, Maryland. On 12 May 1684, Garrett Van Swearingen "Of the City of St. Mary's, Gentleman, aged eight and forty years, or thereabouts,' made the deposition regarding the settlement of Delaware Bay and River by the Dutch and Swedes people.
On 4 May 1686, Garrett Van Swearingen was made Sheriff of St. Mary's County, Maryland, Again on 12 May 1687, he was made sheriff for said county for another year. In 1688 Garrett Van Swearingen was appointed as Alderman for the city of St. Mary's, St. Mary's County, Maryland. Garrett Van Swearingen left a will which was written on 25 October 1698 and probated on 4 February 1698. He mentioned: 1) 'To two sons, viz - Joseph and Charles, equally, and heirs, dwelling house; also the Council Room and Coffee House and lands thereunto belonging: 2) "In event of death of both sons aforesaid without issue, said estate to pass to daughters (unnamed) by present wife' 3) Wife (unnamed) to have estate during widowhood, and she is not to be disturbed by children (unnamed) or sons-in-law (unnamed); 4) 'To daughters aforesaid personalty; son Joseph appointed guardian of said daughters (unnamed)' 5) 'To priest of Roman Catholic Church, personalty' Parents: David Janse SWIERINGH and Hester JACOBS. He was married to Barbara DE BARRETTE on 1 Mar 1658/59 in New Amstel, New Castle Co., Delaware. Children were: Elizabeth VAN SWEARINGEN, Zacharias VAN SWEARINGEN, Thomas VAN SWEARINGEN , Mary VAN SWEARINGEN.

Barbara DE BARRETTE was naturalized on 13 Apr 1669 in Maryland. She was born about 1640 in Valenciennes, France. She died in 1670 in St. Marys City, St. Marys Co., Maryland. Barbara was a Huguenot, having been born in a city which was at first, in the seventeenth century, in the United Netherlands, later in Spanish Netherlands, and finally in France. In 1669 when she was naturalized, she declared herself a native of "Valenchene in the Low Countryes Belonging to the King of Spayne."(MD Archives Vol 2 p 205) Parents: Isaac DE BARRETTE and Hester (UNKNOWN). She was married to Garrett VAN SWERINGIN on 1 Mar 1658/59 in New Amstel, New Castle Co., Delaware. Children were: Elizabeth VAN SWEARINGEN, Zacharias VAN SWEARINGEN , Thomas VAN SWEARINGEN, Mary VAN SWEARINGEN.

He was married to Mary SMITH on 5 Oct 1676. Children were: Joseph VAN SWERINGIN, Anne VAN SWERINGIN, Charles VAN SWERINGIN, Eleanor VAN SWERINGIN , Theresa VAN SWERINGIN, Dorothy VAN SWERINGIN.

Family Roots