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Panther Geckos!

Panther Geckos are small, energetic geckos that eat a whole lot of crickets and are very cute with their big heads and little bodies.

Housing Requirements

You can house safely, up to 5 Panther Geckos in a 10 gallon tank. If you do have 5, it is wise to have 1 male and 4 females, because more than one male will fight, like all gecko species.You should clean their tank at least once a month, but is reccomended that you clean it more often.

Feeding Requirements

Panther Geckos can eat many crickets in a setting. They have appetites more like Leopard Geckos. One Panther Gecko can eat 7 or 8 crickets easily. You should also feed your Panther Gecko calcium,mealworms, and babyfood occasionally.

Breeding Panther Geckos

Breeding Panther Geckos is not very hard at all. Pretty much, it's fool proof. To breed them, you need a male, and a few females, and like clockwork, they breed. Put a moist box with vermiculite in the tank and they should lay eggs in it. When taking the eggs out of the cage, do not rotate them or squeeze them, because they will deform if rotated, for some reason, Panther Gecko eggs do this for some reason, why, I do not know. Squeezing the eggs will cause them to burst, they are very gentle.You should keep the temperature between 78 and 85 degrees Farenheit.


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