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Golden Geckos

I myself got to love geckos when I got a pair of Golden geckos. They are cute and funny. I got a very beautiful cage setup for them, and they love it! All the things I have in my cage are a: Waterfall:Tree:A Sphynx:Vines:And a background that is green marble colored.

Eventually, I will get a pic of my Gecko tank and put it on my site to show you my setup.

Golden Gecko care information

If you own a pair of golden geckos, you will have to get at least a minimum of a 20 gallon tank(10 gallons each for personal space.)Any type of substrate that will keep the tank humid.(My personal choice is a terrarium carpet because it is re-usable.)A type of tree or log for them to climb on. A spray bottle to keep up the humidity a night-time bulb(these guys are nocturnal.)And, of course, FOOD!

Feeding instructions

Golden geckos are eating machines. For the most part, they eat crickets, but you can't feed them only crickets, They need babyfood and for a treat give them mealworms!

Give them 5-6 crickets each every other day, and babyfood twice a week give them mealworms periodically for a treat.(most geckos love them)

Cage cleaning

Cleaning and maintaining your gecko tank is a very difficult task that needs to be done at least once a month, they are a very high maintenance animals, and I strongly reccomend you not get one unless you plan to take care of it. All the things for cleaning are:

  • a bottle of bio-spot cage cleaner
  • a spray bottle to dilute the bio-spot
  • a sponge or cloth to wipe the tank with
  • a container to put the gecko(s) in while you clean their tank
  • Breeding Instructions

    I really don't know about breeding Golden geckos, but if you do know anything, E-mail me at A_Young @ Thank you


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