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Leopard Geckos!

Leopard Geckos

are native to the Middle Eastern area around Northeastern Africa. They are nocturnal reptiles, meaning they are most active at night. Leopard Geckos can grow to be about 10.5 inches long from nose to the end of their tail. I, myself own 3 Leopard Gecko females (1 juvenile leucistic, and 2 normal adults.)and hope to own at least 2 more Leopard Geckos soon, being a juvenile male leucistic, and a normal or high-yellow male. After those 2 additions, my 2 colonies will be fairly complete.

Leopard Geckos are beautiful and sometimes expensive reptiles. They are fun to keep and have a happy look on their faces.

Housing requirements

A pair of adult leopard geckos can live in a 20 gallon tank with a hide box, water dish, substrate, and a light source and they will be good to go!

Feeding requirements

Adult Leopard Geckos will eat 5-8 large crickets every other day. It is wise to hand feed your gecko,or supervise them eating one at a time because crickets left loose in the cage will bite the geckos, that can lead to an infection. Juvenile Leopard Geckos will eat 5-8 small crickets every day.

Caring for your leopard gecko

Caring for your leopard gecko is easy if you give them proper housing and regular meals. You do need to handle your leopard gecko on a regular basis, but do not handle them too much. Leopard Geckos are very fragile creatures and can be hurt easily, so don't pull on their tail or mistreat them. (Anyone who would hurt a Leopard Gecko has some real problems, who could hurt that face they have. It always looks as if they are smiling.)If you take care of your gecko, you will have a good pet that isn't afraid of you. To Golden Geckos!